昨天利用Android虚拟机的GestureBuilder创建了一个手势文件gestures。然后打开DDMS后发现File Explorer中竟然没有任何东西!
M:\Android\TheFirstLineCode\GestureDetectorTest>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
generic_x86_64:/ $ adb pull mnt/sdcard/gestures B:\
adb pull mnt/sdcard/gestures B:\
/system/bin/sh: adb: not found
报出这个/system/bin/sh: adb: not found
generic_x86_64:/ $ chmod 777/data
chmod 777/data
usage: chmod [-R] MODE FILE...
Change mode of listed file[s] (recursively with -R).
MODE can be (comma-separated) stanzas: [ugoa][+-=][rwxstXugo]
Stanzas are applied in order: For each category (u = user,
g = group, o = other, a = all three, if none specified default is a),
set (+), clear (-), or copy (=), r = read, w = write, x = execute.
s = u+s = suid, g+s = sgid, o+s = sticky. (+t is an alias for o+s).
suid/sgid: execute as the user/group who owns the file.
sticky: can't delete files you don't own out of this directory
X = x for directories or if any category already has x set.
Or MODE can be an octal value up to 7777 ug uuugggooo top +
bit 1 = o+x, bit 1<<8 = u+w, 1<<11 = g+1 sstrwxrwxrwx bottom
chmod u+w file - allow owner of "file" to write to it.
chmod 744 file - user can read/write/execute, everyone else read only
chmod: Need 2 arguments
结果又出来一大堆提示(好像更新了,使用chomd u+w file 才是获取读和写的);
有人说用adb shell进入Linux模式后就不需要在加adb了,那就再试一下:
127|generic_x86_64:/ $ pull /mnt/sdcard/gestures D://
pull /mnt/sdcard/gestures D://
/system/bin/sh: pull: not found
结果又出来/system/bin/sh: pull: not found
继续往下翻发现有人说是不能在adb shell下使用adb pull:
继续尝试(需要注意,在使用adb pull 的时候记得退出adb shell下):
M:\Android\TheFirstLineCode\GestureDetectorTest>adb pull /mnt/sdcard/gestures M://
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
8 KB/s (488 bytes in 0.056s)