使用flink Table &Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(3)Flink Sql 使用

从flink的官方文档,我们知道flink的编程模型分为四层,sql层是最高层的api,Table api是中间层,DataStream/DataSet Api 是核心,stateful Streaming process层是底层实现。



使用flink Table &Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(3)Flink Sql 使用_第1张图片



flink dataset api使用及原理 介绍了DataSet Api 

flink DataStream API使用及原理介绍了DataStream Api 

flink中的时间戳如何使用?---Watermark使用及原理 介绍了底层实现的基础Watermark

flink window实例分析 介绍了window的概念及使用原理

Flink中的状态与容错 介绍了State的概念及checkpoint,savepoint的容错机制

 上上篇<使用flink Table &Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(1)Table的基本概念>介绍了Table的基本概念及使用方法

上篇<使用flink Table &Sql api来构建批量和流式应用(2)Table API概述>

本篇主要看看Flink Sql 有哪些功能及背后的原理

1. sql功能


(1) select 

     * Evaluates a SQL query on registered tables and retrieves the result as a {@link Table}.

All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment. * A {@link Table} is automatically registered when its {@link Table#toString()} method is * called, for example when it is embedded into a String. * Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a {@link Table} as follows: * *

     * {@code
     *   Table table = ...;
     *   String tableName = table.toString();
     *   // the table is not registered to the table environment
     *   tEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM tableName");
     * }
* *
@param query The SQL query to evaluate. * @return The result of the query as Table */ Table sqlQuery(String query);

(2) update(当前仅支持insert)

     * Evaluates a SQL statement such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or a DDL statement;
     * NOTE: Currently only SQL INSERT statements are supported.

All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment. * A {@link Table} is automatically registered when its {@link Table#toString()} method is * called, for example when it is embedded into a String. * Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a {@link Table} as follows: * *

     * {@code
     *   // register the configured table sink into which the result is inserted.
     *   tEnv.registerTableSink("sinkTable", configuredSink);
     *   Table sourceTable = ...
     *   String tableName = sourceTable.toString();
     *   // sourceTable is not registered to the table environment
     *   tEnv.sqlUpdate(s"INSERT INTO sinkTable SELECT * FROM tableName");
     * }
* *
@param stmt The SQL statement to evaluate. */ void sqlUpdate(String stmt); /** * Evaluates a SQL statement such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or a DDL statement; * NOTE: Currently only SQL INSERT statements are supported. * *

All tables referenced by the query must be registered in the TableEnvironment. * A {@link Table} is automatically registered when its {@link Table#toString()} method is * called, for example when it is embedded into a String. * Hence, SQL queries can directly reference a {@link Table} as follows: * *

     * {@code
     *   // register the configured table sink into which the result is inserted.
     *   tEnv.registerTableSink("sinkTable", configuredSink);
     *   Table sourceTable = ...
     *   String tableName = sourceTable.toString();
     *   // sourceTable is not registered to the table environment
     *   tEnv.sqlUpdate(s"INSERT INTO sinkTable SELECT * FROM tableName", config);
     * }
* *
@param stmt The SQL statement to evaluate. * @param config The {@link QueryConfig} to use. */ void sqlUpdate(String stmt, QueryConfig config);

2. sql解析原理

Apache Calcite面向Hadoop新的sql引擎,它提供了标准的SQL语言、多种查询优化和连接各种数据源的能力。除此之外,Calcite还提供了OLAP和流处理的查询引擎。它2013年成为了Apache孵化项目以来,在Hadoop中越来越引人注目,并被众多项目集成。比如Flink/Storm/Drill/Phoenix都依赖它做sql解析和优化。

先从demo跑起来,看看sql 解析都经历了什么工程?

(1) select 

package org.apache.flink.table.examples.java;

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.Table;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.java.StreamTableEnvironment;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Simple example for demonstrating the use of SQL on a Stream Table in Java.

This example shows how to: * - Convert DataStreams to Tables * - Register a Table under a name * - Run a StreamSQL query on the registered Table * */ public class StreamSQLExample { // ************************************************************************* // PROGRAM // ************************************************************************* public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // set up execution environment StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env); DataStream orderA = env.fromCollection(Arrays.asList( new Order(1L, "beer", 3), new Order(1L, "diaper", 4), new Order(3L, "rubber", 2))); DataStream orderB = env.fromCollection(Arrays.asList( new Order(2L, "pen", 3), new Order(2L, "rubber", 3), new Order(4L, "beer", 1))); // convert DataStream to Table Table tableA = tEnv.fromDataStream(orderA, "user, product, amount"); // register DataStream as Table tEnv.registerDataStream("OrderB", orderB, "user, product, amount"); // union the two tables Table result = tEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tableA + " WHERE amount > 2 UNION ALL " + "SELECT * FROM OrderB WHERE amount < 2"); tEnv.toAppendStream(result, Order.class).print(); env.execute(); } // ************************************************************************* // USER DATA TYPES // ************************************************************************* /** * Simple POJO. */ public static class Order { public Long user; public String product; public int amount; public Order() { } public Order(Long user, String product, int amount) { this.user = user; this.product = product; this.amount = amount; } @Override public String toString() { return "Order{" + "user=" + user + ", product='" + product + '\'' + ", amount=" + amount + '}'; } } }


 override def sqlQuery(query: String): Table = {
    val planner = getFlinkPlanner
    // parse the sql query
    val parsed = planner.parse(query)
    if (null != parsed && parsed.getKind.belongsTo(SqlKind.QUERY)) {
      // validate the sql query
      val validated = planner.validate(parsed)
      // transform to a relational tree
      val relational = planner.rel(validated)
      new TableImpl(this, new PlannerQueryOperation(relational.rel))
    } else {
      throw new TableException(
        "Unsupported SQL query! sqlQuery() only accepts SQL queries of type " +

>>parse the sql query


  public SqlSelect(SqlParserPos pos,
      SqlNodeList keywordList,
      SqlNodeList selectList,
      SqlNode from,
      SqlNode where,
      SqlNodeList groupBy,
      SqlNode having,
      SqlNodeList windowDecls,
      SqlNodeList orderBy,
      SqlNode offset,
      SqlNode fetch) {
    this.keywordList = Objects.requireNonNull(keywordList != null
        ? keywordList : new SqlNodeList(pos));
    this.selectList = selectList;
    this.from = from;
    this.where = where;
    this.groupBy = groupBy;
    this.having = having;
    this.windowDecls = Objects.requireNonNull(windowDecls != null
        ? windowDecls : new SqlNodeList(pos));
    this.orderBy = orderBy;
    this.offset = offset;
    this.fetch = fetch;

>>validate the sql query


    public SqlNode validate(SqlNode topNode) {
        SqlValidatorScope scope = new EmptyScope(this);
        scope = new CatalogScope(scope, ImmutableList.of("CATALOG"));
        final SqlNode topNode2 = validateScopedExpression(topNode, scope);
        final RelDataType type = getValidatedNodeType(topNode2);
        return topNode2;

>>transform to a relational tree


   * Converts an unvalidated query's parse tree into a relational expression.
   * @param query           Query to convert
   * @param needsValidation Whether to validate the query before converting;
   *                        false if the query has already been
   *                        validated.
   * @param top             Whether the query is top-level, say if its result
   *                        will become a JDBC result set; false if
   *                        the query will be part of a view.
  public RelRoot convertQuery(
      SqlNode query,
      final boolean needsValidation,
      final boolean top) {
    if (needsValidation) {
      query = validator.validate(query);

    RelNode result = convertQueryRecursive(query, top, null).rel;
    if (top) {
      if (isStream(query)) {
        result = new LogicalDelta(cluster, result.getTraitSet(), result);
    RelCollation collation = RelCollations.EMPTY;
    if (!query.isA(SqlKind.DML)) {
      if (isOrdered(query)) {
        collation = requiredCollation(result);
    checkConvertedType(query, result);

    if (SQL2REL_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
          RelOptUtil.dumpPlan("Plan after converting SqlNode to RelNode",
              result, SqlExplainFormat.TEXT,

    final RelDataType validatedRowType = validator.getValidatedNodeType(query);
    return RelRoot.of(result, validatedRowType, query.getKind())




  override def sqlUpdate(stmt: String): Unit = {
    sqlUpdate(stmt, this.queryConfig)

  override def sqlUpdate(stmt: String, config: QueryConfig): Unit = {
    val planner = getFlinkPlanner
    // parse the sql query
    val parsed = planner.parse(stmt)
    parsed match {
      case insert: SqlInsert =>
        // validate the SQL query
        val query = insert.getSource
        val validatedQuery = planner.validate(query)

        // get query result as Table
        val queryResult = new TableImpl(this,
          new PlannerQueryOperation(planner.rel(validatedQuery).rel))

        // get name of sink table
        val targetTablePath = insert.getTargetTable.asInstanceOf[SqlIdentifier].names

        // insert query result into sink table
        insertInto(queryResult, config, targetTablePath.asScala:_*)
      case _ =>
        throw new TableException(
          "Unsupported SQL query! sqlUpdate() only accepts SQL statements of type INSERT.")


3. 总结

Flink Table API&SQL 为流式数据和静态数据的关系查询保留统一的接口,而且利用了Calcite的查询优化框架和SQL parser。该设计是基于Flink已构建好的API构建的,DataStream API 提供低延时高吞吐的流处理能力而且就有exactly-once语义而且可以基于event-time进行处理。而且DataSet拥有稳定高效的内存算子和流水线式的数据交换。Flink的core API和引擎的所有改进都会自动应用到Table API和SQL上。




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