


FF算法: 利用dfs实现,时间复杂度O(V*E^2)







排名SAP > Dinic > EK ≈ FF,所以学了EK就不学FF了,但是SAP和Dinic都要学!

Method Complexity Description
Linear programming   Constraints given by the definition of a legal flow. See the linear program here.
Ford–Fulkerson algorithm O(Emax|f|) As long as there is an open path through the residual graph, send the minimum of the residual capacities on the path.

The algorithm is only guaranteed to terminate if all weights are rational. Otherwise it is possible that the algorithm will not converge to the maximum value. However, if the algorithm terminates, it is guaranteed to find the maximum value.

Edmonds–Karp algorithm O(VE2) A specialization of Ford–Fulkerson, finding augmenting paths with breadth-first search.
Dinic's blocking flow algorithm O(V2E) In each phase the algorithms builds a layered graph with breadth-first search on the residual graph. The maximum flow in a layered graph can be calculated in O(VE) time, and the maximum number of the phases is n-1. In networks with unit capacities, Dinic's algorithm terminates in  time.
MPM (Malhotra, Pramodh-Kumar and Maheshwari) algorithm O(V3) Only works on acyclic networks. Refer to the Original Paper.
Dinic's algorithm O(VElog(V)) The dynamic trees data structure speeds up the maximum flow computation in the layered graph to O(V E log(V)).
General push-relabel maximum flow algorithm O(V2E) The push relabel algorithm maintains a preflow, i.e. a flow function with the possibility of excess in the vertices. The algorithm runs while there is a vertex with positive excess, i.e. an active vertex in the graph. The push operation increases the flow on a residual edge, and a height function on the vertices controls which residual edges can be pushed. The height function is changed with a relabel operation. The proper definitions of these operations guarantee that the resulting flow function is a maximum flow.
Push-relabel algorithm with FIFO vertex selection rule O(V3)) Push-relabel algorithm variant which always selects the most recently active vertex, and performs push operations until the excess is positive or there are admissible residual edges from this vertex.
Push-relabel algorithm with dynamic trees The algorithm builds limited size trees on the residual graph regarding to height function. These trees provide multilevel push operations.
KRT (King, Rao, Tarjan)'s algorithm  
Binary blocking flow algorithm The value U corresponds to the maximum capacity of the network.
James B Orlin's + KRT (King, Rao, Tarjan)'s algorithm Orlin's algorithm solves max-flow in O(VE) time for  while KRT solves it in O(VE) for .
