越狱手机运行程序退出: Killed: 9

越狱手机运行程序退出: Killed: 9




  1. 创建自己的代码签名证书
  2. 修改XCODE环境
  3. 修改工程属性添加Build Phase




另外一种情况:编译的二进制程序在iPhone4上正常运行,在iPhone3GS上出现Killed: 9。

后来尝试使用免证书模式,同样问题,使用ldid -S pro也会出现_asset问题。

最后,新建一个Empty App工程(白屏工程),删除所有.m和.h,将先前工程中的.m和.h复制添加进来,设置标准签名证书,解决!

注意其中出现了一个问题:提示provisioning中不包含这个bundle identifier(其实应该是包含的),编译不过;后来发现,应该在Project->Build Settings->Code Signing中设置正确的开发者证书,然后还要在TARGETS->Build Settings->Code Signing中设置为iPhone Developer(并让Xcode自动显示灰色的(currently matches ….)),就可以了。







在mac上先进行ldid -S 删除证书操作,再传到ios上就可以了


1) Using ldid -S is the correct usage. Not lowercase, as Lois says.

2) Usually, when I get this error, it's because I built my app with the wrong architectures. Most versions ofldid that I've used cannot sign fat binaries. Fat binaries are ones with more than one architecture inside. For example, a dual armv6 and armv7 executable. Or with Xcode 4.5, it's probably defaulting to arvm7and armv7s.

In the project build settings, use the ArchitecturesValid Architectures and Build Active Architecture Onlysettings to determine which architecture executable is built. For jailbreak development, I usually set Build Active Architecture Only to YES. And valid archictures set to armv6 and armv7.

3) Also, some older versions of ldid cannot sign armv7 executables. If you get the pre-built copy from KennyTM's site here, it supports armv7. Note that this ldid is built for Mac OS X, so it's designed to be run on the executable on your Mac, after building without signing in Xcode, but before you upload to your iPhone.

Newer phones can generally run executables built for older architectures, but not the other way around. So, build for the oldest architecture you want to support. You just will lose some optimizations in the newer architectures (which most people don't care too much about ... let me know if your app needs these optimizations, and I'll post more).

So, if you want to support old devices (iPhone < 3GS), I would set Architectures to onlyarmv6, making sure to remove the default setting of $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT). If you only need support for relatively new ones, then pick armv7, but make sure you use a version of ldid that can sign armv7 binaries.

Edit: to determine if the executable you were trying to sign was a fat one, run this at the command line:

> cd HelloJB.app

> ls

HelloJB     Info.plist  PkgInfo     date.zip    en.lproj

> lipo -info HelloJB 

Non-fat file: HelloJB is architecture: armv7

As you can see in the above output, my HelloJB executable is not fat, and only has armv7 code.
