LTE 中的Data Centric 和 Voice Centric含义


voice_domain_pref_incl = 1(0x1)


     length = 1 (0x1)

     UE_usage_setting = 1(0x1) (Data centric)

     voice_domain_pref_for_EUTRAN =2 (0x2) (CS Voice preferred, IMS PS Voice assecondary)


那么究竟什么是 DATAcentric,什么是voice centric那?


3GPP 23.221中如下定义

To allow for appropriate domainselection for originating voice calls, a CSFB and/or IMS/CS-voicecapable UE is set to behave as "Voice centric" or "Data centric" inE-UTRAN:

-       A UE set to "Voice centric" shall always try to ensure that Voiceservice is possible. A CSFB and an IMS/CS-voice capable UE set to"Voice centric" unable to obtain voice service in E-UTRAN (e.g.CSFB and IMS voice are not supported or the configured preferenceson how to handle voice services prevent usage of any availablevoice services), shall disable the E-UTRAN capability, whichresults in re-selecting GERAN or UTRAN. The E-UTRAN capability isre-enabled by the UE under the conditions described in TS 24.301[34]. A voice centric CSFB capable UE that receives "CSFB NotPreferred" or "SMS-only" indication as a result of combinedEPS/IMSI attach or combined TA/LA Update procedures and unable toobtain voice services over IMS shall disable the E-UTRANcapability, which results in re-selecting GERAN orUTRAN.

-       A UE set to "Data centric" does not disable the E-UTRAN capabilityif voice services cannot be obtained. Upon receiving combinedEPS/IMSI attach accept or combined TA/LA Update accept with"SMS-only" indication, a data centric UE stays in the current RATand is not allowed to use CSFB. Upon receiving combined EPS/IMSIattach accept or combined TA/LA Update accept with "CSFB NotPreferred" indication, a data centric UE stays in the current RATand is allowed to use CSFB.






3gpp 24.008 关于voice domainpre以及use’susage setting的定义如下 Voice domain preference andUE's usage setting

This IE shall beincluded:

- if the MS supports CS fallback and SMSover SGs, or the MS is configured to support IMS voice, or both;and

- if the MS is E-UTRANcapable.

LTE 中的Data Centric 和 Voice Centric含义_第1张图片

Voicedomain preference and UE's usage setting value (octet 3, bit 1 to3)


UE's usage setting (1 bitfield)



0 Voice centric

1 Data centric


Voice domain preference for E-UTRAN(2 bit field)


2 1

0 0 CS Voice only

0 1 IMS PS Voice only

1 0 CSvoice preferred, IMS PS Voice as secondary

1 1 IMS PS voice preferred, CS Voice assecondary

MS not supporting IMS voice shallindicate "CS Voice only".

MS only supporting IMS voice shallindicate "IMS PS Voice only".


如果LTE网络既支持CSFB,又支持IMS多种语音解决方案,那么通话时,究竟使用哪个那?这个就要看voicedomain preference参数了

1 0 CS voice preferred, IMS PS Voice assecondary

1 1 IMS PS voice preferred, CS Voice assecondary


如何确定是支持CSFB以及是否支持IMS那,可以通过ATTACHACCEPT消息,或者TAU ACCEPT消息查看


     length = 1 (0x1)

     CS_LCS = 0 (0x0) (No info about support of loc service via cs isavailable)

     EPC_LCS = 0 (0x0) (Location Services via EPC notsupported)

     EMC_BS = 0 (0x0) (Emergency bearer services in S1 Mode notsupported)

     IMSVoPS = 0 (0x0)(IMS Vo PS Session in S1 Mode notsupported)

   add_update_result_incl =0 (0x0)

   t3412_ext_incl = 0 (0x0)


LTE 中的Data Centric 和 Voice Centric含义_第2张图片
