
Daily routine


because of the fucking headache, I did nothing today!... oh well, the headache occupied me during the whole morning, then I ate something, watch youtube till 17:00, then continue watched... at around 20:00, I got the msg to send spark form to the counsellor, then made it printed and sent it. back, continue watch, till 23:00. the power was shut down, and I started my work.

first, I read the network manual, trying to solve the homework today, then around 1:00, counsellor asked me for another form. with all environment break down, I had to reinstall all of them and started write. after finished it, I mailled them to the counsellor and the teacher, to ask him for sign. then back to my network homework, it's already 2:20. I read some thing and start the code. now i guess i'd better to go to bed, to escape the horrible headache!


1. finish network homework
2. start signal process homework anyway
3. start the cpu interrupt mode
