【Weekly Summary】20180225


  1. chef

n. 厨师,主厨;cook是没成为主厨的叫法。

  1. cocktail

n. 鸡尾酒;开胃食品

  1. motel

n. 快捷酒店,汽车旅馆

  1. hostel

n. 青年旅舍

  1. airbnb(bed and breakfast)

n. 民宿

  1. deluxe

adj. 高级的;豪华的,奢华的 adv. 豪华地

  1. suite

n. 套房

  1. cater

vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务

  1. self-catered

n. 不包括餐食,餐食自理

  1. deposit

n. 定金

  1. authorized

adj. 预授权

  1. accommodation

n. 住处,膳宿;调节;和解;预订铺位

  1. itinerary

n. 旅程,路线; 旅行日程 adj. 旅程的; 巡回的,流动的

  1. casual

adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的 n. 便装;临时工人;待命士兵

  1. auxiliary

n. 助动词;辅助者,辅助物;附属机构 adj. 辅助的;副的;附加的

  1. emphatic

adj. 着重的;加强语气的;显著的


  1. be better able to:更加能够
  2. have a casual chat about jobs:闲谈工作
  3. foreign trade company:外贸公司
  4. at/on the weekend:在周末
  5. at/on weekends:每逢周末
  6. a room with sea/lake view:海/湖景房
  7. a room with view:看的见风景的房间
  8. a twin/standard room:标间
  9. deluxe suite:豪华套房
  10. business card:名片,商务名片
  11. shop assistant:店员


  1. What do you do ? = What's you job ?
  2. Where do you work ?
  3. What's the name of your company ? / your colleagues ?
  4. What time do you get to work ? / get up ?
  5. Do you enjoy/like your job/boss ?
  6. How long have you been doing that ? For 2 years.
  7. Do you work around here ? = Do you work nearby ?
  8. Are you bored/good at you job ?
  9. Are you busy ?
  10. Why did you choose that job ?
  11. What do you like about your job ?
  12. What time can i check out ?
  13. Can you book a taxi for us , please ?
  14. May i have your passport , please ?
  15. Can you sign here , please ?
  16. What time is breakfast ?
  17. Is there free WIFI in the hotel / here ? What is the WIFI passport ?
  18. Can i leave my bags here and come back later ?


  1. at + time/night/noon
    at 8 p.m.
    at night
    at noon

  2. in + year/seasons/month
    in 2018
    in Spring
    in March

  3. on + day/date
    on Saturday
    on March 11th

  4. 句子读音:
    Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?
    What time can i check out?

  5. 礼貌用词:
    2)使用I'd likeI want 更礼貌。
    3)使用May i have your passport?give me your passport更礼貌。

  6. Auxiliary verbs
    There are three auxiliary verbs in English: be, do and have. Auxiliary verbs come before main verbs.
    1)Auxiliary be
    Auxiliary be is used to indicate the continuous and the passive voice:
    I am waiting for Sally to come home. (continuous:进行时)
    Her car was stolen from outside her house. (passive:被动语态)
    2)Auxiliary do
    Auxiliary do is used in interrogative, negative and emphatic structures:
    Does she live locally? (interrogative:疑问句)
    They didn’t know which house it was. (negative:否定语态)
    I do like your new laptop! (emphatic, with spoken stress on do:强调)
    3)Auxiliary have
    Auxiliary have is used to indicate the perfect:
    I have lost my memory stick. Have you seen it anywhere? (present perfect:现在完成时)
    She had seen my car outside the shop. (past perfect:过去完成时)

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