


UnsecuredDependencies -> run


1. cadvisor.New初始化

	if kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface == nil {
		imageFsInfoProvider := cadvisor.NewImageFsInfoProvider(s.ContainerRuntime, s.RemoteRuntimeEndpoint)
		kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface, err = cadvisor.New(imageFsInfoProvider, s.RootDirectory, cadvisor.UsingLegacyCadvisorStats(s.ContainerRuntime, s.RemoteRuntimeEndpoint))
		if err != nil {
			return err

   1.1 New函数

    创建root path,以及创建客户端

// New creates a cAdvisor and exports its API on the specified port if port > 0.
func New(imageFsInfoProvider ImageFsInfoProvider, rootPath string, usingLegacyStats bool) (Interface, error) {
	sysFs := sysfs.NewRealSysFs()

	includedMetrics := cadvisormetrics.MetricSet{
		cadvisormetrics.CpuUsageMetrics:         struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.MemoryUsageMetrics:      struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.CpuLoadMetrics:          struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.DiskIOMetrics:           struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.NetworkUsageMetrics:     struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.AcceleratorUsageMetrics: struct{}{},
		cadvisormetrics.AppMetrics:              struct{}{},
	if usingLegacyStats {
		includedMetrics[cadvisormetrics.DiskUsageMetrics] = struct{}{}

	// collect metrics for all cgroups
	rawContainerCgroupPathPrefixWhiteList := []string{"/"}
	// Create and start the cAdvisor container manager.
	m, err := manager.New(memory.New(statsCacheDuration, nil), sysFs, maxHousekeepingInterval, allowDynamicHousekeeping, includedMetrics, http.DefaultClient, rawContainerCgroupPathPrefixWhiteList)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, err := os.Stat(rootPath); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Clean(rootPath), 0750); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating root directory %q: %v", rootPath, err)
		} else {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to Stat %q: %v", rootPath, err)

	cadvisorClient := &cadvisorClient{
		imageFsInfoProvider: imageFsInfoProvider,
		rootPath:            rootPath,
		Manager:             m,

	return cadvisorClient, nil

