
Training Goals

This training example is designed to provide a quick introduction to the overall problem set-up process. Explanations are minimal. The Barracuda Graphical User Interface(GUI) will be explained in more detail later in this training class. The purpose of the assignments during the first day is to give the user an overall feel for the process and tools involved.

Training Objectives

  • Launch Barracuda
  • Open project file with pre-setup grid
    • (Advanced gridding to be discussed during second day of training)
  • Set up your calculation with the information provided
  • Successfully run Kuipers Bed simulation
  • Ask your instructor about any questions you may have

The Kuipers Bed

  • Geometry
    • 57 cm wide
    • 1.5cm deep
    • 100 cm total height
    • 50 cm initial bed height
    • 1.5cmX1.5cm jet centered at bottom
  • Particles
    • Use two identical particle species to view mixing behavior
    • Material density 2.66 g/cm3 (glass beads)
    • Diameter: 440um-560um. This is 500 um±12%
  • Initial conditions
    • Fluid phase: air at rest at atmospheric pressure
    • Solid phase: particles in bottom 5 of bed at close-pack (ecp=0.55)
  • Boundary conditions
    • Fluid
      • Grid velocity:0.25m/s
      • Center jet velocity:10 m/s
      • Top open to atmosphere
    • Particles
      • Cannot enter or leave

Setting up the Kuipers Bed Simulation

The Kuipers Bed simulation will be set up in 9 steps:

  1. Setup Grid

    Create the computational grid from a CAD file of the physical geometry

  2. Global Settings

    Set gravity and select isothermal calculation

  3. Base Materials

    Add materials to simulation and edit physical properties

  4. Particles

    Specify materials and particle size distributions for the particles in the model

  5. Initial Conditions

    Specify initial fluid and particle conditions. Specify initial particle locations

  6. Boundary Conditions

    Specify fluid velocities and pressures at model boundaries

  7. Time Controls

    Specify simulation time, time step and restart interval

  8. Data Output

    Select data to be written during simulation for later analysis

  9. Run

    Check the model setup and run the simulation

Setup grid

  • Barracuda simulates fluid-particle behavior by dividing the physical domain into a 3D computational grid
  • Initial and Boundary Conditions are located by x,y,z value
  • [ uses the minimum value, ] uses the maximum value

Global settings

  • Gravity settings
  • Thermal settings
  • Chemical settings

Base materials

  • All project materials, fluids and solids, must be defined here
  • Other material property data such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and heat of formation would have to be specified if this were a thermal or reacting problem. Viscosity is required if the new material is a fluid


  • Close pack volume fraction
  • Solid stress model parameters
  • Particle-to-wall interaction properties
    • Normal-to-wall momentum retention
    • Tangent-to-wall momentum retention
    • Diffuse bounce
  • Particle species
    • Materials
    • Mass/Mole fraction amount
    • Radius
    • Drag model

Initial Conditions

Fluid ICs

Fluid initial conditions are global flow field conditions in the simulation domain.

  • Materials and Mass/Mole fraction amount
  • Once the fluid is defined, specify the velocity, pressure, and location of the fluid

Particle ICs

Particle initial conditions are used for initialize the positions and velocities for all particles

  • Initialize volume fraction in region
  • Particle species
  • Particle volume fraction
  • Computational particle location

Boundary Conditions

Pressure BCs

  • Define fluid species - Add material - AIR - Mass fraction amount
  • Set the Pressure
  • Provide a Flux file name for the boundary
  • Enter the plane Location (maximum index in z with ])

Flow BCs

The Flow BC page is used to define fluid boundary conditions where flow rate (mass or velocity) is known

  • Define fluids: Add material - AIR - Mass fraction amount
  • Once the fluid is defined, specify the Velocity values
    • A positive velocity means flow is directed into the model space (negative means out-flow)
    • The velocity is a “superficial velocity” (through an open area, in the absence of particles)
  • Set Velocity Flow
  • Set Pressure
  • Set Flow direction
  • Specify the plane Region
  • Provide a Flux plane name

Time controls

  • Set Time step
  • Set End time
  • Barracuda can restart an existing simulation from an IC file. Two types of IC files are automatically written during a simulation:
    • Restart file: a restart IC file is written once at every specified interval of simulation time
    • Backtrack file: a backtrack IC file is written once at every specified interval of clock time

Data Output

For the Kuipers problem,the following types of data will be output

  • Flux planes-Track the transport of fluid and solids through a defined plane in the model
  • GMV output data-Select variables for visualization of fluid and solid states in GMV
  • Average Data-Select some Gmv output data to be averaged as the simulation runs
  • Transient Data-High frequency tracking of data at a specified location in a model


Checking your Setup

  • Initial Particles, Volume Fraction
  • Initial Particles, Species
  • Boundary Conditions
  • View Flux Planes

CFL number: Typically safe to run between 0.7 – 1.5. If CFL number is significantly below 0.7: Increase the time step!

Dynamic Solver Interaction.
