/* pages/components/tabBar/tabBar.wxss */
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-around;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 999;
width: 100%;
height: 120rpx;
/* border-top: 1rpx solid gray; */
animation: rightIn .1s;
-webkit-animation: rightIn .1s; /* Safari 与 Chrome */
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 28rpx;
height: 100%;
width: 61rpx;
height: 61rpx;
@keyframes rightIn
from {left: 100%;}
to {left: 0;}
@-webkit-keyframes rightIn /* Safari 与 Chrome */
from {left: 100%;}
to {left: 0;}
@keyframes backgroundIn
from {background: transparent;}
to {background: white;}
@-webkit-keyframes backgroundIn /* Safari 与 Chrome */
from {background: transparent;}
to {background: white;}
globalData: {
userInfo: null,
tabBarStaff: {
color: "#999999",
selectedColor: "#0ABA07",
borderStyle: "white",
backgroundColor: "#f7f7fa",
list: [
pagePath: "/pages/allquotations/allquotations",
text: "项目",
iconPath: "/resources/images/search_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/search_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/newquotation/newquotation",
text: "新建",
iconPath: "/resources/images/add_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/add_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/myquotation/myquotation",
text: "我的",
iconPath: "/resources/images/user_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/user_HL.png",
selected: true
position: "bottom"
tabBarLeader: {
color: "#999999",
selectedColor: "#0ABA07",
borderStyle: "white",
backgroundColor: "#f7f7fa",
list: [
pagePath: "/pages/allquotations/allquotations",
text: "审批",
iconPath: "/resources/images/search_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/search_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/newquotation/newquotation",
text: "员工",
iconPath: "/resources/images/add_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/add_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/myquotation/myquotation",
text: "报价",
iconPath: "/resources/images/user_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/user_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/myquotation/myquotation",
text: "我的",
iconPath: "/resources/images/user_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/user_HL.png",
selected: false
position: "bottom"
tabBarAdmin: {
color: "#999999",
selectedColor: "#0ABA07",
borderStyle: "white",
backgroundColor: "#f7f7fa",
list: [
pagePath: "/pages/allquotations/allquotations",
text: "用户",
iconPath: "/resources/images/search_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/search_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/newquotation/newquotation",
text: "报价",
iconPath: "/resources/images/add_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/add_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/myquotation/myquotation",
text: "产品",
iconPath: "/resources/images/user_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/user_HL.png",
selected: false
pagePath: "/pages/myquotation/myquotation",
text: "我的",
iconPath: "/resources/images/user_gray.png",
selectedIconPath: "/resources/images/user_HL.png",
selected: false
position: "bottom"
* 更新tabBar
editTabBar: function () {
var tabBar = {};
var role = wx.getStorageSync("yqs_user_role") || wx.setStorageSync("yqs_user_role", "STAFF") && wx.getStorageSync("yqs_user_role");
// 根据角色选择不同的tabBar
if (role == "STAFF"){
tabBar = this.globalData.tabBarStaff;
} else if (role == "LEAD") {
tabBar = this.globalData.tabBarLeader;
} else if (role == "ADMIN") {
tabBar = this.globalData.tabBarAdmin;
tabBar = this.globalData.tabBarStaff;
console.log("role:", role, "tabBar:", tabBar);
var currentPages = getCurrentPages();
var _this = currentPages[currentPages.length - 1];
var pagePath = _this.__route__;
console.log("current path:", pagePath);
(pagePath.indexOf('/') != 0) && (pagePath = '/' + pagePath);//如果tabBar.list[index].pagePath不是以“/”开始 则加上
for (var i in tabBar.list) {
tabBar.list[i].selected = false;
(tabBar.list[i].pagePath == pagePath) && (tabBar.list[i].selected = true);
tabBar: tabBar
__bindNavigate: function (e) {
// 自定义tabBar 跳转事件
function switchTabBar(currRoute,e){
var currUrl = currRoute;
var url = e.currentTarget.dataset.url;
(currUrl.indexOf('/') != 0) && (currUrl = '/' + currUrl);
console.log('url:', url);
console.log('currUrl:', currUrl);
if (currUrl != url) {
url: url,
} else {
title: '试试下拉页面刷新页面吧',
image: "/resources/images/nomore.png"