视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network

See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Networks


  • See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Networks
    • 亮点
    • 任务介绍
    • 方法介绍
      • Frame Pair
      • Feature Embeding
      • (关键)Co-attention
      • Segmentation
      • Loss&Post-processing
    • 实验效果
    • 一些问题
    • 相关链接


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第1张图片

这是一篇无监督视频目标分割的文章,收录于CVPR 2019。


  • 随机抽选成对的输入帧进行训练,既可以学习帧间关系,又可以扩充数据
  • 使用全局参考帧来辅助推理,从全局视角获得更好的预测效果
  • 利用类似Non-Local的结构利用帧间关系对自身特征进行辅助和引导
  • 使用显著性检测预训练特征提取网络,从而更好的对无监督视频目标分割任务进行目标定位



Semi-supervised and Unsupervised refer to the level of human interaction at test time, not during the training phase.

  • In Semi-supervised, better called human guided, the segmentation mask for the objects of interest is provided in the first frame.
  • In Unsupervised, better called human non-guided, no human input is provided.

Video Obejct Segmentation

  • UVOS: unsupervised video object segmentation
    • object需要网络自己分辨
    • 训练时,每帧真值(二值掩码)都会给定;测试时,完全无真值提供
    • 关键:如何确定目标,如何保持目标
    • 本文方法:
      • 基于显著性目标检测数据集预训练特征提取网络来更好的定位目标
      • 基于全局视角和视频内在信息的关联来实现目标分割的保持和优化
  • SVOS: semi-supervised video object segmentation
    • object在第一帧给出
    • 训练时,每帧真值(二值掩码)都会给定;测试时,除第一帧外,完全无真值提供


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第2张图片


  • Frame Pair
  • Feature Embeding
  • Co-attention
  • Segmentation
  • Loss

Frame Pair

  • 不同阶段凑对数量不同
    • 训练期间从相同视频中随机选择帧凑对儿作为输入
    • 测试期间对于特定帧会选择数个参考帧共同输入
  • 凑对儿的目的与好处
    • 它对于增加训练数据非常有效。它允许在同一视频内使用大量的任意成对帧进行训练
    • 在训练过程中,可以看作是在基于同一视频中任意帧对之间的相关性进行学习。这也可以认为是一种上下文信息的学习
    • 在测试过程中,网络以全局视图推理主要目标,即利用了测试帧和多个参考帧之间的co-attention information

Feature Embeding

视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第3张图片

  • DeepLab V3
    • the first five convolution blocks from ResNet
    • an atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) module
  • 训练时
    • 使用MSRA10K和DUT的数据微调DeepLab V3
    • 此时会附加一些用于预测显著性图的结构,训练完后舍弃,仅保留特征提取结构
    • 此时的监督使用交叉熵


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第4张图片


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第5张图片


  • Vanilla co-attention
    • 等式3中的P和D是对方阵W进行对角化后的得到的,P是可逆矩阵,D是对角矩阵。
    • 等式3中表示,首先对每帧的特征表示进行线性变换,然后计算其任意位置之间的距离。
    • 实现:a fully connected layer with 512×512 parameters



  • Symmetric co-attention
    • If we further constrain the weight matrix to be a symmetric matrix, the project matrix P becomes an orthogonal matrix.
    • Eq. 4 indicates that we project the feature embeddings Va and Vb into an orthogonal common space and maintain their norm of Va and Vb. This property has proved valuable for eliminating the correlation between different channels (i.e., C- dimension) [Svdnet for pedestrian retrieval] and improving the network’s generalization ability [Neural photo editing with introspective adversarial networks, Regularizing cnns with locally constrained decorrelations].
    • 实现:在分割的损失上添加对于W的正交正则化约束,结构(据我推测,文中没有明确说明)与Vanilla一致


  • Channel-wise co-attention
    • Furthermore, the project matrix** P can be simplified into an identity matrix I** (i.e., without space transformation), and then the weight matrix W becomes a diagonal matrix. x. In this case, W (i.e., D) can be
      further diagonalized into two diagonal matrices Da and Db.
    • This operation in Equ. 5 is equal to applying a channel-wise weight to Va and Vb before computing the similarity. This helps to alleviate channel-wise redundancy, which shares a similar spirit to Squeeze-and-Excitation mechanism [SCA-CNN: spatial and channel-wise attention in convolutional networks for image captioning, Squeeze-and-excitation networks].
    • 实现:It is
      built on a Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE)-like module





视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第6张图片

Considering the underlying appearance variations between input pairs, occlusions, and background noise, it is better to weight the information from different input frames, instead of treating all the co-attention information equally:

视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第7张图片


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第8张图片


  • 仅有单个参考帧
  • Prediction segmentation fusion:从同一视频中均匀采样N帧,与测试帧成对处理后得到的结果取均值
    • image.png
  • Attention summary fusion:从同一视频中均匀采样N帧,与测试帧在特征空间成对处理后得到的特征取均值
    • image.png


  • two 3×3 convolutional layers (with 256 filters and batch norm)
  • a 1×1 convolutional layer (with 1 filter and sigmoid activation) for final segmentation prediction


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第9张图片

  • 这里仅当使用Symmetric co-attention时使用附加的正交正则约束
  • 另外对于显著性数据集预训练和最终的完整训练都是用这个加权交叉熵损失
  • Following the widely used protocol, we apply CRF as a post-processing step


视频目标分割之See More, Know More: Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Co-Attention Siamese Network_第10张图片


  • 相似矩阵的三种不同设定的效果差异,可以看到,其中Symmetric co-attention效果最好
  • 特征层面上的平均策略(Attention summary fusion)更有效
  • 全局采样确实有着性能的提升



  • 关于计算相似矩阵S那部分涉及到了一个softmax归一化的使用,但是对于归一化操作的方向没有给出一个合理的解释。为什么那个是行,另一个是列?


  • 论文:http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/papers/Lu_See_More_Know_More_Unsupervised_Video_Object_Segmentation_With_Co-Attention_CVPR_2019_paper.pdf
  • 代码:https://github.com/carrierlxk/COSNet
