Probability Theory | Coin Tossing Problems (TBC) | 概率论中的抛硬币问题 (未完待续)



Suppose we play a game. I roll a die up to three times. Each time I roll, you can either take the number showing as dollars, of roll again. What is your expected winnings?


Let random variable X k X_k Xk be the winnings for rolling a die up to k times.
The key is to formulate the following strategy: after rolling a dice, if the number showing is greater than the expected winnings of rollings the rest of the times, you should take the money. Expressing this with math:

E [ X k ] = E [ max ⁡ E[X_k] = E [ \max E[Xk]=E[max (number for this toss, E [ X k − 1 ] ) E [X_{k-1}] ) E[Xk1])

Thus, working from the end:
E [ X 1 ] = 1 / 6 × ∑ i = 1 6 i = 7 / 2 E[X_1] = 1/6 \times \sum_{i=1}^6 i = 7/2 E[X1]=1/6×i=16i=7/2
E [ X 2 ] = 1 / 6 × ( 6 + 5 + 4 ) + 1 / 2 × E [ X 1 ] = 17 / 4 E[X_2] = 1/6 \times(6+5+4)+1/2 \times E[X_1] = 17/4 E[X2]=1/6×(6+5+4)+1/2×E[X1]=17/4
E [ X 3 ] = 1 / 6 × ( 6 + 5 ) + 2 / 3 × E [ X 2 ] = 14 / 3 E[X_3] = 1/6 \times (6+5)+2/3 \times E[X_2]=14/3 E[X3]=1/6×(6+5)+2/3×E[X2]=14/3


This kind of problem is a little bit like DP - defining a subproblem, finding the relationship between subproblems, then starting from a base case and working upwards step by step.
