关键字:Maven3 Archetype ArtifactId大全及简单说明;Archetype大全;项目类型
346, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-archetype 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample archetype.
347, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-j2ee-simple 模板说明:An archetype which contains a simplifed sample J2EE application.
348, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo 模板说明:无
349, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-mojo 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample a sample Maven plugin.
350, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-plugin 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin.
351, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-plugin-site 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin site. This archetype can be layered upon an existing Maven plugin project.
352, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-portlet 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample JSR-268 Portlet.
353, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-profiles 模板说明:无
354, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-quickstart 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven project.
355, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-site 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven site which demonstrates some of the supported document types like APT, XDoc, and FML and demonstrates how to i18n your site. This archetype can be layered upon an existing Maven project.
356, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-site-simple 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven site.
357, 发布组织: org.apache.maven.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-webapp 模板说明:An archetype which contains a sample Maven Webapp project.
1, 发布组织: br.com.ingenieux 模板名称:elasticbeanstalk-service-webapp-archetype 模板说明:A Maven Archetype Encompassing RestAssured, Jetty, Jackson, Guice and Jersey for Publishing JAX-RS-based Services on AWS' Elastic Beanstalk Service
2, 发布组织: br.com.otavio.vraptor.archetypes 模板名称:vraptor-archetype-blank 模板说明:A simple project to start with VRaptor 4
3, 发布组织: br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.archetypes 模板名称:demoiselle-jsf-jpa 模板说明:Archetype for web applications (JSF + JPA) using Demoiselle Framework
4, 发布组织: br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.archetypes 模板名称:demoiselle-minimal 模板说明:Basic archetype for generic applications using Demoiselle Framework
5, 发布组织: br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.archetypes 模板名称:demoiselle-vaadin-jpa 模板说明:Archetype for Vaadin web applications
6, 发布组织: co.ntier 模板名称:spring-mvc-archetype 模板说明:An extremely simple Spring MVC archetype, configured with NO XML.
7, 发布组织: com.abiquo 模板名称:storage-plugin-archetype 模板说明:无
8, 发布组织: com.agilejava.docbkx 模板名称:docbkx-quickstart-archetype 模板说明:无
9, 发布组织: com.airhacks 模板名称:igniter 模板说明:An application template for building Java FX MVP applications with Dependency Injection and afterburner.fx
10, 发布组织: com.airhacks 模板名称:javaee7-essentials-archetype 模板说明:Java EE 7 project template. Clean, lean and minimalistic.
11, 发布组织: com.alibaba.citrus.sample 模板名称:archetype-webx-quickstart 模板说明:无
12, 发布组织: com.astamuse 模板名称:asta4d-archetype 模板说明:an archetype that is automatically created from asta4d-sample.
13, 发布组织: com.atolcd.alfresco 模板名称:repo-archetype 模板说明:Alfresco repository module archetype
14, 发布组织: com.atolcd.alfresco 模板名称:share-archetype 模板说明:Alfresco Share module archetype
15, 发布组织: com.bsb.common.vaadin 模板名称:com.bsb.common.vaadin.embed-simple-archetype 模板说明:无
16, 发布组织: com.bsb.common.vaadin 模板名称:com.bsb.common.vaadin7.embed-simple-archetype 模板说明:无
17, 发布组织: com.cedarsoft.open.archetype 模板名称:multi 模板说明:无
18, 发布组织: com.cedarsoft.open.archetype 模板名称:simple 模板说明:无
19, 发布组织: com.cloudfoundry.tothought 模板名称:spring-data-basic 模板说明:A basic setup for Spring Data + Hibernate + MySql
20, 发布组织: com.crawljax.plugins.archetypes 模板名称:crawljax-plugins-archetype 模板说明:Generates a Crawljax project template.
21, 发布组织: com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype 模板名称:basic-gwt-webapp 模板说明:webapp archetype using protostuff, json and gwt
22, 发布组织: com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype 模板名称:basic-webapp 模板说明:webapp archetype using protostuff, json and jquery
23, 发布组织: com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype 模板名称:simple-gwt-webapp 模板说明:webapp archetype using protobuf, json and gwt
24, 发布组织: com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype 模板名称:simple-webapp 模板说明:webapp archetype using protobuf, json and jquery
25, 发布组织: com.eclipsesource.tabris 模板名称:tabris-application 模板说明:Archetype to create a Tabris based Application
26, 发布组织: com.force.sdk 模板名称:springmvc-archetype 模板说明:无
27, 发布组织: com.gfk.senbot 模板名称:SenBotArchetype 模板说明:Archetype to create new project exposing the SenBot (junit/cucumber/selenium acceptance test executor) to your test environment.
28, 发布组织: com.gfk.senbot 模板名称:SenBotDemo-archetype 模板说明:A SenBot Demo project with the purpose to demonstrate all available SenBot features.
29, 发布组织: com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms 模板名称:simple-java-project-with-spring-context-archetype 模板说明:无
30, 发布组织: com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms 模板名称:simple-java-project-with-spring-hibernate-querydsl-archetype 模板说明:无
31, 发布组织: com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms 模板名称:simple-java-project-with-util-libs-archetype 模板说明:无
32, 发布组织: com.github.apetrelli.samplegwt 模板名称:samplegwt-archetype 模板说明:A complete but simple archetype that connects GWT to several technologies: JPA 2, Hibernate, Spring Core, Spring Security, Spring Transactions.
33, 发布组织: com.github.casmi.archetypes 模板名称:casmi-quickstart 模板说明:Quickstart archetype for casmi project
34, 发布组织: com.github.dakusui 模板名称:logiaslisp 模板说明:A JSON based Lisp processor.
35, 发布组织: com.github.dakusui 模板名称:symfonion 模板说明:A JSON based music macro language processor.
36, 发布组织: com.github.genthaler 模板名称:ant-maven-plugin-archetype 模板说明:Maven Archetype to generate an Ant-based Maven Plugin
37, 发布组织: com.github.genthaler 模板名称:beanshell-maven-plugin-archetype 模板说明:Maven Archetype to generate an Beanshell-based Maven Plugin
38, 发布组织: com.github.h0ru5.gwt 模板名称:angulargwt-app-archetype 模板说明:Archetype for Webapps using AngularGWT incl. example controller and scope
39, 发布组织: com.github.h0ru5.gwt 模板名称:angulargwt-module-archetype 模板说明:Archetype for an AngularGwt Module with example service
40, 发布组织: com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-executable 模板说明:Executable Quickstart Archetype that is ready to run with 'java -jar'
41, 发布组织: com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes 模板名称:maven-archetype-scala-executable 模板说明:Creates executable Scala Project that is ready to run with 'java -jar'
42, 发布组织: com.github.jpaoletti 模板名称:jpm-archetype 模板说明:Archetype for a jpm-struts1-bootstrap project
43, 发布组织: com.github.kospiotr 模板名称:gwt-clean-app-archetype 模板说明:无
44, 发布组织: com.github.kospiotr 模板名称:gwt-clean-sdv-app-archetype 模板说明:无
45, 发布组织: com.github.kospiotr 模板名称:gwt-gxt-clean-sdv-app-archetype 模板说明:无
46, 发布组织: com.github.lalyos 模板名称:standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype 模板说明:StandAlone (j2se) jpa project with eclipseLink implementations using embedded DerbiDB
47, 发布组织: com.github.markusbernhardt 模板名称:robotframework-archetype-annotationlibrary 模板说明:Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite
48, 发布组织: com.github.markusbernhardt 模板名称:robotframework-archetype-quickstart 模板说明:Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite
49, 发布组织: com.github.markusbernhardt 模板名称:robotframework-archetype-selenium2library 模板说明:Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite
50, 发布组织: com.github.mhshams 模板名称:kotlin-quickstart-archetype 模板说明:Kotlin Quick Start Archetype
51, 发布组织: com.github.searls 模板名称:jasmine-archetype 模板说明:An archetype to get started with JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine.
52, 发布组织: com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all 模板名称:swf-archetype 模板说明:Archetype to create apps using SWF
53, 发布组织: com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all 模板名称:swf-plugin-archetype 模板说明:Archetype to create plugins for SWF
54, 发布组织: com.google.appengine.archetypes 模板名称:appengine-skeleton-archetype 模板说明:无
55, 发布组织: com.google.appengine.archetypes 模板名称:guestbook-archetype 模板说明:无
56, 发布组织: com.google.appengine.archetypes 模板名称:skeleton-archetype 模板说明:无
57, 发布组织: com.google.appengine.demos 模板名称:guestbook-archetype 模板说明:无
58, 发布组织: com.google.code.plsqlmaven 模板名称:plsql-package-archetype 模板说明:a sample archetype that creates a project with a PL/SQL package inside and extends the parent project
59, 发布组织: com.google.code.plsqlmaven 模板名称:plsql-project-archetype 模板说明:preconfigured PL/SQL project
60, 发布组织: com.google.code.plsqlmaven 模板名称:plsql-webapp-archetype 模板说明:preconfigured PL/SQL webapp
61, 发布组织: com.google.sitebricks 模板名称:sitebricks-jetty-archetype 模板说明:无
62, 发布组织: com.googlecode.android-player-root-archetype 模板名称:parent-archetype 模板说明:无
63, 发布组织: com.googlecode.apparat 模板名称:apparat-archetype-asm 模板说明:无
64, 发布组织: com.googlecode.apparat 模板名称:apparat-archetype-tdsi 模板说明:无
65, 发布组织: com.googlecode.etl-unit 模板名称:etlunit-feature-archetype 模板说明:无
66, 发布组织: com.googlecode.etl-unit 模板名称:etlunit-project-archetype 模板说明:无
67, 发布组织: com.googlecode.gwtquery 模板名称:gquery-archetype 模板说明:This archetype generates a Gwt-2.5.0-rc1 project with all set to use GwtQuery and its plugins.
68, 发布组织: com.googlecode.gwtquery 模板名称:gquery-plugin-archetype 模板说明:无
69, 发布组织: com.googlecode.jannocessor 模板名称:jannocessor-sample-archetype 模板说明:Multi-module sample project for annotation-driven source code generation with JAnnocessor
70, 发布组织: com.googlecode.jdbc-proc 模板名称:jdbc-proc-archetype 模板说明:Creates simple project with jdbc-proc support
71, 发布组织: com.googlecode.metridoc 模板名称:metridoc-archetype 模板说明:无
72, 发布组织: com.googlecode.mycontainer 模板名称:mycontainer-gae-archetype 模板说明:无
73, 发布组织: com.googlecode.playn 模板名称:playn-archetype 模板说明:Archetype for PlayN game projects.
74, 发布组织: com.highwise 模板名称:weby 模板说明:A simple spring mvc + hibernate project archetype
75, 发布组织: com.ibm.sbt 模板名称:sbt.sso.webapp-archetype 模板说明:无
76, 发布组织: com.jamcracker.adapter.jit 模板名称:jit-adapter-archetype 模板说明:无
77, 发布组织: com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery 模板名称:struts2-jquery-archetype-base 模板说明:This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Plugin.
78, 发布组织: com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery 模板名称:struts2-jquery-archetype-mobile 模板说明:This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Mobile Plugin.
79, 发布组织: com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery 模板名称:struts2-jquery-bootstrap-archetype-grid 模板说明:This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Grid Plugin and the Struts2 Bootstrap Plugin.
80, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-ext-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay extensions.
81, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-hook-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay hooks.
82, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-layouttpl-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay layout templates.
83, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay portlets.
84, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-icefaces-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay ICEfaces portlets.
85, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-jsf-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay JSF portlets.
86, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-liferay-faces-alloy-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay Faces Alloy portlets.
87, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-primefaces-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay PrimeFaces portlets.
88, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-portlet-richfaces-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay RichFaces portlets.
89, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-servicebuilder-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay Service Builder portlets.
90, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-theme-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay themes.
91, 发布组织: com.liferay.maven.archetypes 模板名称:liferay-web-archetype 模板说明:Provides an archetype to create Liferay webs.
92, 发布组织: com.lordofthejars.thymeleaf