Sublime Text2/3 CTags自动补全

Sublime Text2/3 CTags自动补全


# CTags based autocompletion plugin for Sublime Text 2
# You can add the file to the User Package in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages and restart Sublime Text 2.
# Need 'ctags' in you PATH. You can donwload Windows 'ctags' here: URL=
# generate the .tags file in your project root with "ctags -R -f .tags"
# Need 'grep' in your PATH. You can donwload Windows 'grep' here: URL=

import sublime, sublime_plugin, os, re

class CTagsAutoComplete(sublime_plugin.EventListener):

    def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
        tags_paths = [folder + '/.tags' for folder in view.window().folders()]
        for tags_path in tags_paths:
            if (not view.window().folders() or not os.path.exists(tags_path)): #check if a project is open and the .tags file exists
                return results
        tags_paths = ' '.join([str(x) for x in tags_paths]) 
        f=os.popen('grep -ih "^'+prefix+'" ' + tags_paths) # egrep tags from project directory .tags file
        for i in f.readlines():
            matchStr = i.strip()
            # pat=re.compile('\/\^.*')
            matchStr = re.split('\/\^', matchStr)
                matchStr = re.findall('\\'+prefix+'.*\(.*\)', matchStr)
                results = [(item,item) for sublist in results for item in sublist] #flatten
                results = list(set(results)) # make unique
                results.sort() # sort
        return results
