最近的项目比较关注Android 手机的IMEI、IMSI 标识信息,以下是两个比较简明的解释:



(International Mobile Equipment Identity)是国际移动设备身份码的缩写,国际移动装备辨识码,是由15位数字组成的"电子串号",它与每台手机一一对应,而且该码是全世界唯一的。每一部手机在组装完成后都将被赋予一个全球唯一的一组号码,这个号码从生产到交付使用都将被制造生产的厂商所记录。

IMEI是区别移动设备的标志,储存在移动设备中,可用于 监控被窃或无效的移动设备。IMEI可用移动终端设备通过键入“*#06#”查得(不同厂商的手机所需输入的内容不同,同一厂商不同手机所需输入的内容也可能不同)。其总长为15位,每位数字仅使用0~9的数字(含义见下文)。

IMEI俗称“串号”,存储在手机的EEPROM(俗称“码片”)里,熟悉并了解这个号码对我们今后识别手机会起到非常大的作用。首先TAC码(IMEI的前六位数字)前三位在不同的时期会发生变化,而且即使同一部手机在不同的时期也会有不同的TAC码,如大家最熟悉的8210升级8250。再如 爱立信的同一型号手机T39MC在不同地区的地方亦会有不同的号码: 大陆行货为520406, 香港则为520407。







Mobile Equipment IDentifier(MEID)是全球唯一的56bit移动终端标识号。标识号会被烧入终端里,以后可以被修改。可用来对移动式设备进行身份识别和跟踪。由于ESN号段是有限的资源,基本上耗尽,可能还有少量回收利用的号段,所以制定了56位的MEID号段,用来取代32位的ESN号段。MEID主要分配给CDMA制式的手机。



XXXXXX:范围 000000-FFFFFF,由官方分配
ZZZZZZ:范围 000000-FFFFFF,厂商分配给每台终端的流水号


相关修改工具:MEID ESN一键修改工具等


ICCID(Integrate circuit card identity) 集成电路卡识别码(固化在手机SIM卡中)

ICCID为IC卡的唯一识别号码,共有20位数字组成,其编码格式为:XXXXXX 0MFSS YYGXX XXXXX。分别介绍如下: 前六位运营商代码:中国移动的为:898600;中国联通的为:898601。






What is the difference between ICCID, IMSI and IMEI numbers?

IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity. This is a unique identifier that defines a subscriber in the wireless world, including the country and mobile network to which the subscriber belongs. It has the format MCC-MNC-MSIN. MCC = Mobile Country Code (e.g. 310 for USA); MNC = Mobile Network Code (e.g. 410 for AT&T), MSIN = sequential serial number. All signaling and messaging in GSM and UMTS networks uses the IMSI as the primary identifier of a subscriber.
The IMSI is one of the pieces of information stored on a SIM card.

ICCID = Integrated Circuit Card ID. This is the identifier of the actual SIM card itself - i.e. an identifier for the SIM chip. It is possible to change the information contained on a SIM (including the IMSI), but the identify of the SIM itself remains the same.

IMEI is short for International Mobile Equipment Identity and is a unique number given to every single mobile phone, typically found behind the battery.
IMEI numbers of cellular phones connected to a GSM network are stored in a database (EIR - Equipment Identity Register) containing all valid mobile phone equipment.
When a phone is reported stolen or is not type approved, the number is marked invalid.
MSISDN = Mobile Station ISDN number. This is the full phone number of a subscriber, including the national country code (e.g. 1 for US, 44 for UK, etc.). The purpose of the MSISDN is simply to allow a device to be called. A subscriber can have multiple MSISDNs (e.g. one phone number for business, one for personal calls, one for fax, etc.), but generally only one IMSI. The MSISDN does not need to be stored on the SIM card. In cases where it is stored on the SIM, the main reason is so that the user can use check to see what their own MSISDN is (in case they forget). The MSISDN is never signaled to of from the device.

