接上文, 太多了,占个位, 有空再填坑.
def write(self, vals):
""" write(vals)
Updates all records in the current set with the provided values.
:param dict vals: fields to update and the value to set on them e.g::
{'foo': 1, 'bar': "Qux"}
will set the field ``foo`` to ``1`` and the field ``bar`` to
``"Qux"`` if those are valid (otherwise it will trigger an error).
:raise AccessError: * if user has no write rights on the requested object
* if user tries to bypass access rules for write on the requested object
:raise ValidationError: if user tries to enter invalid value for a field that is not in selection
:raise UserError: if a loop would be created in a hierarchy of objects a result of the operation (such as setting an object as its own parent)
* For numeric fields (:class:`~odoo.fields.Integer`,
:class:`~odoo.fields.Float`) the value should be of the
corresponding type
* For :class:`~odoo.fields.Boolean`, the value should be a
* For :class:`~odoo.fields.Selection`, the value should match the
selection values (generally :class:`python:str`, sometimes
* For :class:`~odoo.fields.Many2one`, the value should be the
database identifier of the record to set
* Other non-relational fields use a string for value
.. danger::
for historical and compatibility reasons,
:class:`~odoo.fields.Date` and
:class:`~odoo.fields.Datetime` fields use strings as values
(written and read) rather than :class:`~python:datetime.date` or
:class:`~python:datetime.datetime`. These date strings are
UTC-only and formatted according to
:const:`odoo.tools.misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT` and
* .. _openerp/models/relationals/format:
:class:`~odoo.fields.One2many` and
:class:`~odoo.fields.Many2many` use a special "commands" format to
manipulate the set of records stored in/associated with the field.
This format is a list of triplets executed sequentially, where each
triplet is a command to execute on the set of records. Not all
commands apply in all situations. Possible commands are:
``(0, 0, values)``
adds a new record created from the provided ``value`` dict.
``(1, id, values)``
updates an existing record of id ``id`` with the values in
``values``. Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`.
``(2, id, 0)``
removes the record of id ``id`` from the set, then deletes it
(from the database). Can not be used in :meth:`~.create`.
``(3, id, 0)``
removes the record of id ``id`` from the set, but does not
delete it. Can not be used in
``(4, id, 0)``
adds an existing record of id ``id`` to the set.
``(5, 0, 0)``
removes all records from the set, equivalent to using the
command ``3`` on every record explicitly. Can not be used in
``(6, 0, ids)``
replaces all existing records in the set by the ``ids`` list,
equivalent to using the command ``5`` followed by a command
``4`` for each ``id`` in ``ids``.
if not self:
return True
self.check_field_access_rights('write', vals.keys())
env = self.env
bad_names = {'id', 'parent_path'}
if self._log_access:
# the superuser can set log_access fields while loading registry
if not(self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID and not self.pool.ready):
determine_inverses = defaultdict(list) # {inverse: fields}
records_to_inverse = {} # {field: records}
relational_names = []
protected = set()
check_company = False
for fname in vals:
field = self._fields.get(fname)
if not field:
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r on model %r" % (fname, self._name))
if field.inverse:
if field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
# The written value is a list of commands that must applied
# on the field's current value. Because the field is
# protected while being written, the field's current value
# will not be computed and default to an empty recordset. So
# make sure the field's value is in cache before writing, in
# order to avoid an inconsistent update.
# DLE P150: `test_cancel_propagation`, `test_manufacturing_3_steps`, `test_manufacturing_flow`
# TODO: check whether still necessary
records_to_inverse[field] = self.filtered('id')
if field.relational or self._field_inverses[field]:
if field.inverse or (field.compute and not field.readonly):
if field.store or field.type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
# Protect the field from being recomputed while being
# inversed. In the case of non-stored x2many fields, the
# field's value may contain unexpeced new records (created
# by command 0). Those new records are necessary for
# inversing the field, but should no longer appear if the
# field is recomputed afterwards. Not protecting the field
# will automatically invalidate the field from the cache,
# forcing its value to be recomputed once dependencies are
# up-to-date.
protected.update(self._field_computed.get(field, [field]))
if fname == 'company_id' or (field.relational and field.check_company):
check_company = True
# protect fields being written against recomputation
with env.protecting(protected, self):
# determine records depending on values
real_recs = self.filtered('id')
# If there are only fields that do not trigger _write (e.g. only
# determine inverse), the below ensures that `write_date` and
# `write_uid` are updated (`test_orm.py`, `test_write_date`)
if self._log_access and self.ids:
towrite = env.all.towrite[self._name]
for record in real_recs:
towrite[record.id]['write_uid'] = self.env.uid
towrite[record.id]['write_date'] = False
(self._fields['write_date'], self.ids),
(self._fields['write_uid'], self.ids),
# for monetary field, their related currency field must be cached
# before the amount so it can be rounded correctly
for fname in sorted(vals, key=lambda x: self._fields[x].type=='monetary'):
if fname in bad_names:
field = self._fields[fname]
field.write(self, vals[fname])
# determine records depending on new values
# Call modified after write, because the modified can trigger a
# search which can trigger a flush which can trigger a recompute
# which remove the field from the recompute list while all the
# values required for the computation could not be yet in cache.
# e.g. Write on `name` of `res.partner` trigger the recompute of
# `display_name`, which triggers a search on child_ids to find the
# childs to which the display_name must be recomputed, which
# triggers the flush of `display_name` because the _order of
# res.partner includes display_name. The computation of display_name
# is then done too soon because the parent_id was not yet written.
# (`test_01_website_reset_password_tour`)
if self._parent_store and self._parent_name in vals:
# validate non-inversed fields first
inverse_fields = [f.name for fs in determine_inverses.values() for f in fs]
real_recs._validate_fields(set(vals) - set(inverse_fields))
for fields in determine_inverses.values():
# inverse records that are not being computed
except AccessError as e:
if fields[0].inherited:
description = self.env['ir.model']._get(self._name).name
raise AccessError(
_("%(previous_message)s\n\nImplicitly accessed through '%(document_kind)s' (%(document_model)s).") % {
'previous_message': e.args[0],
'document_kind': description,
'document_model': self._name,
# validate inversed fields
if check_company and self._check_company_auto:
return True
def _write(self, vals):
# low-level implementation of write()
if not self:
return True
cr = self._cr
# determine records that require updating parent_path
parent_records = self._parent_store_update_prepare(vals)
# determine SQL values
columns = [] # list of (column_name, format, value)
for name, val in vals.items():
if self._log_access and name in LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS and not val:
field = self._fields[name]
assert field.store
if field.deprecated:
_logger.warning('Field %s is deprecated: %s', field, field.deprecated)
assert field.column_type
columns.append((name, field.column_format, val))
if self._log_access:
if not vals.get('write_uid'):
columns.append(('write_uid', '%s', self._uid))
if not vals.get('write_date'):
columns.append(('write_date', '%s', AsIs("(now() at time zone 'UTC')")))
# update columns
if columns:
query = 'UPDATE "%s" SET %s WHERE id IN %%s' % (
self._table, ','.join('"%s"=%s' % (column[0], column[1]) for column in columns),
params = [column[2] for column in columns]
for sub_ids in cr.split_for_in_conditions(set(self.ids)):
cr.execute(query, params + [sub_ids])
if cr.rowcount != len(sub_ids):
raise MissingError(
_('One of the records you are trying to modify has already been deleted (Document type: %s).') % self._description
+ '\n\n({} {}, {} {})'.format(_('Records:'), sub_ids[:6], _('User:'), self._uid)
# update parent_path
if parent_records:
return True
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def create(self, vals_list):
""" create(vals_list) -> records
Creates new records for the model.
The new records are initialized using the values from the list of dicts
``vals_list``, and if necessary those from :meth:`~.default_get`.
:param list vals_list:
values for the model's fields, as a list of dictionaries::
[{'field_name': field_value, ...}, ...]
For backward compatibility, ``vals_list`` may be a dictionary.
It is treated as a singleton list ``[vals]``, and a single record
is returned.
see :meth:`~.write` for details
:return: the created records
:raise AccessError: * if user has no create rights on the requested object
* if user tries to bypass access rules for create on the requested object
:raise ValidationError: if user tries to enter invalid value for a field that is not in selection
:raise UserError: if a loop would be created in a hierarchy of objects a result of the operation (such as setting an object as its own parent)
if not vals_list:
return self.browse()
self = self.browse()
bad_names = {'id', 'parent_path'}
if self._log_access:
# the superuser can set log_access fields while loading registry
if not(self.env.uid == SUPERUSER_ID and not self.pool.ready):
# classify fields for each record
data_list = []
inversed_fields = set()
for vals in vals_list:
# add missing defaults
vals = self._add_missing_default_values(vals)
# distribute fields into sets for various purposes
data = {}
data['stored'] = stored = {}
data['inversed'] = inversed = {}
data['inherited'] = inherited = defaultdict(dict)
data['protected'] = protected = set()
for key, val in vals.items():
if key in bad_names:
field = self._fields.get(key)
if not field:
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r on model %r" % (key, self._name))
if field.company_dependent:
irprop_def = self.env['ir.property'].get(key, self._name)
cached_def = field.convert_to_cache(irprop_def, self)
cached_val = field.convert_to_cache(val, self)
if cached_val == cached_def:
# val is the same as the default value defined in
# 'ir.property'; by design, 'ir.property' will not
# create entries specific to these records; skipping the
# field inverse saves 4 SQL queries
if field.store:
stored[key] = val
if field.inherited:
inherited[field.related_field.model_name][key] = val
elif field.inverse:
inversed[key] = val
# protect non-readonly computed fields against (re)computation
if field.compute and not field.readonly:
protected.update(self._field_computed.get(field, [field]))
# create or update parent records
for model_name, parent_name in self._inherits.items():
parent_data_list = []
for data in data_list:
if not data['stored'].get(parent_name):
elif data['inherited'][model_name]:
parent = self.env[model_name].browse(data['stored'][parent_name])
if parent_data_list:
parents = self.env[model_name].create([
for data in parent_data_list
for parent, data in zip(parents, parent_data_list):
data['stored'][parent_name] = parent.id
# create records with stored fields
records = self._create(data_list)
# protect fields being written against recomputation
protected = [(data['protected'], data['record']) for data in data_list]
with self.env.protecting(protected):
# group fields by inverse method (to call it once), and order groups
# by dependence (in case they depend on each other)
field_groups = (fields for _inv, fields in groupby(inversed_fields, attrgetter('inverse')))
for fields in field_groups:
# determine which records to inverse for those fields
inv_names = {field.name for field in fields}
rec_vals = [
(data['record'], {
name: data['inversed'][name]
for name in inv_names
if name in data['inversed']
for data in data_list
if not inv_names.isdisjoint(data['inversed'])
# If a field is not stored, its inverse method will probably
# write on its dependencies, which will invalidate the field on
# all records. We therefore inverse the field record by record.
if all(field.store or field.company_dependent for field in fields):
batches = [rec_vals]
batches = [[rec_data] for rec_data in rec_vals]
for batch in batches:
for record, vals in batch:
batch_recs = self.concat(*(record for record, vals in batch))
# check Python constraints for non-stored inversed fields
for data in data_list:
data['record']._validate_fields(set(data['inversed']) - set(data['stored']))
if self._check_company_auto:
return records
def _create(self, data_list):
""" Create records from the stored field values in ``data_list``. """
assert data_list
cr = self.env.cr
quote = '"{}"'.format
# insert rows
ids = [] # ids of created records
other_fields = set() # non-column fields
translated_fields = set() # translated fields
# column names, formats and values (for common fields)
columns0 = [('id', "nextval(%s)", self._sequence)]
if self._log_access:
columns0.append(('create_uid', "%s", self._uid))
columns0.append(('create_date', "%s", AsIs("(now() at time zone 'UTC')")))
columns0.append(('write_uid', "%s", self._uid))
columns0.append(('write_date', "%s", AsIs("(now() at time zone 'UTC')")))
for data in data_list:
# determine column values
stored = data['stored']
columns = [column for column in columns0 if column[0] not in stored]
for name, val in sorted(stored.items()):
field = self._fields[name]
assert field.store
if field.column_type:
col_val = field.convert_to_column(val, self, stored)
columns.append((name, field.column_format, col_val))
if field.translate is True:
# insert a row with the given columns
query = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({}) RETURNING id".format(
", ".join(quote(name) for name, fmt, val in columns),
", ".join(fmt for name, fmt, val in columns),
params = [val for name, fmt, val in columns]
cr.execute(query, params)
# put the new records in cache, and update inverse fields, for many2one
# cachetoclear is an optimization to avoid modified()'s cost until other_fields are processed
cachetoclear = []
records = self.browse(ids)
inverses_update = defaultdict(list) # {(field, value): ids}
for data, record in zip(data_list, records):
data['record'] = record
# DLE P104: test_inherit.py, test_50_search_one2many
vals = dict({k: v for d in data['inherited'].values() for k, v in d.items()}, **data['stored'])
set_vals = list(vals) + LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS + [self.CONCURRENCY_CHECK_FIELD, 'id', 'parent_path']
for field in self._fields.values():
if field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
self.env.cache.set(record, field, ())
elif field.related and not field.column_type:
self.env.cache.set(record, field, field.convert_to_cache(None, record))
# DLE P123: `test_adv_activity`, `test_message_assignation_inbox`, `test_message_log`, `test_create_mail_simple`, ...
# Set `mail.message.parent_id` to False in cache so it doesn't do the useless SELECT when computing the modified of `child_ids`
# in other words, if `parent_id` is not set, no other message `child_ids` are impacted.
# + avoid the fetch of fields which are False. e.g. if a boolean field is not passed in vals and as no default set in the field attributes,
# then we know it can be set to False in the cache in the case of a create.
elif field.name not in set_vals and not field.compute:
self.env.cache.set(record, field, field.convert_to_cache(None, record))
for fname, value in vals.items():
field = self._fields[fname]
if field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
cachetoclear.append((record, field))
cache_value = field.convert_to_cache(value, record)
self.env.cache.set(record, field, cache_value)
if field.type in ('many2one', 'many2one_reference') and record._field_inverses[field]:
inverses_update[(field, cache_value)].append(record.id)
for (field, value), record_ids in inverses_update.items():
field._update_inverses(self.browse(record_ids), value)
# update parent_path
# protect fields being written against recomputation
protected = [(data['protected'], data['record']) for data in data_list]
with self.env.protecting(protected):
# mark computed fields as todo
records.modified(self._fields, create=True)
if other_fields:
# discard default values from context for other fields
others = records.with_context(clean_context(self._context))
for field in sorted(other_fields, key=attrgetter('_sequence')):
(other, data['stored'][field.name])
for other, data in zip(others, data_list)
if field.name in data['stored']
# mark fields to recompute
records.modified([field.name for field in other_fields], create=True)
# if value in cache has not been updated by other_fields, remove it
for record, field in cachetoclear:
if self.env.cache.contains(record, field) and not self.env.cache.get(record, field):
self.env.cache.remove(record, field)
# check Python constraints for stored fields
records._validate_fields(name for data in data_list for name in data['stored'])
# add translations
if self.env.lang and self.env.lang != 'en_US':
Translations = self.env['ir.translation']
for field in translated_fields:
tname = "%s,%s" % (field.model_name, field.name)
for data in data_list:
if field.name in data['stored']:
record = data['record']
val = data['stored'][field.name]
Translations._set_ids(tname, 'model', self.env.lang, record.ids, val, val)
return records
def _compute_field_value(self, field):
# This is for base automation, to have something to override to catch
# the changes of values for stored compute fields.
if isinstance(field.compute, str):
getattr(self, field.compute)()
if field.store and any(self._ids):
# check constraints of the fields that have been computed
fnames = [f.name for f in self._field_computed[field]]
def _parent_store_create(self):
""" Set the parent_path field on ``self`` after its creation. """
if not self._parent_store:
query = """
UPDATE {0} node
SET parent_path=concat((SELECT parent.parent_path FROM {0} parent
WHERE parent.id=node.{1}), node.id, '/')
WHERE node.id IN %s
""".format(self._table, self._parent_name)
self._cr.execute(query, [tuple(self.ids)])
def _parent_store_update_prepare(self, vals):
""" Return the records in ``self`` that must update their parent_path
field. This must be called before updating the parent field.
if not self._parent_store or self._parent_name not in vals:
return self.browse()
# No need to recompute the values if the parent is the same.
parent_val = vals[self._parent_name]
if parent_val:
query = """ SELECT id FROM {0}
WHERE id IN %s AND ({1} != %s OR {1} IS NULL) """
params = [tuple(self.ids), parent_val]
query = """ SELECT id FROM {0}
WHERE id IN %s AND {1} IS NOT NULL """
params = [tuple(self.ids)]
query = query.format(self._table, self._parent_name)
self._cr.execute(query, params)
return self.browse([row[0] for row in self._cr.fetchall()])
def _parent_store_update(self):
""" Update the parent_path field of ``self``. """
cr = self.env.cr
# determine new prefix of parent_path
query = """
SELECT parent.parent_path FROM {0} node, {0} parent
WHERE node.id = %s AND parent.id = node.{1}
cr.execute(query.format(self._table, self._parent_name), [self.ids[0]])
prefix = cr.fetchone()[0] if cr.rowcount else ''
# check for recursion
if prefix:
parent_ids = {int(label) for label in prefix.split('/')[:-1]}
if not parent_ids.isdisjoint(self._ids):
raise UserError(_("Recursion Detected."))
# update parent_path of all records and their descendants
query = """
UPDATE {0} child
SET parent_path = concat(%s, substr(child.parent_path,
length(node.parent_path) - length(node.id || '/') + 1))
FROM {0} node
WHERE node.id IN %s
AND child.parent_path LIKE concat(node.parent_path, '%%')
RETURNING child.id
cr.execute(query.format(self._table), [prefix, tuple(self.ids)])
modified_ids = {row[0] for row in cr.fetchall()}
def _load_records_write(self, values):
def _load_records_create(self, values):
return self.create(values)
def _load_records(self, data_list, update=False):
""" Create or update records of this model, and assign XMLIDs.
:param data_list: list of dicts with keys `xml_id` (XMLID to
assign), `noupdate` (flag on XMLID), `values` (field values)
:param update: should be ``True`` when upgrading a module
:return: the records corresponding to ``data_list``
original_self = self.browse()
# records created during installation should not display messages
self = self.with_context(install_mode=True)
imd = self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo()
# The algorithm below partitions 'data_list' into three sets: the ones
# to create, the ones to update, and the others. For each set, we assign
# data['record'] for each data. All those records are then retrieved for
# the result.
# determine existing xml_ids
xml_ids = [data['xml_id'] for data in data_list if data.get('xml_id')]
existing = {
("%s.%s" % row[1:3]): row
for row in imd._lookup_xmlids(xml_ids, self)
# determine which records to create and update
to_create = [] # list of data
to_update = [] # list of data
for data in data_list:
xml_id = data.get('xml_id')
if not xml_id:
vals = data['values']
if vals.get('id'):
data['record'] = self.browse(vals['id'])
elif not update:
row = existing.get(xml_id)
if not row:
d_id, d_module, d_name, d_model, d_res_id, d_noupdate, r_id = row
record = self.browse(d_res_id)
if update and d_noupdate:
data['record'] = record
elif r_id:
data['record'] = record
# update existing records
for data in to_update:
# determine existing parents for new records
for parent_model, parent_field in self._inherits.items():
suffix = '_' + parent_model.replace('.', '_')
xml_ids_vals = {
(data['xml_id'] + suffix): data['values']
for data in to_create
if data.get('xml_id')
for row in imd._lookup_xmlids(xml_ids_vals, self.env[parent_model]):
d_id, d_module, d_name, d_model, d_res_id, d_noupdate, r_id = row
if r_id:
xml_id = '%s.%s' % (d_module, d_name)
xml_ids_vals[xml_id][parent_field] = r_id
# check for records to create with an XMLID from another module
module = self.env.context.get('install_module')
if module:
prefix = module + "."
for data in to_create:
if data.get('xml_id') and not data['xml_id'].startswith(prefix):
_logger.warning("Creating record %s in module %s.", data['xml_id'], module)
# create records
records = self._load_records_create([data['values'] for data in to_create])
for data, record in zip(to_create, records):
data['record'] = record
# create or update XMLIDs
if to_create or to_update:
imd_data_list = [data for data in data_list if data.get('xml_id')]
imd._update_xmlids(imd_data_list, update)
return original_self.concat(*(data['record'] for data in data_list))
# TODO: ameliorer avec NULL
def _where_calc(self, domain, active_test=True):
"""Computes the WHERE clause needed to implement an OpenERP domain.
:param domain: the domain to compute
:type domain: list
:param active_test: whether the default filtering of records with ``active``
field set to ``False`` should be applied.
:return: the query expressing the given domain as provided in domain
:rtype: osv.query.Query
# if the object has a field named 'active', filter out all inactive
# records unless they were explicitely asked for
if 'active' in self._fields and active_test and self._context.get('active_test', True):
# the item[0] trick below works for domain items and '&'/'|'/'!'
# operators too
if not any(item[0] == 'active' for item in domain):
domain = [('active', '=', 1)] + domain
if domain:
e = expression.expression(domain, self)
tables = e.get_tables()
where_clause, where_params = e.to_sql()
where_clause = [where_clause] if where_clause else []
where_clause, where_params, tables = [], [], ['"%s"' % self._table]
return Query(tables, where_clause, where_params)
def _check_qorder(self, word):
if not regex_order.match(word):
raise UserError(_('Invalid "order" specified. A valid "order" specification is a comma-separated list of valid field names (optionally followed by asc/desc for the direction)'))
return True
def _apply_ir_rules(self, query, mode='read'):
"""Add what's missing in ``query`` to implement all appropriate ir.rules
(using the ``model_name``'s rules or the current model's rules if ``model_name`` is None)
:param query: the current query object
if self.env.su:
def apply_rule(clauses, params, tables, parent_model=None):
""" :param parent_model: name of the parent model, if the added
clause comes from a parent model
if clauses:
if parent_model:
# as inherited rules are being applied, we need to add the
# missing JOIN to reach the parent table (if not JOINed yet)
parent_table = '"%s"' % self.env[parent_model]._table
parent_alias = '"%s"' % self._inherits_join_add(self, parent_model, query)
# inherited rules are applied on the external table, replace
# parent_table by parent_alias
clauses = [clause.replace(parent_table, parent_alias) for clause in clauses]
# replace parent_table by parent_alias, and introduce
# parent_alias if needed
tables = [
(parent_table + ' as ' + parent_alias) if table == parent_table \
else table.replace(parent_table, parent_alias)
for table in tables
query.where_clause += clauses
query.where_clause_params += params
for table in tables:
if table not in query.tables:
if self._transient:
# One single implicit access rule for transient models: owner only!
# This is ok because we assert that TransientModels always have
# log_access enabled, so that 'create_uid' is always there.
domain = [('create_uid', '=', self._uid)]
tquery = self._where_calc(domain, active_test=False)
apply_rule(tquery.where_clause, tquery.where_clause_params, tquery.tables)
# apply main rules on the object
Rule = self.env['ir.rule']
where_clause, where_params, tables = Rule.domain_get(self._name, mode)
apply_rule(where_clause, where_params, tables)
# apply ir.rules from the parents (through _inherits)
for parent_model in self._inherits:
where_clause, where_params, tables = Rule.domain_get(parent_model, mode)
apply_rule(where_clause, where_params, tables, parent_model)
def _generate_translated_field(self, table_alias, field, query):
Add possibly missing JOIN with translations table to ``query`` and
generate the expression for the translated field.
:return: the qualified field name (or expression) to use for ``field``
if self.env.lang:
alias, alias_statement = query.add_join(
(table_alias, 'ir_translation', 'id', 'res_id', field),
extra='"{rhs}"."type" = \'model\' AND "{rhs}"."name" = %s AND "{rhs}"."lang" = %s AND "{rhs}"."value" != %s',
extra_params=["%s,%s" % (self._name, field), self.env.lang, ""],
return 'COALESCE("%s"."%s", "%s"."%s")' % (alias, 'value', table_alias, field)
return '"%s"."%s"' % (table_alias, field)
def _generate_m2o_order_by(self, alias, order_field, query, reverse_direction, seen):
Add possibly missing JOIN to ``query`` and generate the ORDER BY clause for m2o fields,
either native m2o fields or function/related fields that are stored, including
intermediate JOINs for inheritance if required.
:return: the qualified field name to use in an ORDER BY clause to sort by ``order_field``
field = self._fields[order_field]
if field.inherited:
# also add missing joins for reaching the table containing the m2o field
qualified_field = self._inherits_join_calc(alias, order_field, query)
alias, order_field = qualified_field.replace('"', '').split('.', 1)
field = field.base_field
assert field.type == 'many2one', 'Invalid field passed to _generate_m2o_order_by()'
if not field.store:
_logger.debug("Many2one function/related fields must be stored "
"to be used as ordering fields! Ignoring sorting for %s.%s",
self._name, order_field)
return []
# figure out the applicable order_by for the m2o
dest_model = self.env[field.comodel_name]
m2o_order = dest_model._order
if not regex_order.match(m2o_order):
# _order is complex, can't use it here, so we default to _rec_name
m2o_order = dest_model._rec_name
# Join the dest m2o table if it's not joined yet. We use [LEFT] OUTER join here
# as we don't want to exclude results that have NULL values for the m2o
join = (alias, dest_model._table, order_field, 'id', order_field)
dest_alias, _ = query.add_join(join, implicit=False, outer=True)
return dest_model._generate_order_by_inner(dest_alias, m2o_order, query,
reverse_direction, seen)
def _generate_order_by_inner(self, alias, order_spec, query, reverse_direction=False, seen=None):
if seen is None:
seen = set()
order_by_elements = []
for order_part in order_spec.split(','):
order_split = order_part.strip().split(' ')
order_field = order_split[0].strip()
order_direction = order_split[1].strip().upper() if len(order_split) == 2 else ''
if reverse_direction:
order_direction = 'ASC' if order_direction == 'DESC' else 'DESC'
do_reverse = order_direction == 'DESC'
field = self._fields.get(order_field)
if not field:
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r on model %r" % (order_field, self._name))
if order_field == 'id':
order_by_elements.append('"%s"."%s" %s' % (alias, order_field, order_direction))
if field.inherited:
field = field.base_field
if field.store and field.type == 'many2one':
key = (field.model_name, field.comodel_name, order_field)
if key not in seen:
order_by_elements += self._generate_m2o_order_by(alias, order_field, query, do_reverse, seen)
elif field.store and field.column_type:
qualifield_name = self._inherits_join_calc(alias, order_field, query, implicit=False, outer=True)
if field.type == 'boolean':
qualifield_name = "COALESCE(%s, false)" % qualifield_name
order_by_elements.append("%s %s" % (qualifield_name, order_direction))
_logger.warning("Model %r cannot be sorted on field %r (not a column)", self._name, order_field)
continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joinable" fields
return order_by_elements
def _generate_order_by(self, order_spec, query):
Attempt to construct an appropriate ORDER BY clause based on order_spec, which must be
a comma-separated list of valid field names, optionally followed by an ASC or DESC direction.
:raise ValueError in case order_spec is malformed
order_by_clause = ''
order_spec = order_spec or self._order
if order_spec:
order_by_elements = self._generate_order_by_inner(self._table, order_spec, query)
if order_by_elements:
order_by_clause = ",".join(order_by_elements)
return order_by_clause and (' ORDER BY %s ' % order_by_clause) or ''
def _flush_search(self, domain, fields=None, order=None):
""" Flush all the fields appearing in `domain`, `fields` and `order`. """
to_flush = defaultdict(set) # {model_name: field_names}
if fields:
# also take into account the fields in the record rules
domain = list(domain) + (self.env['ir.rule']._compute_domain(self._name, 'read') or [])
for arg in domain:
if isinstance(arg, str):
if not isinstance(arg[0], str):
model_name = self._name
for fname in arg[0].split('.'):
field = self.env[model_name]._fields.get(fname)
if not field:
# DLE P111: `test_message_process_email_partner_find`
# Search on res.users with email_normalized in domain
# must trigger the recompute and flush of res.partner.email_normalized
if field.related_field:
model = self
# DLE P129: `test_transit_multi_companies`
# `self.env['stock.picking'].search([('product_id', '=', product.id)])`
# Should flush `stock.move.picking_ids` as `product_id` on `stock.picking` is defined as:
# `product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product', related='move_lines.product_id', readonly=False)`
for f in field.related:
rfield = model._fields.get(f)
if rfield:
if rfield.type in ('many2one', 'one2many', 'many2many'):
model = self.env[rfield.comodel_name]
if rfield.type == 'one2many':
if field.comodel_name:
model_name = field.comodel_name
# hierarchy operators need the parent field
if arg[1] in ('child_of', 'parent_of'):
model = self.env[model_name]
if model._parent_store:
# flush the order fields
order_spec = order or self._order
for order_part in order_spec.split(','):
order_field = order_part.split()[0]
if order_field in self._fields:
if 'active' in self:
for model_name, field_names in to_flush.items():
def _search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False, access_rights_uid=None):
Private implementation of search() method, allowing specifying the uid to use for the access right check.
This is useful for example when filling in the selection list for a drop-down and avoiding access rights errors,
by specifying ``access_rights_uid=1`` to bypass access rights check, but not ir.rules!
This is ok at the security level because this method is private and not callable through XML-RPC.
:param access_rights_uid: optional user ID to use when checking access rights
(not for ir.rules, this is only for ir.model.access)
:return: a list of record ids or an integer (if count is True)
model = self.with_user(access_rights_uid) if access_rights_uid else self
if expression.is_false(self, args):
# optimization: no need to query, as no record satisfies the domain
return 0 if count else []
# the flush must be done before the _where_calc(), as the latter can do some selects
self._flush_search(args, order=order)
query = self._where_calc(args)
self._apply_ir_rules(query, 'read')
order_by = self._generate_order_by(order, query)
from_clause, where_clause, where_clause_params = query.get_sql()
where_str = where_clause and (" WHERE %s" % where_clause) or ''
if count:
# Ignore order, limit and offset when just counting, they don't make sense and could
# hurt performance
query_str = 'SELECT count(1) FROM ' + from_clause + where_str
self._cr.execute(query_str, where_clause_params)
res = self._cr.fetchone()
return res[0]
limit_str = limit and ' limit %d' % limit or ''
offset_str = offset and ' offset %d' % offset or ''
query_str = 'SELECT "%s".id FROM ' % self._table + from_clause + where_str + order_by + limit_str + offset_str
self._cr.execute(query_str, where_clause_params)
res = self._cr.fetchall()
# TDE note: with auto_join, we could have several lines about the same result
# i.e. a lead with several unread messages; we uniquify the result using
# a fast way to do it while preserving order (http://www.peterbe.com/plog/uniqifiers-benchmark)
def _uniquify_list(seq):
seen = set()
return [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
return _uniquify_list([x[0] for x in res])
@api.returns(None, lambda value: value[0])
def copy_data(self, default=None):
Copy given record's data with all its fields values
:param default: field values to override in the original values of the copied record
:return: list with a dictionary containing all the field values
# In the old API, this method took a single id and return a dict. When
# invoked with the new API, it returned a list of dicts.
# avoid recursion through already copied records in case of circular relationship
if '__copy_data_seen' not in self._context:
self = self.with_context(__copy_data_seen=defaultdict(set))
seen_map = self._context['__copy_data_seen']
if self.id in seen_map[self._name]:
default = dict(default or [])
if 'state' not in default and 'state' in self._fields:
field = self._fields['state']
if field.default:
value = field.default(self)
value = field.convert_to_write(value, self)
default['state'] = value
# build a black list of fields that should not be copied
blacklist = set(MAGIC_COLUMNS + ['parent_path'])
whitelist = set(name for name, field in self._fields.items() if not field.inherited)
def blacklist_given_fields(model):
# blacklist the fields that are given by inheritance
for parent_model, parent_field in model._inherits.items():
if parent_field in default:
# all the fields of 'parent_model' are given by the record:
# default[parent_field], except the ones redefined in self
blacklist.update(set(self.env[parent_model]._fields) - whitelist)
# blacklist deprecated fields
for name, field in model._fields.items():
if field.deprecated:
fields_to_copy = {name: field
for name, field in self._fields.items()
if field.copy and name not in default and name not in blacklist}
for name, field in fields_to_copy.items():
if field.type == 'one2many':
# duplicate following the order of the ids because we'll rely on
# it later for copying translations in copy_translation()!
lines = [rec.copy_data()[0] for rec in self[name].sorted(key='id')]
# the lines are duplicated using the wrong (old) parent, but then
# are reassigned to the correct one thanks to the (0, 0, ...)
default[name] = [(0, 0, line) for line in lines if line]
elif field.type == 'many2many':
default[name] = [(6, 0, self[name].ids)]
default[name] = field.convert_to_write(self[name], self)
return [default]
def copy_translations(old, new, excluded=()):
""" Recursively copy the translations from original to new record
:param old: the original record
:param new: the new record (copy of the original one)
:param excluded: a container of user-provided field names
# avoid recursion through already copied records in case of circular relationship
if '__copy_translations_seen' not in old._context:
old = old.with_context(__copy_translations_seen=defaultdict(set))
seen_map = old._context['__copy_translations_seen']
if old.id in seen_map[old._name]:
def get_trans(field, old, new):
""" Return the 'name' of the translations to search for, together
with the record ids corresponding to ``old`` and ``new``.
if field.inherited:
pname = field.related[0]
return get_trans(field.related_field, old[pname], new[pname])
return "%s,%s" % (field.model_name, field.name), old.id, new.id
# removing the lang to compare untranslated values
old_wo_lang, new_wo_lang = (old + new).with_context(lang=None)
Translation = old.env['ir.translation']
for name, field in old._fields.items():
if not field.copy:
if field.inherited and field.related[0] in excluded:
# inherited fields that come from a user-provided parent record
# must not copy translations, as the parent record is not a copy
# of the old parent record
if field.type == 'one2many' and field.name not in excluded:
# we must recursively copy the translations for o2m; here we
# rely on the order of the ids to match the translations as
# foreseen in copy_data()
old_lines = old[name].sorted(key='id')
new_lines = new[name].sorted(key='id')
for (old_line, new_line) in zip(old_lines, new_lines):
# don't pass excluded as it is not about those lines
elif field.translate:
# for translatable fields we copy their translations
trans_name, source_id, target_id = get_trans(field, old, new)
domain = [('name', '=', trans_name), ('res_id', '=', source_id)]
new_val = new_wo_lang[name]
if old.env.lang and callable(field.translate):
# the new value *without lang* must be the old value without lang
new_wo_lang[name] = old_wo_lang[name]
vals_list = []
for vals in Translation.search_read(domain):
del vals['id']
del vals['module'] # duplicated vals is not linked to any module
vals['res_id'] = target_id
if not callable(field.translate):
vals['src'] = new_wo_lang[name]
if vals['lang'] == old.env.lang and field.translate is True:
# update master record if the new_val was not changed by copy override
if new_val == old[name]:
new_wo_lang[name] = old_wo_lang[name]
vals['src'] = old_wo_lang[name]
# the value should be the new value (given by copy())
vals['value'] = new_val
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def copy(self, default=None):
""" copy(default=None)
Duplicate record ``self`` updating it with default values
:param dict default: dictionary of field values to override in the
original values of the copied record, e.g: ``{'field_name': overridden_value, ...}``
:returns: new record
vals = self.with_context(active_test=False).copy_data(default)[0]
# To avoid to create a translation in the lang of the user, copy_translation will do it
new = self.with_context(lang=None).create(vals)
self.with_context(from_copy_translation=True).copy_translations(new, excluded=default or ())
return new
def exists(self):
""" exists() -> records
Returns the subset of records in ``self`` that exist, and marks deleted
records as such in cache. It can be used as a test on records::
if record.exists():
By convention, new records are returned as existing.
ids, new_ids = [], []
for i in self._ids:
(ids if isinstance(i, int) else new_ids).append(i)
if not ids:
return self
query = """SELECT id FROM "%s" WHERE id IN %%s""" % self._table
self._cr.execute(query, [tuple(ids)])
ids = [r[0] for r in self._cr.fetchall()]
return self.browse(ids + new_ids)
def _check_recursion(self, parent=None):
Verifies that there is no loop in a hierarchical structure of records,
by following the parent relationship using the **parent** field until a
loop is detected or until a top-level record is found.
:param parent: optional parent field name (default: ``self._parent_name``)
:return: **True** if no loop was found, **False** otherwise.
if not parent:
parent = self._parent_name
# must ignore 'active' flag, ir.rules, etc. => direct SQL query
cr = self._cr
query = 'SELECT "%s" FROM "%s" WHERE id = %%s' % (parent, self._table)
for id in self.ids:
current_id = id
while current_id:
cr.execute(query, (current_id,))
result = cr.fetchone()
current_id = result[0] if result else None
if current_id == id:
return False
return True
def _check_m2m_recursion(self, field_name):
Verifies that there is no loop in a directed graph of records, by
following a many2many relationship with the given field name.
:param field_name: field to check
:return: **True** if no loop was found, **False** otherwise.
field = self._fields.get(field_name)
if not (field and field.type == 'many2many' and
field.comodel_name == self._name and field.store):
# field must be a many2many on itself
raise ValueError('invalid field_name: %r' % (field_name,))
cr = self._cr
query = 'SELECT "%s", "%s" FROM "%s" WHERE "%s" IN %%s AND "%s" IS NOT NULL' % \
(field.column1, field.column2, field.relation, field.column1, field.column2)
succs = defaultdict(set) # transitive closure of successors
preds = defaultdict(set) # transitive closure of predecessors
todo, done = set(self.ids), set()
while todo:
# retrieve the respective successors of the nodes in 'todo'
cr.execute(query, [tuple(todo)])
for id1, id2 in cr.fetchall():
# connect id1 and its predecessors to id2 and its successors
for x, y in itertools.product([id1] + list(preds[id1]),
[id2] + list(succs[id2])):
if x == y:
return False # we found a cycle here!
if id2 not in done:
return True
def _get_external_ids(self):
"""Retrieve the External ID(s) of any database record.
**Synopsis**: ``_get_external_ids() -> { 'id': ['module.external_id'] }``
:return: map of ids to the list of their fully qualified External IDs
in the form ``module.key``, or an empty list when there's no External
ID for a record, e.g.::
{ 'id': ['module.ext_id', 'module.ext_id_bis'],
'id2': [] }
result = {record.id: [] for record in self}
domain = [('model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', self.ids)]
for data in self.env['ir.model.data'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['module', 'name', 'res_id'], order='id'):
result[data['res_id']].append('%(module)s.%(name)s' % data)
return result
def get_external_id(self):
"""Retrieve the External ID of any database record, if there
is one. This method works as a possible implementation
for a function field, to be able to add it to any
model object easily, referencing it as ``Model.get_external_id``.
When multiple External IDs exist for a record, only one
of them is returned (randomly).
:return: map of ids to their fully qualified XML ID,
defaulting to an empty string when there's none
(to be usable as a function field),
{ 'id': 'module.ext_id',
'id2': '' }
results = self._get_external_ids()
return {key: val[0] if val else ''
for key, val in results.items()}
# backwards compatibility
get_xml_id = get_external_id
_get_xml_ids = _get_external_ids
# Transience
def is_transient(cls):
""" Return whether the model is transient.
See :class:`TransientModel`.
return cls._transient
def _transient_clean_rows_older_than(self, seconds):
assert self._transient, "Model %s is not transient, it cannot be vacuumed!" % self._name
# Never delete rows used in last 5 minutes
seconds = max(seconds, 300)
query = ("SELECT id FROM " + self._table + " WHERE"
" COALESCE(write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp"
" < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval %s)")
self._cr.execute(query, ("%s seconds" % seconds,))
ids = [x[0] for x in self._cr.fetchall()]
def _transient_clean_old_rows(self, max_count):
# Check how many rows we have in the table
self._cr.execute("SELECT count(*) AS row_count FROM " + self._table)
res = self._cr.fetchall()
if res[0][0] <= max_count:
return # max not reached, nothing to do
def _transient_vacuum(self, force=False):
"""Clean the transient records.
This unlinks old records from the transient model tables whenever the
"_transient_max_count" or "_max_age" conditions (if any) are reached.
Actual cleaning will happen only once every "_transient_check_time" calls.
This means this method can be called frequently called (e.g. whenever
a new record is created).
Example with both max_hours and max_count active:
Suppose max_hours = 0.2 (e.g. 12 minutes), max_count = 20, there are 55 rows in the
table, 10 created/changed in the last 5 minutes, an additional 12 created/changed between
5 and 10 minutes ago, the rest created/changed more then 12 minutes ago.
- age based vacuum will leave the 22 rows created/changed in the last 12 minutes
- count based vacuum will wipe out another 12 rows. Not just 2, otherwise each addition
would immediately cause the maximum to be reached again.
- the 10 rows that have been created/changed the last 5 minutes will NOT be deleted
assert self._transient, "Model %s is not transient, it cannot be vacuumed!" % self._name
_transient_check_time = 20 # arbitrary limit on vacuum executions
cls = type(self)
cls._transient_check_count += 1
if not force and (cls._transient_check_count < _transient_check_time):
return True # no vacuum cleaning this time
cls._transient_check_count = 0
# Age-based expiration
if self._transient_max_hours:
self._transient_clean_rows_older_than(self._transient_max_hours * 60 * 60)
# Count-based expiration
if self._transient_max_count:
return True
def resolve_2many_commands(self, field_name, commands, fields=None):
""" Serializes one2many and many2many commands into record dictionaries
(as if all the records came from the database via a read()). This
method is aimed at onchange methods on one2many and many2many fields.
Because commands might be creation commands, not all record dicts
will contain an ``id`` field. Commands matching an existing record
will have an ``id``.
:param field_name: name of the one2many or many2many field matching the commands
:type field_name: str
:param commands: one2many or many2many commands to execute on ``field_name``
:type commands: list((int|False, int|False, dict|False))
:param fields: list of fields to read from the database, when applicable
:type fields: list(str)
:returns: records in a shape similar to that returned by ``read()``
(except records may be missing the ``id`` field if they don't exist in db)
:rtype: list(dict)
result = [] # result (list of dict)
record_ids = [] # ids of records to read
updates = defaultdict(dict) # {id: vals} of updates on records
for command in commands or []:
if not isinstance(command, (list, tuple)):
elif command[0] == 0:
elif command[0] == 1:
elif command[0] in (2, 3):
record_ids = [id for id in record_ids if id != command[1]]
elif command[0] == 4:
elif command[0] == 5:
result, record_ids = [], []
elif command[0] == 6:
result, record_ids = [], list(command[2])
# read the records and apply the updates
field = self._fields[field_name]
records = self.env[field.comodel_name].browse(record_ids)
for data in records.read(fields):
data.update(updates.get(data['id'], {}))
return result
# for backward compatibility
resolve_o2m_commands_to_record_dicts = resolve_2many_commands
def search_read(self, domain=None, fields=None, offset=0, limit=None, order=None):
"""Perform a :meth:`search` followed by a :meth:`read`.
:param domain: Search domain, see ``args`` parameter in :meth:`search`.
Defaults to an empty domain that will match all records.
:param fields: List of fields to read, see ``fields`` parameter in :meth:`read`.
Defaults to all fields.
:param int offset: Number of records to skip, see ``offset`` parameter in :meth:`search`.
Defaults to 0.
:param int limit: Maximum number of records to return, see ``limit`` parameter in :meth:`search`.
Defaults to no limit.
:param order: Columns to sort result, see ``order`` parameter in :meth:`search`.
Defaults to no sort.
:return: List of dictionaries containing the asked fields.
:rtype: list(dict).
records = self.search(domain or [], offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order)
if not records:
return []
if fields and fields == ['id']:
# shortcut read if we only want the ids
return [{'id': record.id} for record in records]
# read() ignores active_test, but it would forward it to any downstream search call
# (e.g. for x2m or function fields), and this is not the desired behavior, the flag
# was presumably only meant for the main search().
# TODO: Move this to read() directly?
if 'active_test' in self._context:
context = dict(self._context)
del context['active_test']
records = records.with_context(context)
result = records.read(fields)
if len(result) <= 1:
return result
# reorder read
index = {vals['id']: vals for vals in result}
return [index[record.id] for record in records if record.id in index]
def toggle_active(self):
""" Inverse the value of the field ``active`` on the records in ``self``. """
for record in self:
record.active = not record.active
def action_archive(self):
Set active=False on a recordset, by calling toggle_active to take the
corresponding actions according to the model
return self.filtered(lambda record: record.active).toggle_active()
def action_unarchive(self):
Set active=True on a recordset, by calling toggle_active to take the
corresponding actions according to the model
return self.filtered(lambda record: not record.active).toggle_active()
def _register_hook(self):
""" stuff to do right after the registry is built """
def _patch_method(cls, name, method):
""" Monkey-patch a method for all instances of this model. This replaces
the method called ``name`` by ``method`` in the given class.
The original method is then accessible via ``method.origin``, and it
can be restored with :meth:`~._revert_method`.
def do_write(self, values):
# do stuff, and call the original method
return do_write.origin(self, values)
# patch method write of model
model._patch_method('write', do_write)
# this will call do_write
records = model.search([...])
# restore the original method
origin = getattr(cls, name)
method.origin = origin
# propagate decorators from origin to method, and apply api decorator
wrapped = api.propagate(origin, method)
wrapped.origin = origin
setattr(cls, name, wrapped)
def _revert_method(cls, name):
""" Revert the original method called ``name`` in the given class.
See :meth:`~._patch_method`.
method = getattr(cls, name)
setattr(cls, name, method.origin)
# Instance creation
# An instance represents an ordered collection of records in a given
# execution environment. The instance object refers to the environment, and
# the records themselves are represented by their cache dictionary. The 'id'
# of each record is found in its corresponding cache dictionary.
# This design has the following advantages:
# - cache access is direct and thus fast;
# - one can consider records without an 'id' (see new records);
# - the global cache is only an index to "resolve" a record 'id'.
def _browse(cls, env, ids, prefetch_ids):
""" Create a recordset instance.
:param env: an environment
:param ids: a tuple of record ids
:param prefetch_ids: a collection of record ids (for prefetching)
records = object.__new__(cls)
records.env = env
records._ids = ids
records._prefetch_ids = prefetch_ids
return records
def browse(self, ids=None):
""" browse([ids]) -> records
Returns a recordset for the ids provided as parameter in the current
.. code-block:: python
self.browse([7, 18, 12])
res.partner(7, 18, 12)
:param ids: id(s)
:type ids: int or list(int) or None
:return: recordset
if not ids:
ids = ()
elif ids.__class__ in IdType:
ids = (ids,)
ids = tuple(ids)
return self._browse(self.env, ids, ids)
# Internal properties, for manipulating the instance's implementation
def ids(self):
""" Return the list of actual record ids corresponding to ``self``. """
return list(origin_ids(self._ids))
# backward-compatibility with former browse records
_cr = property(lambda self: self.env.cr)
_uid = property(lambda self: self.env.uid)
_context = property(lambda self: self.env.context)
# Conversion methods
def ensure_one(self):
"""Verify that the current recorset holds a single record.
:raise odoo.exceptions.ValueError: ``len(self) != 1``
# unpack to ensure there is only one value is faster than len when true and
# has a significant impact as this check is largely called
_id, = self._ids
return self
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Expected singleton: %s" % self)
def with_env(self, env):
"""Return a new version of this recordset attached to the provided environment.
:param env:
:type env: :class:`~odoo.api.Environment`
.. warning::
The new environment will not benefit from the current
environment's data cache, so later data access may incur extra
delays while re-fetching from the database.
The returned recordset has the same prefetch object as ``self``.
return self._browse(env, self._ids, self._prefetch_ids)
def sudo(self, flag=True):
""" sudo([flag=True])
Returns a new version of this recordset with superuser mode enabled or
disabled, depending on `flag`. The superuser mode does not change the
current user, and simply bypasses access rights checks.
.. warning::
Using ``sudo`` could cause data access to cross the
boundaries of record rules, possibly mixing records that
are meant to be isolated (e.g. records from different
companies in multi-company environments).
It may lead to un-intuitive results in methods which select one
record among many - for example getting the default company, or
selecting a Bill of Materials.
.. note::
Because the record rules and access control will have to be
re-evaluated, the new recordset will not benefit from the current
environment's data cache, so later data access may incur extra
delays while re-fetching from the database.
The returned recordset has the same prefetch object as ``self``.
if not isinstance(flag, bool):
_logger.warning("deprecated use of sudo(user), use with_user(user) instead", stack_info=True)
return self.with_user(flag)
return self.with_env(self.env(su=flag))
def with_user(self, user):
""" with_user(user)
Return a new version of this recordset attached to the given user, in
non-superuser mode, unless `user` is the superuser (by convention, the
superuser is always in superuser mode.)
return self.with_env(self.env(user=user, su=False))
def with_context(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" with_context([context][, **overrides]) -> records
Returns a new version of this recordset attached to an extended
The extended context is either the provided ``context`` in which
``overrides`` are merged or the *current* context in which
``overrides`` are merged e.g.::
# current context is {'key1': True}
r2 = records.with_context({}, key2=True)
# -> r2._context is {'key2': True}
r2 = records.with_context(key2=True)
# -> r2._context is {'key1': True, 'key2': True}
.. note:
The returned recordset has the same prefetch object as ``self``.
if args and 'allowed_company_ids' not in args[0] and 'allowed_company_ids' in self._context:
args[0]['allowed_company_ids'] = self._context.get('allowed_company_ids')
context = dict(args[0] if args else self._context, **kwargs)
return self.with_env(self.env(context=context))
def with_prefetch(self, prefetch_ids=None):
""" with_prefetch([prefetch_ids]) -> records
Return a new version of this recordset that uses the given prefetch ids,
or ``self``'s ids if not given.
if prefetch_ids is None:
prefetch_ids = self._ids
return self._browse(self.env, self._ids, prefetch_ids)
def _update_cache(self, values, validate=True):
""" Update the cache of ``self`` with ``values``.
:param values: dict of field values, in any format.
:param validate: whether values must be checked
def is_monetary(pair):
return pair[0].type == 'monetary'
cache = self.env.cache
fields = self._fields
field_values = [(fields[name], value) for name, value in values.items()]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r on model %r" % (e.args[0], self._name))
# convert monetary fields last in order to ensure proper rounding
for field, value in sorted(field_values, key=is_monetary):
cache.set(self, field, field.convert_to_cache(value, self, validate))
# set inverse fields on new records in the comodel
if field.relational:
inv_recs = self[field.name].filtered(lambda r: not r.id)
if not inv_recs:
for invf in self._field_inverses[field]:
# DLE P98: `test_40_new_fields`
# /home/dle/src/odoo/master-nochange-fp/odoo/addons/test_new_api/tests/test_new_fields.py
# Be careful to not break `test_onchange_taxes_1`, `test_onchange_taxes_2`, `test_onchange_taxes_3`
# If you attempt to find a better solution
for inv_rec in inv_recs:
if not cache.contains(inv_rec, invf):
val = invf.convert_to_cache(self, inv_rec, validate=False)
cache.set(inv_rec, invf, val)
invf._update(inv_rec, self)
def _convert_to_record(self, values):
""" Convert the ``values`` dictionary from the cache format to the
record format.
return {
name: self._fields[name].convert_to_record(value, self)
for name, value in values.items()
def _convert_to_write(self, values):
""" Convert the ``values`` dictionary into the format of :meth:`write`. """
fields = self._fields
result = {}
for name, value in values.items():
if name in fields:
field = fields[name]
value = field.convert_to_write(value, self)
if not isinstance(value, NewId):
result[name] = value
return result
# Record traversal and update
def _mapped_func(self, func):
""" Apply function ``func`` on all records in ``self``, and return the
result as a list or a recordset (if ``func`` returns recordsets).
if self:
vals = [func(rec) for rec in self]
if isinstance(vals[0], BaseModel):
return vals[0].union(*vals) # union of all recordsets
return vals
vals = func(self)
return vals if isinstance(vals, BaseModel) else []
def mapped(self, func):
"""Apply ``func`` on all records in ``self``, and return the result as a
list or a recordset (if ``func`` return recordsets). In the latter
case, the order of the returned recordset is arbitrary.
:param func: a function or a dot-separated sequence of field names
:type func: callable or str
:return: self if func is falsy, result of func applied to all ``self`` records.
:rtype: list or recordset
.. code-block:: python3
# returns a list of summing two fields for each record in the set
records.mapped(lambda r: r.field1 + r.field2)
The provided function can be a string to get field values:
.. code-block:: python3
# returns a list of names
# returns a recordset of partners
# returns the union of all partner banks, with duplicates removed
if not func:
return self # support for an empty path of fields
if isinstance(func, str):
recs = self
for name in func.split('.'):
recs = recs._mapped_func(operator.itemgetter(name))
return recs
return self._mapped_func(func)
def _mapped_cache(self, name_seq):
""" Same as `~.mapped`, but ``name_seq`` is a dot-separated sequence of
field names, and only cached values are used.
recs = self
for name in name_seq.split('.'):
field = recs._fields[name]
null = field.convert_to_cache(False, self, validate=False)
if recs:
recs = recs.mapped(lambda rec: field.convert_to_record(rec._cache.get(name, null), rec))
recs = field.convert_to_record(null, recs)
return recs
def filtered(self, func):
"""Return the records in ``self`` satisfying ``func``.
:param func: a function or a dot-separated sequence of field names
:type func: callable or str
:return: recordset of records satisfying func, may be empty.
.. code-block:: python3
# only keep records whose company is the current user's
records.filtered(lambda r: r.company_id == user.company_id)
# only keep records whose partner is a company
if isinstance(func, str):
name = func
func = lambda rec: any(rec.mapped(name))
return self.browse([rec.id for rec in self if func(rec)])
def filtered_domain(self, domain):
if not domain: return self
result = []
for d in reversed(domain):
if d == '|':
result.append(result.pop() | result.pop())
elif d == '!':
result.append(self - result.pop())
elif d == '&':
result.append(result.pop() & result.pop())
elif d == expression.TRUE_LEAF:
elif d == expression.FALSE_LEAF:
(key, comparator, value) = d
if key.endswith('.id'):
key = key[:-3]
if key == 'id':
key = ''
# determine the field with the final type for values
field = None
if key:
model = self.browse()
for fname in key.split('.'):
field = model._fields[fname]
model = model[fname]
if comparator in ('like', 'ilike', '=like', '=ilike', 'not ilike', 'not like'):
value_esc = value.replace('_', '?').replace('%', '*').replace('[', '?')
records = self.browse()
for rec in self:
data = rec.mapped(key)
if comparator in ('child_of', 'parent_of'):
value = data.search([(data._parent_name, comparator, value)]).ids
comparator = 'in'
if isinstance(data, BaseModel):
v = value
if (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple)) and len(value):
v = value[0]
if isinstance(v, str):
data = data.mapped('display_name')
data = data and data.ids or [False]
elif field and field.type in ('date', 'datetime'):
# convert all date and datetime values to datetime
normalize = Datetime.to_datetime
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = [normalize(v) for v in value]
value = normalize(value)
data = [normalize(d) for d in data]
if comparator in ('in', 'not in'):
if not (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple)):
value = [value]
if comparator == '=':
ok = value in data
elif comparator == 'in':
ok = any(map(lambda x: x in data, value))
elif comparator == '<':
ok = any(map(lambda x: x is not None and x < value, data))
elif comparator == '>':
ok = any(map(lambda x: x is not None and x > value, data))
elif comparator == '<=':
ok = any(map(lambda x: x is not None and x <= value, data))
elif comparator == '>=':
ok = any(map(lambda x: x is not None and x >= value, data))
elif comparator in ('!=', '<>'):
ok = value not in data
elif comparator == 'not in':
ok = all(map(lambda x: x not in data, value))
elif comparator == 'not ilike':
ok = all(map(lambda x: value.lower() not in x.lower(), data))
elif comparator == 'ilike':
data = [x.lower() for x in data]
ok = bool(fnmatch.filter(data, '*'+(value_esc or '').lower()+'*'))
elif comparator == 'not like':
ok = all(map(lambda x: value not in x, data))
elif comparator == 'like':
ok = bool(fnmatch.filter(data, value and '*'+value_esc+'*'))
elif comparator == '=?':
ok = (value in data) or not value
elif comparator in ('=like'):
ok = bool(fnmatch.filter(data, value_esc))
elif comparator in ('=ilike'):
data = [x.lower() for x in data]
ok = bool(fnmatch.filter(data, value and value_esc.lower()))
raise ValueError
if ok: records |= rec
while len(result)>1:
result.append(result.pop() & result.pop())
return result[0]
def sorted(self, key=None, reverse=False):
"""Return the recordset ``self`` ordered by ``key``.
:param key: either a function of one argument that returns a
comparison key for each record, or a field name, or ``None``, in
which case records are ordered according the default model's order
:type key: callable or str or None
:param bool reverse: if ``True``, return the result in reverse order
.. code-block:: python3
# sort records by name
records.sorted(key=lambda r: r.name)
if key is None:
recs = self.search([('id', 'in', self.ids)])
return self.browse(reversed(recs._ids)) if reverse else recs
if isinstance(key, str):
key = itemgetter(key)
return self.browse(item.id for item in sorted(self, key=key, reverse=reverse))
def update(self, values):
""" Update the records in ``self`` with ``values``. """
for record in self:
for name, value in values.items():
record[name] = value
def flush(self, fnames=None, records=None):
""" Process all the pending recomputations (or at least the given field
names `fnames` if present) and flush the pending updates to the
def process(model, id_vals):
# group record ids by vals, to update in batch when possible
updates = defaultdict(list)
for rid, vals in id_vals.items():
for vals, ids in updates.items():
recs = model.browse(ids)
except MissingError:
if fnames is None:
# flush everything
while self.env.all.towrite:
model_name, id_vals = self.env.all.towrite.popitem()
process(self.env[model_name], id_vals)
# flush self's model if any of the fields must be flushed
self.recompute(fnames, records=records)
# check whether any of 'records' must be flushed
if records is not None:
fnames = set(fnames)
towrite = self.env.all.towrite.get(self._name)
if not towrite or all(
fnames.isdisjoint(towrite.get(record.id, ()))
for record in records
# DLE P76: test_onchange_one2many_with_domain_on_related_field
# ```
# email.important = True
# self.assertIn(email, discussion.important_emails)
# ```
# When a search on a field coming from a related occurs (the domain
# on discussion.important_emails field), make sure the related field
# is flushed
model_fields = {}
for fname in fnames:
field = self._fields[fname]
model_fields.setdefault(field.model_name, []).append(field)
if field.related_field:
model_fields.setdefault(field.related_field.model_name, []).append(field.related_field)
for model_name, fields in model_fields.items():
if any(
field.name in vals
for vals in self.env.all.towrite.get(model_name, {}).values()
for field in fields
id_vals = self.env.all.towrite.pop(model_name)
process(self.env[model_name], id_vals)
# New records - represent records that do not exist in the database yet;
# they are used to perform onchanges.
def new(self, values={}, origin=None, ref=None):
""" new([values], [origin], [ref]) -> record
Return a new record instance attached to the current environment and
initialized with the provided ``value``. The record is *not* created
in database, it only exists in memory.
One can pass an ``origin`` record, which is the actual record behind the
result. It is retrieved as ``record._origin``. Two new records with the
same origin record are considered equal.
One can also pass a ``ref`` value to identify the record among other new
records. The reference is encapsulated in the ``id`` of the record.
if origin is not None:
origin = origin.id
record = self.browse([NewId(origin, ref)])
record._update_cache(values, validate=False)
return record
def _origin(self):
""" Return the actual records corresponding to ``self``. """
ids = tuple(origin_ids(self._ids))
prefetch_ids = IterableGenerator(origin_ids, self._prefetch_ids)
return self._browse(self.env, ids, prefetch_ids)
# "Dunder" methods
def __bool__(self):
""" Test whether ``self`` is nonempty. """
return bool(getattr(self, '_ids', True))
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __len__(self):
""" Return the size of ``self``. """
return len(self._ids)
def __iter__(self):
""" Return an iterator over ``self``. """
for id in self._ids:
yield self._browse(self.env, (id,), self._prefetch_ids)
def __contains__(self, item):
""" Test whether ``item`` (record or field name) is an element of ``self``.
In the first case, the test is fully equivalent to::
any(item == record for record in self)
if isinstance(item, BaseModel) and self._name == item._name:
return len(item) == 1 and item.id in self._ids
elif isinstance(item, str):
return item in self._fields
raise TypeError("Mixing apples and oranges: %s in %s" % (item, self))
def __add__(self, other):
""" Return the concatenation of two recordsets. """
return self.concat(other)
def concat(self, *args):
""" Return the concatenation of ``self`` with all the arguments (in
linear time complexity).
ids = list(self._ids)
for arg in args:
if not (isinstance(arg, BaseModel) and arg._name == self._name):
raise TypeError("Mixing apples and oranges: %s.concat(%s)" % (self, arg))
return self.browse(ids)
def __sub__(self, other):
""" Return the recordset of all the records in ``self`` that are not in
``other``. Note that recordset order is preserved.
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
raise TypeError("Mixing apples and oranges: %s - %s" % (self, other))
other_ids = set(other._ids)
return self.browse([id for id in self._ids if id not in other_ids])
def __and__(self, other):
""" Return the intersection of two recordsets.
Note that first occurrence order is preserved.
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
raise TypeError("Mixing apples and oranges: %s & %s" % (self, other))
other_ids = set(other._ids)
return self.browse(OrderedSet(id for id in self._ids if id in other_ids))
def __or__(self, other):
""" Return the union of two recordsets.
Note that first occurrence order is preserved.
return self.union(other)
def union(self, *args):
""" Return the union of ``self`` with all the arguments (in linear time
complexity, with first occurrence order preserved).
ids = list(self._ids)
for arg in args:
if not (isinstance(arg, BaseModel) and arg._name == self._name):
raise TypeError("Mixing apples and oranges: %s.union(%s)" % (self, arg))
return self.browse(OrderedSet(ids))
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Test whether two recordsets are equivalent (up to reordering). """
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel):
if other:
filename, lineno = frame_codeinfo(currentframe(), 1)
_logger.warning("Comparing apples and oranges: %r == %r (%s:%s)",
self, other, filename, lineno)
return NotImplemented
return self._name == other._name and set(self._ids) == set(other._ids)
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
return NotImplemented
return set(self._ids) < set(other._ids)
def __le__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
return NotImplemented
# these are much cheaper checks than a proper subset check, so
# optimise for checking if a null or singleton are subsets of a
# recordset
if not self or self in other:
return True
return set(self._ids) <= set(other._ids)
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
return NotImplemented
return set(self._ids) > set(other._ids)
def __ge__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, BaseModel) or self._name != other._name:
return NotImplemented
if not other or other in self:
return True
return set(self._ids) >= set(other._ids)
def __int__(self):
return self.id
def __str__(self):
return "%s%s" % (self._name, getattr(self, '_ids', ""))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __hash__(self):
if hasattr(self, '_ids'):
return hash((self._name, frozenset(self._ids)))
return hash(self._name)
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" If ``key`` is an integer or a slice, return the corresponding record
selection as an instance (attached to ``self.env``).
Otherwise read the field ``key`` of the first record in ``self``.
inst = model.search(dom) # inst is a recordset
r4 = inst[3] # fourth record in inst
rs = inst[10:20] # subset of inst
nm = rs['name'] # name of first record in inst
if isinstance(key, str):
# important: one must call the field's getter
return self._fields[key].__get__(self, type(self))
elif isinstance(key, slice):
return self.browse(self._ids[key])
return self.browse((self._ids[key],))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
""" Assign the field ``key`` to ``value`` in record ``self``. """
# important: one must call the field's setter
return self._fields[key].__set__(self, value)
# Cache and recomputation management
def _cache(self):
""" Return the cache of ``self``, mapping field names to values. """
return RecordCache(self)
def _in_cache_without(self, field, limit=PREFETCH_MAX):
""" Return records to prefetch that have no value in cache for ``field``
(:class:`Field` instance), including ``self``.
Return at most ``limit`` records.
recs = self.browse(self._prefetch_ids)
ids = [self.id]
for record_id in self.env.cache.get_missing_ids(recs - self, field):
if not record_id:
# Do not prefetch `NewId`
if limit and limit <= len(ids):
return self.browse(ids)
def refresh(self):
""" Clear the records cache.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
The record cache is automatically invalidated.
def invalidate_cache(self, fnames=None, ids=None):
""" Invalidate the record caches after some records have been modified.
If both ``fnames`` and ``ids`` are ``None``, the whole cache is cleared.
:param fnames: the list of modified fields, or ``None`` for all fields
:param ids: the list of modified record ids, or ``None`` for all
if fnames is None:
if ids is None:
return self.env.cache.invalidate()
fields = list(self._fields.values())
fields = [self._fields[n] for n in fnames]
# invalidate fields and inverse fields, too
spec = [(f, ids) for f in fields] + \
[(invf, None) for f in fields for invf in self._field_inverses[f]]
def modified(self, fnames, create=False):
""" Notify that fields have been modified on ``self``. This invalidates
the cache, and prepares the recomputation of stored function fields
(new-style fields only).
:param fnames: iterable of field names that have been modified on
records ``self``
:param create: whether modified is called in the context of record creation
if not self or not fnames:
if len(fnames) == 1:
tree = self._field_triggers.get(self._fields[next(iter(fnames))])
# merge dependency trees to evaluate all triggers at once
tree = {}
for fname in fnames:
node = self._field_triggers.get(self._fields[fname])
if node:
trigger_tree_merge(tree, node)
if tree:
self.sudo().with_context(active_test=False)._modified_triggers(tree, create)
def _modified_triggers(self, tree, create=False):
""" Process a tree of field triggers on ``self``. """
if not self:
for key, val in tree.items():
if key is None:
# val is a list of fields to mark as todo
for field in val:
records = self - self.env.protected(field)
if not records:
# Dont force the recomputation of compute fields which are
# not stored as this is not really necessary.
recursive = not create and field.recursive
if field.compute and field.store:
if recursive:
added = self.env.not_to_compute(field, records)
self.env.add_to_compute(field, records)
if recursive:
added = self & self.env.cache.get_records(self, field)
self.env.cache.invalidate([(field, records._ids)])
# recursively trigger recomputation of field's dependents
if recursive:
elif create and key.type in ('many2one', 'many2one_reference'):
# upon creation, no other record has a reference to self
# val is another tree of dependencies
model = self.env[key.model_name]
for invf in model._field_inverses[key]:
# use an inverse of field without domain
if not (invf.type in ('one2many', 'many2many') and invf.domain):
if invf.type == 'many2one_reference':
rec_ids = set()
for rec in self:
if rec[invf.model_field] == key.model_name:
except MissingError:
records = model.browse(rec_ids)
records = self[invf.name]
except MissingError:
records = self.exists()[invf.name]
# TODO: find a better fix
if key.model_name == records._name:
new_records = self.filtered(lambda r: not r.id)
real_records = self - new_records
records = model.browse()
if real_records:
records |= model.search([(key.name, 'in', real_records.ids)], order='id')
if new_records:
cache_records = self.env.cache.get_records(model, key)
records |= cache_records.filtered(lambda r: set(r[key.name]._ids) & set(self._ids))
def recompute(self, fnames=None, records=None):
""" Recompute all function fields (or the given ``fnames`` if present).
The fields and records to recompute have been determined by method
def process(field):
recs = self.env.records_to_compute(field)
if not recs:
if field.compute and field.store:
except MissingError:
existing = recs.exists()
# mark the field as computed on missing records, otherwise
# they remain forever in the todo list, and lead to an
# infinite loop...
self.env.remove_to_compute(field, recs - existing)
self.env.cache.invalidate([(field, recs._ids)])
self.env.remove_to_compute(field, recs)
if fnames is None:
# recompute everything
fields_to_compute = self.env.fields_to_compute()
while fields_to_compute:
fields = [self._fields[fname] for fname in fnames]
# check whether any 'records' must be computed
if records is not None and not any(
records & self.env.records_to_compute(field)
for field in fields
# recompute the given fields on self's model
for field in fields:
# Generic onchange method
def _dependent_fields(self, field):
""" Return an iterator on the fields that depend on ``field``. """
def traverse(node):
for key, val in node.items():
if key is None:
yield from val
yield from traverse(val)
return traverse(self._field_triggers.get(field, {}))
def _has_onchange(self, field, other_fields):
""" Return whether ``field`` should trigger an onchange event in the
presence of ``other_fields``.
return (field.name in self._onchange_methods) or any(
dep in other_fields for dep in self._dependent_fields(field)
def _onchange_spec(self, view_info=None):
""" Return the onchange spec from a view description; if not given, the
result of ``self.fields_view_get()`` is used.
result = {}
# for traversing the XML arch and populating result
def process(node, info, prefix):
if node.tag == 'field':
name = node.attrib['name']
names = "%s.%s" % (prefix, name) if prefix else name
if not result.get(names):
result[names] = node.attrib.get('on_change')
# traverse the subviews included in relational fields
for subinfo in info['fields'][name].get('views', {}).values():
process(etree.fromstring(subinfo['arch']), subinfo, names)
for child in node:
process(child, info, prefix)
if view_info is None:
view_info = self.fields_view_get()
process(etree.fromstring(view_info['arch']), view_info, '')
return result
def _onchange_eval(self, field_name, onchange, result):
""" Apply onchange method(s) for field ``field_name`` with spec ``onchange``
on record ``self``. Value assignments are applied on ``self``, while
domain and warning messages are put in dictionary ``result``.
onchange = onchange.strip()
def process(res):
if not res:
if res.get('value'):
res['value'].pop('id', None)
self.update({key: val for key, val in res['value'].items() if key in self._fields})
if res.get('domain'):
result.setdefault('domain', {}).update(res['domain'])
if res.get('warning'):
res['warning'].get('title') or _("Warning"),
res['warning'].get('message') or "",
res['warning'].get('type') or "",
if onchange in ("1", "true"):
for method in self._onchange_methods.get(field_name, ()):
method_res = method(self)
def onchange(self, values, field_name, field_onchange):
""" Perform an onchange on the given field.
:param values: dictionary mapping field names to values, giving the
current state of modification
:param field_name: name of the modified field, or list of field
names (in view order), or False
:param field_onchange: dictionary mapping field names to their
on_change attribute
# this is for tests using `Form`
env = self.env
if isinstance(field_name, list):
names = field_name
elif field_name:
names = [field_name]
names = []
if not all(name in self._fields for name in names):
return {}
def PrefixTree(model, dotnames):
""" Return a prefix tree for sequences of field names. """
if not dotnames:
return {}
# group dotnames by prefix
suffixes = defaultdict(list)
for dotname in dotnames:
# name, *names = dotname.split('.', 1)
names = dotname.split('.', 1)
name = names.pop(0)
# fill in prefix tree in fields order
tree = OrderedDict()
for name, field in model._fields.items():
if name in suffixes:
tree[name] = subtree = PrefixTree(model[name], suffixes[name])
if subtree and field.type == 'one2many':
subtree.pop(field.inverse_name, None)
return tree
class Snapshot(dict):
""" A dict with the values of a record, following a prefix tree. """
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, record, tree):
# put record in dict to include it when comparing snapshots
super(Snapshot, self).__init__({'': record, '': tree})
for name in tree:
def fetch(self, name):
""" Set the value of field ``name`` from the record's value. """
record = self['']
tree = self['']
if record._fields[name].type in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
# x2many fields are serialized as a list of line snapshots
self[name] = [Snapshot(line, tree[name]) for line in record[name]]
self[name] = record[name]
def has_changed(self, name):
""" Return whether a field on record has changed. """
record = self['']
subnames = self[''][name]
if record._fields[name].type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
return self[name] != record[name]
return (
len(self[name]) != len(record[name])
or (
set(line_snapshot[""].id for line_snapshot in self[name])
!= set(record[name]._ids)
or any(
for line_snapshot in self[name]
for subname in subnames
def diff(self, other):
""" Return the values in ``self`` that differ from ``other``.
Requires record cache invalidation for correct output!
record = self['']
result = {}
for name, subnames in self[''].items():
if (name == 'id') or (other.get(name) == self[name]):
field = record._fields[name]
if field.type not in ('one2many', 'many2many'):
result[name] = field.convert_to_onchange(self[name], record, {})
# x2many fields: serialize value as commands
result[name] = commands = [(5,)]
for line_snapshot in self[name]:
line = line_snapshot['']
line = line._origin or line
if not line.id:
# new line: send diff from scratch
line_diff = line_snapshot.diff({})
commands.append((0, line.id.ref or 0, line_diff))
# existing line: check diff from database
# (requires a clean record cache!)
line_diff = line_snapshot.diff(Snapshot(line, subnames))
if line_diff:
# send all fields because the web client
# might need them to evaluate modifiers
line_diff = line_snapshot.diff({})
commands.append((1, line.id, line_diff))
commands.append((4, line.id))
return result
nametree = PrefixTree(self.browse(), field_onchange)
# prefetch x2many lines without data (for the initial snapshot)
for name, subnames in nametree.items():
if subnames and values.get(name):
# retrieve all ids in commands
line_ids = set()
for cmd in values[name]:
if cmd[0] in (1, 4):
elif cmd[0] == 6:
# build corresponding new lines, and prefetch fields
new_lines = self[name].browse(NewId(id_) for id_ in line_ids)
for subname in subnames:
# Isolate changed values, to handle inconsistent data sent from the
# client side: when a form view contains two one2many fields that
# overlap, the lines that appear in both fields may be sent with
# different data. Consider, for instance:
# foo_ids: [line with value=1, ...]
# bar_ids: [line with value=1, ...]
# If value=2 is set on 'line' in 'bar_ids', the client sends
# foo_ids: [line with value=1, ...]
# bar_ids: [line with value=2, ...]
# The idea is to put 'foo_ids' in cache first, so that the snapshot
# contains value=1 for line in 'foo_ids'. The snapshot is then updated
# with the value of `bar_ids`, which will contain value=2 on line.
# The issue also occurs with other fields. For instance, an onchange on
# a move line has a value for the field 'move_id' that contains the
# values of the move, among which the one2many that contains the line
# itself, with old values!
changed_values = {name: values[name] for name in names}
# set changed values to null in initial_values; not setting them
# triggers default_get() on the new record when creating snapshot0
initial_values = dict(values, **dict.fromkeys(names, False))
# create a new record with values
record = self.new(initial_values, origin=self)
# make a snapshot based on the initial values of record
snapshot0 = Snapshot(record, nametree)
# store changed values in cache, and update snapshot0
record._update_cache(changed_values, validate=False)
for name in names:
# determine which field(s) should be triggered an onchange
todo = list(names or nametree)
done = set()
# dummy assignment: trigger invalidations on the record
for name in todo:
if name == 'id':
value = record[name]
field = self._fields[name]
if field.type == 'many2one' and field.delegate and not value:
# do not nullify all fields of parent record for new records
record[name] = value
result = {'warnings': OrderedSet()}
# process names in order
while todo:
# apply field-specific onchange methods
for name in todo:
if field_onchange.get(name):
record._onchange_eval(name, field_onchange[name], result)
# determine which fields to process for the next pass
todo = [
for name in nametree
if name not in done and snapshot0.has_changed(name)
if not env.context.get('recursive_onchanges', True):
todo = []
# make the snapshot with the final values of record
snapshot1 = Snapshot(record, nametree)
# determine values that have changed by comparing snapshots
result['value'] = snapshot1.diff(snapshot0)
# format warnings
warnings = result.pop('warnings')
if len(warnings) == 1:
title, message, type = warnings.pop()
if not type:
type = 'dialog'
result['warning'] = dict(title=title, message=message, type=type)
elif len(warnings) > 1:
# concatenate warning titles and messages
title = _("Warnings")
message = '\n\n'.join([warn_title + '\n\n' + warn_message for warn_title, warn_message, warn_type in warnings])
result['warning'] = dict(title=title, message=message, type='dialog')
return result
# not exactly true as BaseModel doesn't have __reversed__, index or count
class RecordCache(MutableMapping):
""" A mapping from field names to values, to read and update the cache of a record. """
def __init__(self, record):
assert len(record) == 1, "Unexpected RecordCache(%s)" % record
self._record = record
def __contains__(self, name):
""" Return whether `record` has a cached value for field ``name``. """
field = self._record._fields[name]
return self._record.env.cache.contains(self._record, field)
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" Return the cached value of field ``name`` for `record`. """
field = self._record._fields[name]
return self._record.env.cache.get(self._record, field)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
""" Assign the cached value of field ``name`` for ``record``. """
field = self._record._fields[name]
self._record.env.cache.set(self._record, field, value)
def __delitem__(self, name):
""" Remove the cached value of field ``name`` for ``record``. """
field = self._record._fields[name]
self._record.env.cache.remove(self._record, field)
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterate over the field names with a cached value. """
for field in self._record.env.cache.get_fields(self._record):
yield field.name
def __len__(self):
""" Return the number of fields with a cached value. """
return sum(1 for name in self)
AbstractModel = BaseModel
class Model(AbstractModel):
AbstractMOdel = BaseModel
BaseMOdel继承于MetalModel, class BaseModel(MetaModel('DummyModel', (object,), {'_register': False})):
MetaModel继承api.meta: MetaModel(api.Meta)
Metal为基类, class Meta(type).
""" Main super-class for regular database-persisted Odoo models.
# models.model 抽象类
Odoo models are created by inheriting from this class::
class user(Model):
The system will later instantiate the class once per database (on
which the class' module is installed).
_auto = True # automatically create database backend
_register = False # not visible in ORM registry, meant to be python-inherited only
_abstract = False # not abstract
_transient = False # not transient
class TransientModel(Model):
""" Model super-class for transient records, meant to be temporarily
persistent, and regularly vacuum-cleaned.
A TransientModel has a simplified access rights management, all users can
create new records, and may only access the records they created. The
superuser has unrestricted access to all TransientModel records.
_auto = True # automatically create database backend
_register = False # not visible in ORM registry, meant to be python-inherited only
_abstract = False # not abstract
_transient = True # transient
def itemgetter_tuple(items):
""" Fixes itemgetter inconsistency (useful in some cases) of not returning
a tuple if len(items) == 1: always returns an n-tuple where n = len(items)
if len(items) == 0:
return lambda a: ()
if len(items) == 1:
return lambda gettable: (gettable[items[0]],)
return operator.itemgetter(*items)
def convert_pgerror_not_null(model, fields, info, e):
if e.diag.table_name != model._table:
return {'message': _(u"Missing required value for the field '%s'") % (e.diag.column_name)}
field_name = e.diag.column_name
field = fields[field_name]
message = _(u"Missing required value for the field '%s' (%s)") % (field['string'], field_name)
return {
'message': message,
'field': field_name,
def convert_pgerror_unique(model, fields, info, e):
# new cursor since we're probably in an error handler in a blown
# transaction which may not have been rollbacked/cleaned yet
with closing(model.env.registry.cursor()) as cr:
conname AS "constraint name",
t.relname AS "table name",
SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = conrelid
AND attnum = ANY(conkey)
) as "columns"
FROM pg_constraint
JOIN pg_class t ON t.oid = conrelid
WHERE conname = %s
""", [e.diag.constraint_name])
constraint, table, ufields = cr.fetchone() or (None, None, None)
# if the unique constraint is on an expression or on an other table
if not ufields or model._table != table:
return {'message': tools.ustr(e)}
# TODO: add stuff from e.diag.message_hint? provides details about the constraint & duplication values but may be localized...
if len(ufields) == 1:
field_name = ufields[0]
field = fields[field_name]
message = _(u"The value for the field '%s' already exists (this is probably '%s' in the current model).") % (field_name, field['string'])
return {
'message': message,
'field': field_name,
field_strings = [fields[fname]['string'] for fname in ufields]
message = _(u"The values for the fields '%s' already exist (they are probably '%s' in the current model).") % (', '.join(ufields), ', '.join(field_strings))
return {
'message': message,
# no field, unclear which one we should pick and they could be in any order
def convert_pgerror_constraint(model, fields, info, e):
sql_constraints = dict([(('%s_%s') % (e.diag.table_name, x[0]), x) for x in model._sql_constraints])
if e.diag.constraint_name in sql_constraints.keys():
return {'message': "'%s'" % sql_constraints[e.diag.constraint_name][2]}
return {'message': tools.ustr(e)}
PGERROR_TO_OE = defaultdict(
# shape of mapped converters
lambda: (lambda model, fvg, info, pgerror: {'message': tools.ustr(pgerror)}), {
'23502': convert_pgerror_not_null,
'23505': convert_pgerror_unique,
'23514': convert_pgerror_constraint,
def lazy_name_get(self):
""" Evaluate self.name_get() lazily. """
names = tools.lazy(lambda: dict(self.name_get()))
return [(rid, tools.lazy(operator.getitem, names, rid)) for rid in self.ids]
# keep those imports here to avoid dependency cycle errors
from .osv import expression
from .fields import Field, Datetime