



Benchmarks & traces

Tool Summaries




JAVA 虚拟机

Benchmarks & traces

Tool Summaries



  • SimpleScalar Simulator: Wisconsin and LLC,http://www.simplescalar.com/
  • GEMS - General Execution-driven Multiprocessor Simulator (GEMS), based on Simics,
  • SimOS - full system simulator,看到不少论文
  • Simics - full system simulator,著名模拟器,已经被收购
  • Bochs - Open-source IA-32 Full System Emulator Project,x86模拟器,活跃度不高,赵炯《Linux内核完全注释》中采用的模拟器。
  • ATL CSIM - General purpose high level computer architecture simulator, C-based with graphics,
  • ML-RSIM - Detailed execution-driven simulator running a Unix-compatible operating system
  • Dinero IV - trace-driven uniprocessor cache simulator
  • WARTS - Wisconsin Architectural Research Tool Set
    • WWT2 - Wisconsin Wind Tunnel II - multiprocessor simulator
    • EEL - an Executable Editing Library
    • QPT2 - a program profiling and tracing tool
  • RSIM - Rice Simulator for ILP Multiprocessors
  • SIMCA - the SImulator for Multithreaded Computer Architecture
  • SimplePower - execution-driven datapath energy estimation tool based on SimpleScalar
  • AMD's x86-64 simulator
  • LDA-Simulator Flexible Memory-Hierarchy Simulator, LDA stands for Latency-of-Data-Access Model
  • ABSS - SPARC multiprocessor simulator
  • HASE - a Hierarchical computer Architecture design and Simulation Environment developed at the University of Edinburgh to support both research (e.g. performance evaluation of computing systems) and teaching (e.g the visualisation of activities taking place inside computers as they execute programs). Several simulation models are available to download for use in teaching.
  • Shade - instruction-set simulator and custom trace generator new site
  • MINT - (MIPS INTerpreter) is a fast program-driven simulator for multiprocessor systems
  • Augmint - multiprocessor tracing-simulation tool, based on MINT
  • PRIMA cache simulator - for studying prefetching and cache performance in multimedia and image-based applications
  • SMPCache - Simulator for Cache MemorySystems on Symmetric Multiprocessors - SMPCache provides an educational tool for examining cache design issues for symmetric multiprocessor. It is a portable software package that runs on PC systems with Windows. It is available at no cost for noncommercial use.
  • WinMIPS64 - a MIPS 64-bit pipeline simulator - A MIPS-64 simulator, replacement for WinDLX
  • TurboSMARTSim - Fast and accurate timing simulation through rigorous statistical sampling and live-points
  • Flexus 2.0 (simflex) - Component-based full-system multiprocessor in-order/out-of-order simulation infrastructure; extends Simics; 2.0 release enhances speed, adds directory-based coherence components
    • Flexus-VFI - a version of the Flexus CMPFlex.OoO chip-multiprocesor simulator. It extends CMPFlex.OoO to model voltage/frequency island based systems in which cores and cache banks can all be run at varying frequencies. It also adds dynamic and static power modeling, thermal modeling, and dynamic voltage/frequency scaling.
  • SimCore - SimCore is a project name to provide computer architecture core tools including processorsimulators. (We have developed SimCore/Alpha Functional Simulator for research and education activities. Its design policy is to keep the source code readable (enjoyable and easy to read ) and simple. SimCore/Alpha Functional Simulator is an Alpha-AXP processor functional simulator written in C++.)
  • SID - Red Hat's SID framework for building computer system simulations
  • LSE - A high-level processor modeling system supporting component reuse and a library of predefined flexible model components. Models are automatically compiled into executable simulators.
  • IATO (IA64 Toolkit) - IATO, the IAOO Toolkit is a flexible environment that permits to analyze, emulate or simulate the IA64 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) binary executables. IATO is a flexible and portable framework that is built around a set of C++ libraries and clients. The fundamental clients are the IA64 emulator+and simulators. Other clients provides supports for program analysis and statistical computation.
  • NePSim - A Network Processor Simulator with Power Evaluation Framework. NePSim is the first open source integrated infrastructure for analyzing and optimizing NP design and power dissipation at architecture-level. NePSim contains a cycle-accurate simulator for a typical NP architecture (Intel's IXP1200), an automatic verification framework for testing and validation, and a power estimation model for measuring the power consumption of the simulated NP. NePSim achieves satisfactory accuracy in both performance and power modeling.
  • PDIWeb - Web Simulator for Instruction Dynamic Scheduling (of the Pipelining). Following the concepts explained in the textbook \223Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach\224, 3rd edition, 2003, Morgan Kaufmann (by Hennessy & Patterson)
  • SESC - A fast architectural simulator for CMPs with out-of-order processors.
  • PTLsim - PTLsim is a cycle accurate out of order microprocessor simulator and virtual machine for the x86 and x86-64 instruction sets. PTLsim models a modern speculative out of order x86-64 compatible processor core, cache hierarchy and supporting hardware.
  • Full-System Simulator for IBM PowerPC 970 - Execution-driven, full-system simulator for PowerPC 970. It enables development teams both within and outside IBM to simulate a PowerPC 970 system in order to develop and enhance application support for this platform.
  • M-Sim Version 3.0 - A multi-threaded extension to the SimpleScalar simulator.
  • M5 - A modular platform for computer system architecture research, encompassing system-level architecture as well as processor microarchitecture. Supports Alpha, SPARC, MIPS, and ARM ISAs, with x86 support in progress.
  • QEMU - Full system and user-mode simulator, with accelerators for simulating and executing on the same ISA. 著名模拟器,android emulator 也采用这个模拟器为基础。virtualbox也采用其TCG作为二进制翻译基础。
  • UNIted SIMulation - Structural simulation
  • EduMIPS64 - MIPS64 ISA simulator written in Java/Swing
  • Noxim - SystemC-based Network-on-Chip simulator
  • Sunflower - Full-system simulator for embedded systems
  • FAME - Fast and Accurate Morolora 68000 Emulation Library
  • Liberty Simulation Environment - language, compiler, and libraries designed to create hardware models


各种高级语言虚拟机(high-level language virtual machine,HLL VM)的设计与实现,泛化至各种高级语言的运行时的设计与实现。讨论范围包括JVM、CLI、Parrot等当前流行的VM平台,也包括Python、Ruby、JavaScript、Lua、Perl、Forth、Smalltalk等众多语言的引擎,还有历史上有影响的各种高级语言虚拟机,如SECD等。


Benchmarks & traces

  • SPEC - Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
    • SpecCPU2000
  • TPC - Transaction Processing Performance Council
  • SPLASH - Stanford Parallel Applications for Shared Memory
  • lmbench
  • STREAM benchmark: Sustainable Memory Bandwidth in High Performance Computers
  • Mediabench
  • Olden Benchmarks
  • BYU Trace Archive
  • CADRE: Traces and Tools for I/O Characterization and Optimization
  • New Mexico State University Trace Database
  • Benchmark Performance Database
  • comp.benchmarks FAQ
  • Benchweb
  • Microbenchmarks for Determining Branch Predictor Organization
  • GraalBench - 3D graphics low-power and mobile systems benchmark
  • NPCryptBench - A Cryptographic Benchmark Suite for Network Processors
  • ALPBench - Parallelized and SSE2-enhanced complex multimedia applications
  • BioBench/BioParallel - A Benchmark Suite of Single and Parallel Bioinformatics Workloads
  • MiDataSets for MiBench - Multiple datasets for MiBench benchmark (20 per program) to enable more realistic benchmarking and practical iterative compilation (iterative optimizations)
  • SPEC CPU2000/CPU2006 Memory Characterization - Full run memory characterization of SPEC workloads
  • PhysicsBench - A benchmark suite to represent game physics
  • San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite

Tool Summaries

  • Instruction-Level Simulation And Tracing
  • A Processor Based Classification of the Instrumentation and Simulation Tools - a summary of the many tools available for simulation and instrumentation.
