C++ try catch异常处理示例

除Java/C#外,C++中也有try catch异常处理机制,具体示例:

int main() {
    try {
        std::cout << "Throwing an integer exception...\n";
        throw 42;
    } catch (int i) {
        std::cout << " the integer exception was caught, with value: " << i << '\n';
    try {
        std::cout << "Creating a vector of size 5... \n";
        std::vector v(5);
        std::cout << "Accessing the 11th element of the vector...\n";
        std::cout << v.at(10); // vector::at() throws std::out_of_range
    } catch (const std::exception& e) { // caught by reference to base
        std::cout << " a standard exception was caught, with message '"
                  << e.what() << "'\n";


Throwing an integer exception...
 the integer exception was caught, with value: 42
Creating a vector of size 5...
Accessing the 11th element of the vector...
 a standard exception was caught, with message 'out_of_range'

你可能感兴趣的:(C++ try catch异常处理示例)