推特进军新闻领域 | 晨读&翻译


推特进军新闻领域(讲解版)| E0508

Twitter, a social network, will reportedly join forces with Bloomberg, a media company, to produce a 24-hour video news service. Twitter has made strides in adding users in recent quarters, but not in boosting profits. Jack Dorsey, a co-founder who recently returned as CEO, introduced limited live video broadcasts at the site, which were seen by 45m unique viewers in the first quarter of 2017.

Reportedly:据报道=it’s reportedly

Join forces:携手join hands

Stride:大步朝前make progress

Boost profit:提升利润


据报道,社交网络平台推特将和媒体公司彭博新闻社携手推出24小时视频新闻服务。在过去的几个季度中,推特在用户数量上取得了长足的进步,但是利润增加还不够。推特的联合创始人Jack Dorsey近期也回归首席执行官之位,并在网站上开始提供有限的视频直播,并在2017年的第一个季度有将近450万的用户观看。

It takes nothing to join in the crowd but it takes everything to stand alone.


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