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据俄罗斯副总理 Maxim Akimov 称,俄罗斯加密货币法草案的作者并未有任何修改该法案的计划。《数字资产法案》于今年5月通过俄罗斯议会的批准,并引起了俄罗斯法律界的热烈讨论。本月早些时候,俄罗斯杜马国家建设委员会主席 Pavel Krasheninnikov 称该法案因需要大幅修改,已被推回一审阶段。

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: Draft Crypto Legislation Won’t Be ‘Significantly’ Edited

Maxim Akimov, the deputy prime minister of Russia, announced that the authors of Russia’s draft cryptocurrency legislation were not planning on making any changes to the bill. The bill “On Digital Financial Assets” — approved by Russia’s parliament back in May — has given rise to a lot of discussion within the Russian legal discourse. And Pavel Krasheninnikov, the chairman of the State Duma committee on state building said earlier this month that the bill had been pushed back to the first reading stage as it needed to be “significantly” changed.




据荷兰新闻媒体 DeTelegraaf 报道,加密服务提供商不日将需要申请到荷兰中央银行颁发的许可证才能经营加密业务。该文章解释说,这样做的目的是防止加密货币被用于洗黑钱或资助恐怖主义。据报道,加密服务提供商若想获得许可证,需要对客户进行登记并上报异常交易报告。

Dutch Central Bank Proposes License Requirement for Cryptocurrency Service Providers

Cryptocurrency service providers will soon be required to obtain a license from the central bank of the Netherlands, Dutch news outlet DeTelegraaf reports. The article explains that the measure aims at preventing such cryptocurrencies being used to launder money obtained through crime or to fund terrorism. To qualify for a license, providers will reportedly need to know who their customers are and report unusual transactions. 




卡尔加里是加拿大阿尔伯塔省的一个城市,现已推出该城市独有的数字货币。持有卡尔加里元(Calgary Dollar)的人可以在当地商店为服务和商品付费。据报道,卡尔加里是加拿大第一个推出自己的数字货币的城市。该市官员希望卡尔加里元可以通过将资金保留在市内流通从而对当地小企业和非营利机构起到支持作用。

Canadian City of Calgary Launches Local Digital Currency to Support Local Businesses

Calgary, a city in the Canadian province of Alberta, has launched its own digital currency. The Calgary Dollar will allow holders to pay for services and goods at local shops.Calgary is reportedly the first city in Canada to launch its own coin. The officials expect that the Calgary Dollar could support small businesses and nonprofits by keeping funds within the city. 





Venezuela Begun Paying Pensioner in Petro

Venezuela has reportedly begun converting pensioners’ monthly payments into its controversial cryptocurrency, the petro. Normally, a pensioner would receive their monthly sum in bolivares, shift the funds to a bank account, and withdraw the fiat from a local branch, and the government apparently converted residents’ bolivars to petros after sending the funds. Users who connect a petro wallet to the pension portal would then be able to withdraw their funds. 




自 BCH 11月的硬分叉以来,BCH 的开发人员一直在研究“Avalanche”共识协议。Openbazaar 的开发人员 Chris Pacia 最近发布了一篇文章《保证零确认交易安全》,在该文章中他讲述了 Avalanche 协议是如何通过参与节点达成预先共识来保护未经验证的交易的。他表示,使用 Avalanche 协议可预防矿工接受双花贿赂,并且他们捆绑了双花通知后,会使零确认交易变得非常安全。

BCH Devs: Avalanche Protocol Could Make Zeroconf Transactions Secure

Since the hard fork in November, BCH developers have been exploring an idea called Avalanche. Openbazaar developer Chris Pacia’s recent post, called “Making Zeroconf Secure”, describes how the Avalanche protocol could protect unconfirmed transactions by having a group of participating nodes come to pre-consensus.He stated that using Avalanche can potentially prevent miners from accepting double spend bribes and when combined with double spend notifications, make zeroconf transactions very secure.



Joseph Young




It takes 3~5 business days for international wire transfers to clear and it's impossible to send large payments without documents. It's easy to see why SWIFT is struggling.Bitcoin is more efficient in processing large payments than legacy systems, even at this very moment.

Bloomberg says the system currently employed by SWIFT is 41 years old.Both institutions and individuals are using the same system that was used in 1977! Think about that. 1977. Outdated systems are vulnerable and inefficient. Can crypto replace it? time will tell.



Eric Conner



The community run page for responses to the @CFTC information request about Ethereum is on fire! 

I’m working to find a way to make sure this response gets proper acknowledgement as a collaboration from many involved in Ethereum. 



Vitalik Buterin





"The Blockchain Is a Reminder of the Internet’s Failure"

IMO the "internet failed" narrative in general is overstated, but still some interesting words of warning.




Lui Luu

Kyber Network联合创始人兼CEO


The permissionless orderbook and automated market making reserves are very important and major development of the protocol. Thanks to the tech team for working extremely hard on these fronts. Expect more reserves and more liquidity on Kyber soon!



Josh Stark

L4 联合创始人

(Spencer Noon:恭喜比特币在闪电网络上锁定了近200万美元!只差1.26亿美元即可赶上以太坊的开放式金融。)


(Spencer Noon:Congratulations to Bitcoin for having almost 2 million dollars worth of collateral in the Lightning Network! Only 126 million dollars to go to catch up with Ethereum Open Finance.)

@MakerDAO's growth is under-appreciated, but I'm not sure this comparison means much. Amount of capital locked up in channel networks vs the CDP system are just very different, with different requirements and purposes.


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