

1. In Hollywood , women are treated like the paper thingies that protect glasses in hotel bathrooms -necessary but infinitely disposable

在好莱坞, 女人的待遇就像酒店洗手间保护玻璃杯的纸套一样:必须得有,但绝对是用完即弃。

(点评: 比喻的段位越高,比附两者之间的关系越远,联想需要的时间越长,其中的韵味更加意味深长。)

2. I'm already predicting my future shame attitude thinking I had anything to offer you , but if I can take what I've learned and make one menial job easier for you , or prevent you from having the kind of sex where you feel you must keep your sneakers on in case you want to run away during the act , then every misstep of mine will have been worthwhile .


(点评: 通过一个典型具体事例阐述观点,是西方作家惯用的一种手法。)

3. I dyed my hair a fluorescent shade of yellow , cutting it into a mullet more inspired by photos of 1980s teen mothers than by any  current trend. I dress in neon spandex that hugs in all the wrong places.


(点评: 好像身材越影响市容的人越喜欢穿这种紧身衣招摇过市。)

4. My roommate has moved to New York to explore farm-to-fork cooking and lesbianism.


(点评: 都是前卫的活法,也只有纽约可以这么兼容并蓄。)

5. One night a female rugby player rips my screen door off the hinges and barges into the dorm to attack her philandering girlfriend .


(点评: 比女汉子还女汉子!)
