AD DS Design

  • Single forest single domain is preferred

  • Time is important (PDC)

  • Implement multiple/backup domain controllers

  • 2,150,000,000 objects per domain

  • FQDN less than 64 characters

FSMO (Flexible single master operation)

Schema master
Forest level To make change into Schema in forest (such as implement Exchange, Lync)
Domain naming master Forest level To add/remove domain in forest
PDC Domain level
  • Time root in forest (PC-DC-PDC)

  • Group policy management centrally

  • Handle password change specially (After change user password, the DC will sync to PDC immediately)

  • Handle user account lock specially

RID Pool master Domain level Assign RIDs (500/time) to DC
Infrastucture master Domain level Objects reference in different domains

# To check the FSMO servers

netdom query fsmo

# To transfer / seize

netdom /?

Install Domain controllers in the first site

# Install AD DS on the first DC

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
# Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment
Import-Module ADDSDeployment
Install-ADDSForest `
-CreateDnsDelegation:$false `
-DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `
-DomainMode "Win2012R2" `
-DomainName "" `
-DomainNetbiosName "VCCWARE" `
-ForestMode "Win2012R2" `
-InstallDns:$true `
-LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `
-NoRebootOnCompletion:$false `
-SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" `
-SafeModeAdministratorPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "" -AsPlainText -Force) `
w32tm /config / / /syncfromflags:manual /update

Change the DNS from back in the network adaptor configuration
# Install AD DS on the second DC

Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
# Windows PowerShell script for AD DS Deployment
Import-Module ADDSDeployment
Install-ADDSDomainController `
-NoGlobalCatalog:$false `
-CreateDnsDelegation:$false `
-CriticalReplicationOnly:$false `
-DatabasePath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `
-DomainName "" `
-InstallDns:$true `
-LogPath "C:\Windows\NTDS" `
-NoRebootOnCompletion:$false `
-ReplicationSourceDC "" `
-SiteName "Default-First-Site-Name" `
-SysvolPath "C:\Windows\SYSVOL" `
-SafeModeAdministratorPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "" -AsPlainText -Force) `