

About LTC offline signature

In fact, ltc belongs to the btc series. It is not difficult to find the source code. (In fact, the source code is the same -_-||, 1co’s altcoin), except that the network is different from the addressHeader, basically the same.。

The following explains the address generation of ltc

The generated address is actually the same as btc, it is a network, it is very simple .

// create address
        //todo Here LitecoinNetParameters has a link in github as
        [Ltc, doge's network description](
        LitecoinNetParameters networkParameters = LitecoinNetParameters.get();
        ECKey ecKey = new ECKey();
        LegacyAddress address = LegacyAddress.fromKey(networkParameters, ecKey);
        String privateKey = ecKey.getPrivateKeyEncoded(networkParameters).toString();
        System.out.println("address :" + address1.toBase58());
        System.out.println("privateKey :" + privateKey);

Here I started to explain the offline signature. There is nothing different from btc. In addition to changing a network, I can’t think of it. It’s just a change. .

// sign transaction
     * ltc offline sign
     * @param changeAddress  //todo The change address can be entered. Here I pass the change as a parameter, and the exchange and wallet are not recommended.
     * @param toAddressList  //todo The roll-out address is a collection, you can also change to a single
     * @param outAmount         //todo Transfer out the amount, here is not made a list, you want to utxo one-to-one correspondence can be their own transformation
     * @param fee            //todo fee
     * @param inputUtxos     //todo Mainly business parameters, you can package according to your business.
     * @return Signed rawHex parameter,Can be used for broadcasting
     * @throws Exception
    public String ltcSign(String changeAddress, List<String> toAddressList, long outAmount, long fee, List<BtcUtxo> inputUtxos) {
        if (null == changeAddress) {
            return "changeAddress is null";
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(inputUtxos)) {
            return "utxos is null";

        LitecoinNetParameters networkParameters = LitecoinNetParameters.get();
        Transaction transaction = new Transaction(networkParameters);

        if (toAddressList.size() > 0) {    //todo Multiple receiving addresses
            for (int i = 0; i <toAddressList.size() ; i++) {
                transaction.addOutput(Coin.valueOf(outAmount), LegacyAddress.fromBase58(networkParameters, toAddressList.get(i)));

        //todo Change address output (input total amount - total transfer amount - handling fee)
        long inputTotalAmount =;
        //todo Amount * toAddressList.size() is written because the amount has not been split into multiples. The amount of the transfer must be one-to-one with the address. Temporary use of a fixed amount * Total number of utxo
        long changeAmount = inputTotalAmount - outAmount * toAddressList.size() -fee;

        //todo If the change is greater than 0, it will be transferred to the change address. This has been changed to a parameter and can be changed to zero. For security advice, write a fixed address here. Avoid misuse.
        if (changeAmount > 0) {
            transaction.addOutput(Coin.valueOf(changeAmount), LegacyAddress.fromBase58(networkParameters, changeAddress));

        for (BtcUtxo inputUtxo : inputUtxos) {
            UTXO utxo = new UTXO(
                    new Script(Hex.decode(inputUtxo.getScript())));

            TransactionOutPoint outPoint = new TransactionOutPoint(networkParameters, utxo.getIndex(), utxo.getHash());

        String rawHex = Hex.toHexString(transaction.bitcoinSerialize());"fee:{},utxoAmount:{},changeAmount{}", fee, outAmount * toAddressList.size(), changeAmount);
        return rawHex;

 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        LtcClient ltcClient = new LtcClient();

        List<BtcUtxo> utxos = Lists.newArrayList();

        BtcUtxo btcUtxo1 = new BtcUtxo()
                .setPrivateKey("your privateKey");
        utxos.add(btcUtxo1);  //todo success

        BtcUtxo btcUtxo2 = new BtcUtxo()
                .setPrivateKey("your privateKey");
        utxos.add(btcUtxo2);  //todo success

        String pk1 = "your privateKey";//todo LQT3XfhBHc5qjj2EnpaBd3tAp4JCa3JPvT
        String pk2 = "your privateKey";//todo LZHHJMMrScT7ZQU45BNzvoZ5PMagWdbUS8
        String pk3 = "your privateKey";//todo LZibmf4x2cUZinLUwAmtcbAZR1JGSjaXuk
        String pk4 = "your privateKey";//todo LeFGSc8QC2aZacDBEkECookyKjBr76Lkz6

        String testaddr = "your privateKey";//todo LNTV6tGkpoLmdd4D8M8CaMapnRysfsQGbX

        //todo Transfer multiple addresses (same amount)
        List<String> toAddressList = new ArrayList<>();
        String rawHex = ltcClient.ltcSign("LNTV6tGkpoLmdd4D8M8CaMapnRysfsQGbX",toAddressList, 954000, 1000, utxos);
       //todo raw hex is sign result, you push need this.

//todo push,Signature result submission broadcast,if return txid,You need to confirm if the block is greater than 0 or 6 to think that he is successful.

This is my many-to-many link to success.


Need to discuss can contact me, QQ 936710254 or WeChat: wr199611
