db2 - 如何在shell中获取存储过程OUT型参数的返回值(awk)


OUT_MSG=$(db2 -v "call liao.proc1('${PAR1}','${PAR2}',?)" )
OUTRET=$(echo "$OUT_MSG" | awk '/Parameter Name/ {PAR=$4} /Parameter Value/ {VAL=$4} /^$/ {if (PAR == "O_RETURN") print VAL}') 

db2 - 如何在shell中获取存储过程OUT型参数的返回值

create or replace procedure liao.proc1(
  in  I_PARAM1 varchar(10)
 ,in  I_PARAM2 varchar(10)
 ,out O_RETURN integer)
specific liao.proc1
language sql
  set O_RETURN=123;

OUT_MSG=$(db2 -v "call liao.proc1('${PAR1}','${PAR2}',?)" )
OUTRET=$(echo "$OUT_MSG" | awk '/Parameter Name/ {PAR=$4} /Parameter Value/ {VAL=$4} /^$/ {if (PAR == "O_RETURN") print VAL}')
if [ $CMDRET -ne 0 -o $OUTRET -ne 0 ];
  echo "ERROR..."


DB2 Stored Procedure Output Value Command Prompt

Question by:
2007-11-16 03:21 PM
  • DB2

Hi experts,

This should be the simple question.

I am calling db2 stored procedure having output parameter from the command prompt.

How to display (ECHO) the output parameter value of the stored procedure at the command prompt?


Good Question?

ocgstylesAccepted Solution on 2007-11-18 at 12:37:43ID: 20308910

Hi ajexpert,

I can give an example, but I'm not sure it will help, since you are working in a Windows environment.  But in case you are familiar with both DOS batch scripting and Unix shell scripting, maybe you can use my shell script as an example to create a DOS batch.

Create a executable file named "get_param_value" that contains:

/usr/bin/awk -v P=$1 '
        /Parameter Name/ { PARAM=$4 }
        /Parameter Value/ { VAL=$4 }
        /^$/ { if( PARAM == P ) print VAL }'

What this awk script does is look for a parameter that you pass into this script.  When the awk script finds the variable, it finds the value on the next line, then when it encounters the next blank line, it outputs the value if we found the param name.

So, if you use the stored procedure I put in my first post, you can do this:

$ db2 "call test(5,6,?) | ./get_param_value P_OUT

In this case, it would print just the value 11.

Sorry again that this is Unix, but I'm not sure how to do a Windows equivalent.


FROM: https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/22966982/DB2-Stored-Procedure-Output-Value-Command-Prompt.html
