- Unbuntu 虚拟机(有自己的服务器更好)
- PostgreSQL
- kong
- kong-dashboard
- docker
- spring boot
安装 PostgreSQL
kong 需要使用到数据库,目前支持PostgreSQL和Cassandran ,我选择大象数据库,安装过程省略,可以参考这篇文章。
Ubuntu PostgreSQL安装和配置
安装完后建一个kong的用户、密码为kong、建一个kong 数据库:
sudo -u postgres psql 进入,提示符变成: postgres=#
postgres=# create user kong with password 'kong'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE DATABASE kong OWNER kong; CREATE DATABASE postgres=#
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install openssl libpcre3 procps perl $ sudo dpkg -i kong-community-edition-1.0.2.*.deb
kong version
$ cp /etc/kong/kong.conf.default /etc/kong/kong.conf
cat /etc/kong/kong.conf
cat /etc/kong.conf
pg_host = # The PostgreSQL host to connect to. pg_port = 5432 # The port to connect to. pg_user = kong # The username to authenticate if required. pg_password = kong # The password to authenticate if required. pg_database = kong
su - postgres//进入数据库 -bash-4.2$ psql postgres=# CREATE USER kong WITH PASSWORD 'kong'; CREATE DATABASE kong OWNER kong;//建立数据库以及用户
$ kong migrations up -c /etc/kong/kong.conf.default
Error: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/start.lua:28: [postgres error] could not retrieve current migrations: [postgres error] 致命错误: 用户 "kong" Ident 认证失败
vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
把这个配置文件中的认证 METHOD的ident修改为trust,可以实现用账户和密码来访问数据库,
即解决psql: 致命错误: 用户 "postgres" Ident 认证失败 这个问题)
#service postgresql-9.6 restart
kong migrations bootstrap
启动kong :
kong start -c /etc/kong/kong.conf --vv
· 8000:此端口是KONG用来监听来自客户端传入的HTTP请求,并将此请求转发到上有服务器;(kong根据配置的规则转发到真实的后台服务地址。)
· 8443:此端口是KONG用来监听来自客户端传入的HTTPS请求的。它跟8000端口的功能类似,转发HTTPS请求的。可以通过修改配置文件来禁止它;
· 8001:Admin API,通过此端口,管理者可以对KONG的监听服务进行配置,插件设置、API的增删改查、以及负载均衡等一系列的配置都是通过8001端口进行管理;
· 8444:通过此端口,管理者可以对HTTPS请求进行监控;
最后、浏览器访问IP:8000,如果出现{"message":"no API found with those values"}
[root@localhost logs]# pwd /usr/local/kong/logs [root@localhost logs]# ll 总用量 184 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 28358 2月 22 18:55 access.log -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 63986 2月 22 18:32 admin_access.log -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 91335 2月 22 18:09 error.log [root@localhost logs]# tail -50f error.log
curl -i http://localhost:8001/
管理端口用rest api对api进行操作,文档地址:https://getkong.org/docs/0.8.x/admin-api
下面的所有admin api操作,如果成功会写入postgreSQL中,下面是按照官方的demo操作的,所有操作都是成功的。数据落地到数据库的,查询见《Ubuntu PostgreSQL安装和配置》的第七章节。
1. Add your Service using the Admin API
Issue the following cURL request to add your first Service (pointing to the baidu) to Kong:
curl -i -X POST \ --url http://localhost:8001/services/ \ --data 'name=baidu-service' \ --data 'url=http://www.baidu.com'
You should receive a response similar to:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 03:48:38 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.2 Content-Length: 258 { "host": "www.baidu.com", "created_at": 1550029718, "connect_timeout": 60000, "id": "be1ea866-c4b4-46ac-9c92-ff821fb317ab", "protocol": "http", "name": "baidu-service", "read_timeout": 60000, "port": 80, "path": null, "updated_at": 1550029718, "retries": 5, "write_timeout": 60000 }
2. Add a Route for the Service
curl -i -X POST \ --url http://localhost:8001/services/baidu-service/routes \ --data 'hosts[]=baidu.com'
The answer should be similar to:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 03:51:19 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.2 Content-Length: 346 { "created_at": 1550029879, "methods": null, "id": "d813af89-13fe-4d94-945f-d5bbf4c56a28", "service": { "id": "be1ea866-c4b4-46ac-9c92-ff821fb317ab" }, "name": null, "hosts": ["baidu.com"], "updated_at": 1550029879, "preserve_host": false, "regex_priority": 0, "paths": null, "sources": null, "destinations": null, "snis": null, "protocols": ["http", "https"], "strip_path": true }
Kong is now aware of your Service and ready to proxy requests.
3. Forward your requests through Kong
Issue the following cURL request to verify that Kong is properly forwarding requests to your Service. Note that by default Kong handles proxy requests on port :8000
A successful response means Kong is now forwarding requests made to http://localhost:8000
to the url
we configured in step #1, and is forwarding the response back to us. Kong knows to do this through the header defined in the above cURL request:
注意注册时,'hosts', 'uris' or 'methods'三个参数至少有一个必须指定。
示例2:Enabling Plugins
1. Configure the key-auth plugin
To configure the key-auth plugin for the Service you configured in Kong, issue the following cURL request:
curl -i -X POST \ --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ \ --data 'name=key-auth'
Note: This plugin also accepts a config.key_names
parameter, which defaults to ['apikey']
. It is a list of headers and parameters names (both are supported) that are supposed to contain the apikey during a request.
2. Verify that the plugin is properly configured
Issue the following cURL request to verify that the key-auth plugin was properly configured on the Service:
curl -i -X GET \ --url http://localhost:8000/ \ --header 'Host: example.com'
Since you did not specify the required apikey
header or parameter, the response should be 401 Unauthorized
duanxz@ubuntu18:~/kong$ curl -i -X GET \ > --url http://localhost:8000/ \ > --header 'Host: example.com' HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:13:09 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive WWW-Authenticate: Key realm="kong" Content-Length: 41 Server: kong/1.0.2 {"message":"No API key found in request"}
配置好了 key-auth plugin。
配置好了 key-auth plugin后,lets learn how to add consumers to your Service so we can continue proxying requests through Kong。
1. Create a Consumer through the RESTful API
Lets create a user named Jason
by issuing the following request:
curl -i -X POST \ --url http://localhost:8001/consumers/ \ --data "username=Jason"
You should see a response similar to the one below:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json Connection: keep-alive { "custom_id": null, "created_at": 1550031667, "username": "Jason", "id": "f23dfd0f-6a43-444d-b628-6137cbdb1e6e" }
Congratulations! You’ve just added your first consumer to Kong.
Note: Kong also accepts a custom_id
parameter when creating consumers to associate a consumer with your existing user database.
2. Provision key credentials for your Consumer
Now, we can create a key for our recently created consumer Jason
by issuing the following request:
curl -i -X POST \ --url http://localhost:8001/consumers/Jason/key-auth/ \ --data 'key=ENTER_KEY_HERE'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 04:22:30 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Connection: keep-alive Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Server: kong/1.0.2 Content-Length: 149 { "key": "ENTER_KEY_HERE", "created_at": 1550031750, "consumer": { "id": "f23dfd0f-6a43-444d-b628-6137cbdb1e6e" }, "id": "6d6c4792-f295-4f2a-9941-9357d17240d1" }
3. Verify that your Consumer credentials are valid
We can now issue the following request to verify that the credentials of our Jason
Consumer is valid:
curl -i -X GET \ --url http://localhost:8000 \ --header "Host: example.com" \ --header "apikey: ENTER_KEY_HERE"
Next Steps
Now that we’ve covered the basics of adding Services, Routes, Consumers and enabling Plugins, feel free to read more on Kong in one of the following documents:
- Configuration file Reference
- CLI Reference
- Proxy Reference
- Admin API Reference
- Clustering Reference
Questions? Issues? Contact us on one of the Community Channels for help!
CentOS7使用firewalld打开关闭防火墙与端口 1、firewalld的基本使用 启动: systemctl start firewalld 关闭: systemctl stop firewalld 查看状态: systemctl status firewalld 开机禁用 : systemctl disable firewalld 开机启用 : systemctl enable firewalld
ERROR: module ‘socket’ not found:No LuaRocks module found for socket
# ./bin/kong start -c ./kong.conf
ERROR: ./kong/globalpatches.lua:63: module 'socket' not found:No LuaRocks module found for socket ...
ERROR: function to_regclass(unknown) does not exist (8)
# kong migrations up -c ./kong.conf
[postgres error] could not retrieve current migrations: [postgres error] ERROR: function to_regclass(unknown) does not exist (8) ...
在PostgreSQL 9.4及以上的版本中才存在。
yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-centos96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm yum install postgresql96 yum install postgresql96-server
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive “real_ip_header” in /usr/local/kong/nginx-kong.conf:73
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "real_ip_header" in /usr/local/kong/nginx-kong.conf:73
./configure --with-pcre-jit --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_v2_module
make -j2
make install //默认安装在/usr/local/bin/openresty
export PATH=/usr/local/openresty/bin:$PATH