
NSTableView 下有个属性 _editingCell,可通过以下方式获取:

NSCell *tmpCell = objc_getAssociatedObject(textView, @"EditingCell");
@interface NSTableView : NSControl 
    /* All instance variables are private */
    NSTableHeaderView   *_headerView;
    NSView              *_cornerView;
    NSMutableArray      *_tableColumns;
    NSCell              *_editingCell;
    // NOTE: accessing the _delegate or _dataSource ivars directly is not supported! They are opaque objects, and may not represent the real delegate.
    id                  _delegate;
    id                  _dataSource;
    NSSize              _intercellSpacing;
    CGFloat             _rowHeight;
    NSInteger           _lastSelectedColumn;
    NSInteger           _lastSelectedRow;
    NSInteger           _editingRow;
    NSInteger           _editingColumn;
    NSMutableIndexSet   *_selectedColumns;
    NSMutableIndexSet   *_selectedRows;
    id                  _columnDragInfoX;
    NSColor             *_backgroundColor;
    NSColor             *_gridColor;
    id                  _rowDataX;
    id                  _reserved3;
    SEL                 _reserved4;
    SEL                 _doubleAction;
    NSRect              _rectOfLastColumn;
    NSInteger           _lastCachedRectColumn;
    NSRect              _rectOfLastRow NS_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_0, 10_7); // UNUSED and will be removed
    NSInteger           _lastCachedRectRow NS_DEPRECATED_MAC(10_0, 10_7); // UNUSED and will be removed
    _TvFlags            _tvFlags;
    id                  _reserved;
