Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(6.0):Tutorials

Hyperledger Fabric v1.4(LTS) 系列(6.0):Tutorials


We offer tutorials to get you started with Hyperledger Fabric. The first is oriented to the Hyperledger Fabric application developer, Writing Your First Application. It takes you through the process of writing your first blockchain application for Hyperledger Fabric using the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK.

The second tutorial is oriented towards the Hyperledger Fabric network operators, Building Your First Network. This one walks you through the process of establishing a blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric and provides a basic sample application to test it out.

There are also tutorials for updating your channel, Adding an Org to a Channel, and upgrading your network to a later version of Hyperledger Fabric, Upgrading Your Network Components.

Finally, we offer two chaincode tutorials. One oriented to developers,Chaincode for Developers, and the other oriented to operators,Chaincode for Operators.

我们提供两套教程,首先是面向开发者的Writing Your First Application,用Fabric Node SDK写出区块链应用。
其次是面向网络操作者的Building Your First Network,教程带你建立区块链网络并使用简单的应用测试它。
还有更新通道的Adding an Org to a Channel,升级Fabric的Upgrading Your Network Components。
