



  1. (适用于Java所有版本)读和写一个volatile变量有全局的排序。也就是说每个线程访问一个volatile作用域时会在继续执行之前读取它的当前值,而不是(可能)使用一个缓存的值。(但是并不保证经常读写volatile作用域时读和写的相对顺序,也就是说通常这并不是有用的线程构建)。
  2. (适用于Java5及其之后的版本)volatile的读和写建立了一个happens-before关系,类似于申请和释放一个互斥锁[1]。



Double-checked locking is actually OK as of Java 5 provided that you make the instance reference volatile. So for example, if we needed to pass in a database connection to getInstance(), then this would be OK:

public class MyFactory {
  private static volatile MyFactory instance;

  public static MyFactory getInstance(Connection conn)
       throws IOException {
    if (instance == null) {
      synchronized (MyFactory.class) {
        if (instance == null)
          instance = new MyFactory(conn);
    return instance;  

  private MyFactory(Connection conn) throws IOException {
    // init factory using the database connection passed in

Note that this is OK as of Java 5 because the definition of volatile was specifically changed to make it OK. Accessing a volatile variable has the semantics of synchronization as of Java 5. In other words Java 5 ensures that the unsycnrhonized volatile read must happen after the write has taken place, and the reading thread will see the correct values of all fields on MyFactory.

1  Section 17.4.4: Synchronization Order The Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition. Sun Microsystems. 2005 [2010-11-22].
 2 Neil Coffey. Double-checked Locking (DCL) and how to fix it. Javamex. [2009-09-19]



Double-checked Locking (DCL) and how to fix it (ctd)


