linux设备驱动(字符)练习 #1 基本框架

环境:board:JZ2440    arch:arm    CPU:arm920t    kernel:linux2.6






/* 驱动加载到内核时的初始化函数,__init标识用于将该函数放入对应的段中(数据段,代码段等,
 * 由链接脚本规划,同时加上__init代表完成加载后可以释放的区域)。
 * 返回值类型int,用于表示加载是否成功。
static int __init XXX_init()

/* 基本概念如init没有太大区别,只是__exit标识放置的段会有所差异,同时调用时机也是有差别,
 * 在驱动要卸载时调用。
static void __exit XXX_exit()


module_init(XXX_init);    //标识入口,驱动加载到内核时,由内核调用,一般为初始化资源
module_exit(XXX_exit);    //标识出口,驱动从内核中卸载时,由内核调用,一般为资源回收


MODULE_AUTHOR("CryptonymAMS");        //作者名称
MODULE_VERSION("1.0.0");              //版本号
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("hello world!");   //相关描述
MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");                //GPL许可




通过 ls -l /dev 指令可以看到/dev目录下已有的字符设备驱动,行首的 c 表示该文件是字符型设备,4 和 9x分别为该设备的主设备号和次设备号,英文表示分别为major和minor,这是该驱动在内核中的身份证,而名字ttyxx只是针对用户空间做的一个代名,在内核中并没有实际的作用。

                            major minor
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  91 5月   2 17:00 ttyS27
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  92 5月   2 17:00 ttyS28
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  93 5月   2 17:00 ttyS29
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  67 5月   2 17:00 ttyS3
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  94 5月   2 17:00 ttyS30
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   4,  95 5月   2 17:00 ttyS31






 * register_chrdev() - Register a major number for character devices.
 * @major: major device number or 0 for dynamic allocation
 * @name: name of this range of devices
 * @fops: file operations associated with this devices
 * If @major == 0 this functions will dynamically allocate a major and return
 * its number.
 * If @major > 0 this function will attempt to reserve a device with the given
 * major number and will return zero on success.
 * Returns a -ve errno on failure.
 * The name of this device has nothing to do with the name of the device in
 * /dev. It only helps to keep track of the different owners of devices. If
 * your module name has only one type of devices it's ok to use e.g. the name
 * of the module here.
 * This function registers a range of 256 minor numbers. The first minor number
 * is 0.
int register_chrdev(unsigned int major, const char *name,const struct file_operations *fops);

int unregister_chrdev(unsigned int major, const char *name);



int major;
const char* device_name = "xxx_device";

static const struct file_operations fops= {
	.owner =THIS_MODULE,

static int __init xxx_init(void)
	major = register_chrdev(0, device_name, &fops);
	return 0;

static void __exit xxx_exit(void)
	unregister_chrdev(unsigned int major, device_name);



 * register_chrdev_region() - register a range of device numbers
 * @from: the first in the desired range of device numbers; must include
 *        the major number.
 * @count: the number of consecutive device numbers required
 * @name: the name of the device or driver.
 * Return value is zero on success, a negative error code on failure.
int register_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count, const char *name);

 * alloc_chrdev_region() - register a range of char device numbers
 * @dev: output parameter for first assigned number
 * @baseminor: first of the requested range of minor numbers
 * @count: the number of minor numbers required
 * @name: the name of the associated device or driver
 * Allocates a range of char device numbers.  The major number will be
 * chosen dynamically, and returned (along with the first minor number)
 * in @dev.  Returns zero or a negative error code.
int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned baseminor, unsigned count,const char *name);

 * unregister_chrdev_region() - return a range of device numbers
 * @from: the first in the range of numbers to unregister
 * @count: the number of device numbers to unregister
 * This function will unregister a range of @count device numbers,
 * starting with @from.  The caller should normally be the one who
 * allocated those numbers in the first place...
void unregister_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count);

 * cdev_alloc() - allocate a cdev structure
 * Allocates and returns a cdev structure, or NULL on failure.
struct cdev *cdev_alloc(void);

 * cdev_init() - initialize a cdev structure
 * @cdev: the structure to initialize
 * @fops: the file_operations for this device
 * Initializes @cdev, remembering @fops, making it ready to add to the
 * system with cdev_add().
void cdev_init(struct cdev *cdev, const struct file_operations *fops);

 * cdev_add() - add a char device to the system
 * @p: the cdev structure for the device
 * @dev: the first device number for which this device is responsible
 * @count: the number of consecutive minor numbers corresponding to this
 *         device
 * cdev_add() adds the device represented by @p to the system, making it
 * live immediately.  A negative error code is returned on failure.
int cdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count);

 * cdev_del() - remove a cdev from the system
 * @p: the cdev structure to be removed
 * cdev_del() removes @p from the system, possibly freeing the structure
 * itself.
void cdev_del(struct cdev *p);




static dev_t dev;
static struct cdev *cdev_p;
const char* device_name = "xxx_device";

static const struct file_operations fops= {
	.owner =THIS_MODULE,

static int __init xxx_init(void)
	alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 1, device_name);

	cdev_p = cdev_alloc();
	cdev_init(cdev_p, &fops);
	cdev_add(cdev_p, dev, 1);
	return 0;

static void __exit xxx_exit(void)


kernel_dir = "/work/system/linux-"    #内核所在路径,需要提前编译好

        make -C $(kernel_dir) M=`pwd` modules
        make -C $(kernel_dir) M=`pwd` modules clean
        rm Module.symvers

obj-m += final_test.o


insmod final_test.ko         #加载ko模块
lsmod                        #列出所有已加载的模块
rmmod                        #卸载已加载模块



通过 cat /proc/devices 可以看到已经将设备创建并加载完成。并分配到了252这一主设备号。但是可以看到/dev目录下并未生成我们需要的供用户空间操作的设备节点。


 mknod /dev/test  c 252 0



 * class_create - create a struct class structure
 * @owner: pointer to the module that is to "own" this struct class
 * @name: pointer to a string for the name of this class.
 * This is used to create a struct class pointer that can then be used
 * in calls to class_device_create().
 * Note, the pointer created here is to be destroyed when finished by
 * making a call to class_destroy().
struct class *class_create(struct module *owner, const char *name);

 * class_device_create - creates a class device and registers it with sysfs
 * @cls: pointer to the struct class that this device should be registered to.
 * @parent: pointer to the parent struct class_device of this new device, if any.
 * @devt: the dev_t for the char device to be added.
 * @device: a pointer to a struct device that is assiociated with this class device.
 * @fmt: string for the class device's name
 * This function can be used by char device classes.  A struct
 * class_device will be created in sysfs, registered to the specified
 * class.
 * A "dev" file will be created, showing the dev_t for the device, if
 * the dev_t is not 0,0.
 * If a pointer to a parent struct class_device is passed in, the newly
 * created struct class_device will be a child of that device in sysfs.
 * The pointer to the struct class_device will be returned from the
 * call.  Any further sysfs files that might be required can be created
 * using this pointer.
 * Note: the struct class passed to this function must have previously
 * been created with a call to class_create().
struct class_device *class_device_create(struct class *cls,
					 struct class_device *parent,
					 dev_t devt,
					 struct device *device,
					 const char *fmt, ...);

void class_device_unregister(struct class_device *class_dev);

 * class_destroy - destroys a struct class structure
 * @cls: pointer to the struct class that is to be destroyed
 * Note, the pointer to be destroyed must have been created with a call
 * to class_create().
void class_destroy(struct class *cls);




#define BASE_MINOR 0
#define MAX_DEVICE_NUM 1

int major;
static dev_t dev;
static struct cdev *cdev_p;
const char* device_name = "xxx_device";

static struct class* xxx_clsp;
static struct class_device* xxx_cls_devp[MAX_DEVICE_NUM];

static const struct file_operations fops= {
	.owner =THIS_MODULE,

static int __init xxx_init(void)
	int i=0;
	alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, BASE_MINOR, MAX_DEVICE_NUM, device_name);

	cdev_p = cdev_alloc();
	cdev_init(cdev_p, &fops);
	cdev_add(cdev_p, dev, MAX_DEVICE_NUM);

	xxx_clsp = class_create(THIS_MODULE,"xxx_class");
		xxx_cls_devp[i] = class_device_create(xxx_clsp ,NULL,MKDEV(major,i), NULL, "xxx%d",i);
	return 0;

static void __exit xxx_exit(void)
	int i;


MODULE_DESCRIPTION("hello world!");

