【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171219 #1

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1) Mercedes Autonomous-Car Testing Comes to Australia

Ward's Auto
All are special challenges in the third leg of the Mercedes-Benz Intelligent World Drive, a 5-month-long test of autonomous-driving functions on all five continents using a vehicle based on the German automaker's S-Class. In Australia, the test vehicle is facing unique conditions and situations with ...

2) Your self-driving car of the future is going to need a lot of sensors to handle the snow

【M一句话点评:即使大雪封山,也无法阻挡芬兰 SDC Martti 的前行!】
A group of researchers at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland say they have specifically designed a car for demanding weather conditions. On Friday, they announced that the car, named Martti, had successfully completed an autonomous drive through a snow-covered public road, and at a ...

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171219 #1_第1张图片

3) Turkish engineer designs speed record-breaking driverless car

【M一句话点评:Kamran Türkoğlu 这位土耳其人是蔚来汽车硅谷无人驾驶团队的主力,撰写算法。使得蔚来的无人驾驶汽车时速高达256公里/小时】
Hurriyet Daily News
A Turkish engineer has designed a driverless electric car that has broken a speed record in the United States, making him one of the leading individuals in the technology sector. Assoc. Prof. Kamran Türkoğlu wrote the algorithm for an autonomous car that works with 100 percent electricity and is able to ...

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171219 #1_第2张图片

4) 瑞萨电子和Dibotics推出LiDAR解决方案促进自动驾驶技术的发展

通过将瑞萨电子包含高性能图像处理技术及低功耗的汽车R-Car SoC与Dibotics的3D实时定位和制图(SLAM)技术相结合,系统制造商可提供SLAM on Chip?(注1)。片上SLAM可在SoC上实现高性能PC所需的3D SLAM处理,并且仅利用LiDAR数据即可实现3D制图,而无需使用惯性测量单元(IMU)和全球定位 ...

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171219 #1_第3张图片

5) 2017 年度「最具潜在投资价值企业」隆重揭榜|BTAwards 2017

外送咖啡将白领人群从咖啡厅解放出来,也为咖啡带来了新的消费场景,连咖啡打造了咖啡与生活场景的多个连接点,也让咖啡在人与人之间流动起来。 ... 在自动驾驶时代到来之前,图森未来聚焦于10万亿物流行业,从卡车无人驾驶技术切入,其研发的level 4的无人驾驶已经上路,跑在了AI技术落地的前列。

6) Volvo scales back self-driving test program

Business Insider
Volvo's plan to give self-driving cars to families to use for their daily transportation is getting delayed and scaled back, according to The Verge. The test pilot program, called Drive Me, was originally supposed to provide 100 self-driving XC90 SUVs to consumers in Sweden, Volvo's home country, this ...

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171219 #1_第4张图片

7) What happens after Delphi's split? Supplier becomes Aptiv, spins off powertrain division

Detroit Free Press
Delphi Technologies was officially spun off last week into a standalone entity focused on vehicle propulsion and electrification from Delphi Automotive, the former parts division of General Motors. What remains of the former Delphi Automotive is called Aptiv and will focus instead on self-driving and ...

8) 推2.0版超级卡车福田汽车启动半自动驾驶


9) Fulfilling the Promise of AI Requires Rethinking the Nature of Work Itself

Harvard Business Review
Everywhere today the news confronts us with deeply held fears of AI and automation. Coverage often focuses on the job loss and social unrest that are viewed as likely to follow. These fears aren't unfounded: managers across industries have cost targets and technology enables lower-value tasks to ...

10) Stop Fixating on the 'Artificial' in AI Because It's Actually an Evolution of Our Own Intelligence

Far from spelling your doom, AI is more likely to save your life. Its applications can help stop a skyjacker or halt the spread of an epidemic, for example. I've personally observed AI's very real and very human side in the excited faces of high-school students who have developed their own AI apps. It's part ...

11) Microsoft puts $50 million into fighting climate change with AI

Microsoft is looking to artificial intelligence to save the planet. The company has announced that it's committing $50 million to fighting climate change with AI. The investment is a part of a five-year plan from Microsoft, with the hope of using data on the Earth's air, water, wildlife and land conditions to help.

北京时间17/12/19 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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