00 写在前面


01 软件准备

这里主要使用GATK的best practice进行数据处理,GATK一直在更新维护,建议下载最新版,这里用的是GenomeAnalysisTK-3.8-0-ge9d806836。参考链接如下:https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/

WES/WGS-QC-SNV(GATK) | 自动_第1张图片


  • 测序数据评估及质控:评估测序质量(fastqc,multiqc),去除接头(cutadapt),去除reads两端低质量碱基(fastx_toolkit)
  • SNV calling:序列比对(bwa),索引建立及统计比对情况(samtools),建立索引( picard),SNV检测(gatk)
  • SNV 过滤:gatk,数据库。
    WES/WGS-QC-SNV(GATK) | 自动_第2张图片


conda install fastqc
conda install multiqc
picard="/biosoft/picard-tools-1.124/picard.jar"  #添加到.bash_profile
java -jar $picard -h
GATK=/biosoft/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.8-0-ge9d806836/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar  #添加到.bash_profile
java -jar $GATK -h

02 数据库准备

  • 下载参考基因组
mkdir DB/  && cd DB/
wget --timestamping  'ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes/chr22.fa.gz'
gzip -d chr22.fq.gz

wget --timestamping  'ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes/*';  
md5sum filename  #下载的文件较多时,校验md5以确定文件是完整的
gunzip chr[1-22].gz
gunzip chrX.gz chrY.gz chrM.gz
for i in $(seq 1 22) X Y M; do cat chr${i}.fa >>hg19.fa; done
rm -fr chr*.fasta

wget --timestamping 'ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.gz';
  • 下载数据库
    从GATK resource bundle下载dbSNP,1000G相关数据,用于GATK best practice过程中对变异进行校正。
wget $GATK_FTP/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf.gz
wget $GATK_FTP/1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.vcf.gz
wget $GATK_FTP/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf.gz

03 测序数据质量评估及质控

03-1 质量评估Fastqc, multiqc

一般公司提交的是初步质控处理过的clean data,最好把raw data一并要过来。一般公司会对数据进行基本的质控,但我们还要再确认一次,为什么呢?个人遇到的情况包括以下几种:

  • 部分样本的接头可能去得不完全
  • 此外,为了数据量好看(更大),一般质量过得去的情况下,公司不会对reads前后端测序质量较低的碱基进行剪切,需要自己根据情况进行处理
  • 有的公司对不同样本处理不一致,每个样本的clean data中reads长度可能不一致,有些后续分析是要求不同样本的reads一致
cd fqDIR/  #fq文件存放位置
mkdir qcDIR/ qcDIR_multiqc/  #qc结果存放位置; multiqc结果存放位置
gzip sample1_1.fq.gz  #写Shell脚本批量操作
echo "Spend time:$SECONDS\n" #This line will tell u how long it takes to finish the job
fastqc sample1_1.fq -o qcDIR/ -t 6 -d qcDIR/ >>fastqc.r.log 2>>fastqc.e.log

multiqc qcDIR/ -o qcDIR_multiqc/


WES/WGS-QC-SNV(GATK) | 自动_第3张图片

03-2 去除INDEX和接头


cutadapt -a ADAPTER_FWD -A ADAPTER_REV --pair-filter=both -o sample1_cut_1.fq -p sample1_cut_2.fq sample1_1.fq sample1_2.fq

03-3 去除低质量碱基,过滤低质量reads


03-4 再次质量评估

fastqc, multiqc

最后得到clean Data,用于后续分析,如SNV calling

对germline变异,现在最常用的是GATK的best practice流程。如果是癌症样本,GATK有对应的流程,也有其他的软件,如Varscan等,不在本文讨论范围内。

04 SNV calling

04-1 数据预处理: map, sort, mark duplicates, base recalibration

WES/WGS-QC-SNV(GATK) | 自动_第4张图片
#create index
samtools faidx hg19.fa
#creat dictionary, required by many processing and analysis tools.
java -jar $picard CreateSequenceDictionary\
O=hg19.dict  #该文件可以看到每条染色体的命名,后面QBSR时指定染色体需用到
bwa index -a bwtsw hg19.fa  #*.fa >2G,用-a bwtsw;*.fa < 2G,用-a is (默认)
time bwa mem -M -t 10 -R '@RG\tID:HKV2KALXX.7\tSM:sample1\tPL:illumina\tLB:sample1' 
 $DB/hg19.fa sample1_1.fq sample1_2.fq >aligned_sample1.sam
#-M :Mark shorter split hits as secondary (essential for Picard compatibility)
#-t: number of threads
#@RG: Read Group,必须要有,否则GATK无法进行calling;比对速度比不加@RG更快  
##ID:Read group identifier, flowcell + lane name and number in Illunima data   >>>> ID:FLOWCELL1.LANE1(每个flowcell的每个lane是unique的), EX. HKV2KALXX.7
#PL: platform>>> ILLUMINA
#SM: Sample >>>sample1
#LB: DNA preparation library identifier. MarkDuplicates uses the LB to determine which read groups might contain molecular duplicates, in case the same DNA library was sequenced on multiple lanes.  
#PU:Platform Unit  >>>HKV2KALXX.2  #太复杂,非必须。
转换成BAM文件,sort, mark duplicates
java -jar $picard SortSam \ 
    INPUT=aligned_sample1.sam \ 
    OUTPUT=sorted_sample1.bam \ 

java -jar $picard MarkDuplicates \ 
    INPUT=sorted_sample1.bam \ 
    OUTPUT=dedup_sample1.bam \
#just mark, not remove. most tools in GATK will ingore the marked reads;If desired, duplicates can be removed using the REMOVE_DUPLICATE and REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES options.

java -jar $picard BuildBamIndex \ 

samtools view -H dedup_sample1.bam | grep '@RG'


#merge bam files(利用picard可以保留@RG; samtools合并时会丢掉@RG)
time java -jar $picard MergeSamFiles\ 
I=1.bam I=2.bam\
Recalibrate base quality scores = run BQSR


#analyze patterns of covariation in the dataset
java -jar $GATK \ 
     -T BaseRecalibrator \ 
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
     -I dedup_sample1.bam  \ 
     -L chr22 \ # restrict analysis to only chromosome 22,名称参考前面hg19.dict文件
     -knownSites $DB/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf \ 
     -knownSites $DB/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf \ 
     -knownSites $DB/1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.vcf \
     -o recal_data_sample1.table 

#a second pass to analyze covariation remaining after recalibartion
java -jar $GATK \
     -T BaseRecalibrator \
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \
     -I 12unRG_dedup.bam \
     -L chr22 \  
     -knownSites $DB/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf \
     -knownSites $DB/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.sites.vcf \
     -knownSites $DB/1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.vcf \
     -BQSR recal_data_sample1.table
     -o post_recal_data_sample1.table

#generate before/after plots
java -jar $GATK \
     -T AnalyzeCovariates \
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \
     -L chr22 \  
     -before recal_data_sample1.table \
     -after post_recal_data_sample1.table \
     -plots recalibration_sample1_plots.pdf

#Apply the recalibration to your sequence data
java -jar $GATK \
     -T PrintReads \
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \
     -I dedup_sample1.bam  \
     -L chr22 \
     -BQSR recal_data_sample1.table  \
     -o recal_sample1.bam

04-2 检测SNV: calling, consolidate, filter(VQSR/hard filter)

Note: 2013以前HaplotypeCaller还没完全开发好,用UnifiedGenotyper较多;目前作者推荐使用HaplotypeCaller,在indel检测上更准确。

Call variants per-sample with HaplotypeCaller (in GVCF mode)
java -jar $GATK \ 
     -T HaplotypeCaller \ 
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
     -I dedup_sample1.bam \  
     -L targets.interval_list \ #使用exome数据时,可用该参数指定文件(exome targets);也可以直接指定某染色体,如chr22
     --genotyping_mode DISCOVERY \ #默认参数;GENOTYPE_GIVEN_ALLELES,仅使用给定文件中的allele
     -stand_call_conf 30 \ #minimum confidence threshold (phred-scaled) at which the program should emit variant sites as called; 低于该值则标记为“LowQual"
     -ERC GVCF \
     -o sample1.raw_variants.g.vcf 

Note : targets.interval_list 格式 不同的格式对应不同后缀名

  1. Picard-style .interval_list
    必须有SAM-like header;
    with fields separated by tabs, and the coordinates are 1-based (first position in the genome is position 1, not position 0).
@HD     VN:1.0  SO:coordinate
@SQ     SN:1    LN:249250621    AS:GRCh37       UR:http://www.broadinstitute.org/ftp/pub/seq/references/Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta   M5:1b22b98cdeb4a9304cb5d48026a85128     SP:Homo Sapiens
@SQ     SN:2    LN:243199373    AS:GRCh37       UR:http://www.broadinstitute.org/ftp/pub/seq/references/Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta   M5:a0d9851da00400dec1098a9255ac712e     SP:Homo Sapiens
1       30366   30503   +       target_1
1       69089   70010   +       target_2
1       367657  368599  +       target_3
1       621094  622036  +       target_4
  1. GATK-style .list
    :- no sequence dictionary is necessary
  2. BED files with extension .bed
    with fields separated by tabs. However, you should be aware that this file format is 0-based for the start coordinates
  3. VCF files
Consolidate GVCFs

Joint-Call Cohort:GenomicsDBImport GenotypeGVCFs**

#Consolidate GVCFs with `GenomicsDBImport` or `CombineGVCFs`**
gatk GenomicsDBImport \
    -V gvcfs/sample1.g.vcf \
    -V gvcfs/sample2.g.vcf \
    -V gvcfs/sample3.g.vcf \  #样本较多,可以用-V gvcfs/*.g.vcf
    --genomicsdb-workspace-path my_database \  #自动生成存放结果的文件夹
    --intervals chr22  #目前一次只能处理一条染色体,或一个interval (2018);可以用脚本分别操作后,再用CombineVariants合并。
#joint genotyping
java -jar $GATK \
     -T GenotypeGVCFs \
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \
     -V gendb://my_database \
     -G StandardAnnotation -newQual \
     -O raw_variants.vcf 

 java -jar $GATK \
      -T CombineGVCFs \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -V sample1.g.vcf \
      -V sample2.g.vcf \ 
      -o combined.g.vcf
find gvcf/ -name "*.g.vcf" >input.list
nohup  java -Xmx20g -jar $GATK -T CombineGVCFs -R $DB/hg19.fa --variant  input.list -o combined.g.vcf &  #Xmx20g 使用20G内存

#joint genotyping
java -jar $GATK \
     -T GenotypeGVCFs \
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \
     -V combined.g.vcf \
     -G StandardAnnotation -newQual \
     -o raw_variants.vcf 

NOTE:"." in the filter field is not bad (it means that no filtering was applied).
FILTER field:
PASS if the variant passed all filters.
. no filtering has been applied to the records.
It is extremely important to apply appropriate filters before using a variant callset in downstream analysis. See our documentation on filtering variants for more information on this topic.

Filter Variants by Variant (Quality Score) Recalibration:VariantRecalibrator ApplyRecalibration


  • VQSR:要求样本量大(至少30个WES或1个WGS、有足够的已有变异信息(比如人类或模式生物);否则请用hard filtering
  • hard filtering: 利用vcf中INFO中的参数进行过滤

VQSR: recalibrate variant quality scores and produce a callset filtered for the desired levels of sensitivity and specificity.(利用HapMap,OMIM,1000G,dbSNP数据对SNP进行校正;利用Mills, dbSNP对indel进行校正)

hard filtering 公司常用的过滤标准:

GATK_SNP_Filter=--filterExpression 'DP<10' --filterName LOW_DP --filterExpression 'QD<2.0' --filterName LOW_QD --filterExpression 'FS>60.0' --filterName HIGH_FS --filterExpression 'SOR>4.0' --filterName HIGH_SOR --filterExpression 'MQ<40.0' --filterName LOW_MQ --filterExpression 'MQRankSum<-12.5'  --filterName LOW_MQRS --filterExpression 'ReadPosRankSum<-8.0' --filterName LOW_RPRS -disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods

GATK_INDEL_Filter=--filterExpression 'DP<10' --filterName LOW_DP --filterExpression 'QD<2.0' --filterName LOW_QD --filterExpression 'FS>200.0' --filterName HIGH_FS --filterExpression 'SOR>10.0' --filterName HIGH_SOR --filterExpression 'InbreedingCoeff<-0.8' --filterName LOW_INC --filterExpression 'ReadPosRankSum<-20.0' --filterName LOW_RPRS -disable_auto_index_creation_and_locking_when_reading_rods


  • 下载数据:hapmap_3.3.hg19.vcf 1000G_omni2.5.hg19.vcf 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.vcf dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf, Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.vcf
    FileZile host: ftp.broadinstitute.org user:gsapubftp-anonymous (md5sum filename,确认文件完整性(md5))
wget ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/hg19/1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.sites.vcf.idx.gz
  • recalibrate SNP
#Build the SNP recalibration model
java -jar $GATK \ 
    -T VariantRecalibrator \ 
    -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
    -input raw_variants.vcf \ 
    -resource:hapmap,known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=15.0 hapmap.vcf \ 
    -resource:omni,known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=12.0 omni.vcf \ 
    -resource:1000G,known=false,training=true,truth=false,prior=10.0 1000G.vcf \ 
    -resource:dbsnp,known=true,training=false,truth=false,prior=2.0 dbsnp.vcf \ 
    -an DP \  #仅适用于WGS,不适用于WES(去掉即可)
    -an QD \ 
    -an FS \ 
    -an SOR \ 
    -an MQ \
    -an MQRankSum \ 
    -an ReadPosRankSum \ 
    -an InbreedingCoeff \
    -mode SNP \ 
    -tranche 100.0 -tranche 99.9 -tranche 99.0 -tranche 90.0 \ 
    -recalFile recalibrate_SNP.recal \  #结果文件,校正后的数据,用于下一步
    -tranchesFile recalibrate_SNP.tranches \ #记录命令中使用的quality score thresholds
    -rscriptFile recalibrate_SNP_plots.R  #提前安装好R相应的包,才能出图

#Apply the desired level of recalibration to the SNPs in the call set
java -jar $GATK \ 
    -T ApplyRecalibration \ 
    -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
    -input raw_variants.vcf \ 
    -mode SNP \ 
    --ts_filter_level 99.0 \  #recalibrated quality scores (VQSLOD);值越低,假阳性越低,越specific,同时丢掉真实位点的风险升高 (GATK推荐使用99.9%,provides the highest sensitivity you can get while still being acceptably specific.)这个参数依据自己需求可调,可以多次运行之后自己觉得
    -recalFile recalibrate_SNP.recal \ 
    -tranchesFile recalibrate_SNP.tranches \ 
    -o recalibrated_snps_raw_indels.vcf  #结果文件,包含所有原始数据,其中SNP多了一列recalibrated quality scores (VQSLOD),并根据是否通过过滤标注了PASS或FILTER
  • recalibrate INDEL
#Build the Indel recalibration model
 java -jar $GATK \ 
    -T VariantRecalibrator \ 
    -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
    -input raw_variants.vcf \ 
    -resource:mills,known=false,training=true,truth=true,prior=12.0 Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf  \
    -resource:dbsnp,known=true,training=false,truth=false,prior=2.0 dbsnp.b37.vcf \
    -an QD \ 
    -an DP \ #仅适用于WGS,不适用于WES(去掉即可)
    -an FS \ 
    -an SOR \ 
    -an MQRankSum \ 
    -an ReadPosRankSum \ 
    -an InbreedingCoeff
    -mode INDEL \ 
    -tranche 100.0 -tranche 99.9 -tranche 99.0 -tranche 90.0 \ 
    --maxGaussians 4 \ #clusters of variants that have similar properties,WES样本数低于30时使用;样本数足够时,先去掉这个参数跑,再加上跑,然后自己选择是否要加这个参数
    -recalFile recalibrate_INDEL.recal \  #结果文件,contains the recalibration data
    -tranchesFile recalibrate_INDEL.tranches \ 
    -rscriptFile recalibrate_INDEL_plots.R 

#Apply the desired level of recalibration to the Indels in the call set
java -jar $GATK \ 
     -T ApplyRecalibration \ 
     -R $DB/hg19.fa \ 
     -input recalibrated_snps_raw_indels.vcf \ 
     -mode INDEL \ 
     --ts_filter_level 99.0 \ #Best Practice推荐99.9%
     -recalFile recalibrate_INDEL.recal \ 
     -tranchesFile recalibrate_INDEL.tranches \ 
     -o recalibrated_variants.vcf #结果文件

VariantRecalibration之前,如果缺乏相应的参数,如QD,FS,DP etc.先用VariantAnnotator获得相应的参数值。

#annotate VCF
 java -jar $GATK \
      -T VariantAnnotator \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -I input.bam \
      -V raw_variants.vcf \
      -o annotate_raw_variants.vcf \ #输出文件,如果遇到不符合注释的位点,就默默地略过了,可以检查header,确认做了哪些注释
      --useAllAnnotations \
      --dbsnp dbsnp.vcf

05 SNV初步统计分析

VQSR重在检测SNV,下一步需要使用其他信息提高genotype准确性,过滤低质量genotype,进一步精炼SNV。该流程尤其适用于以下研究:关注变异的拷贝数,家系中变异的de novo origin(https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article?id=11074)。


SNP:SNPs with call rates <95% , MAF <1% or significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in controls (HWE P ≤ 1 × 10−6) were excluded.

#提取子集:SNP, biallelic, call rate>95%, filtered samples<10% 
java -jar $GATK \
      -T SelectVariants \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -ef \ #--excludeFiltered 去除被过滤的位点(在FILTER中,标注不是.或PASS)
      -env \ #--excludeNonVariants 去除非变异位点
      -noTrim \ #保留原始的allele
      -selectType SNP \ #INDEL,SNP,MIXED等,提取某类变异
      -restrictAllelesTo BIALLELIC \ #ALL,BIALLELIC,MULTIALLELIC,提取某类变异
      --maxNOCALLfraction 0.05\ #Maximum fraction of samples with no-call genotypes
      --maxFractionFilteredGenotypes 0.1 \ #最多有多少比例的个体被过滤掉了
      -V recalibrated_variants.vcf \
      -o SNP_bia.vcf 

#提取子集:SNP,MULTIALLELIC, call rate>95%, filtered samples<10%
java -jar $GATK \
      -T SelectVariants \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -ef \ 
      -env \ 
      -noTrim \ 
      -selectType SNP \ 
      -selectType MNP \
      -restrictAllelesTo MULTIALLELIC \ 
      -V recalibrated_variants.vcf \
      -o SNP_multi.vcf 

java -jar $GATK \
      -T SelectVariants \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -ef \ 
      -env \ 
      -noTrim \ 
      -selectType INDEL \ 
      -V recalibrated_variants.vcf \
      -o indel.vcf

05-2 精炼:CalculateGenotypePosteriors VariantFiltration VariantAnnotator Funcotator (experimental)

该流程仅适用于biallelic SNP,不适用于INDEL

#Step 1: Derive posterior probabilities of genotypes
 java -jar $GATK \
      -T CalculateGenotypePosteriors \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -supporting 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.sites.vcf \  #必须要有
      -V SNP_bia.vcf \
      -o SNP_bia.withPosteriors.vcf

#报错:Variant does not contain the same number of MLE allele counts as alternate alleles for record at chr1:94496602 说明supporting文件里在该位点是mulitallele,所以先提取出supporting文件中的biallelic位点(新文件用作supporting文件,再跑一次CalculateGenotypePosteriors)
java -jar $GATK \
      -T SelectVariants \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa  \
      -ef -env -noTrim  \
      -selectType SNP \
      -restrictAllelesTo BIALLELIC \
      -V 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.sites.vcf \
      -o 1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg19.sites.bia.vcf  #用作supporting文件

#Step 2: Filter low quality genotypes
#genotypes with GQ < 20 based on the posteriors are filtered out.GQ20 is widely accepted as a good threshold for genotype accuracy, indicating that there is a 99% chance that the genotype in question is correct.
 java -jar $GATK \
      -T VariantFiltration \
      -R $DB/hg19.fa \
      -G_filter "GQ < 20.0" \  #用FORMAT FILED中的变量过滤
      -G_filterName lowGQ \
      --setFilteredGtToNocall \ #被过滤的位点,将genotype改为./.(相当于missing data
      -V SNP_bia.withPosteriors.vcf \
      -o SNP_bia.withPosteriors_GQ20.vcf 

#Step 3: Annotate possible de novo mutations
#Tool used: VariantAnnotator 针对Family

#Step 4: Functional annotation of possible biological effects
#尚处开发阶段,类似SnpEff or Oncotator

05-3 结果评估


  • Sanger sequencing
  • 多个芯片结果的一致性
  • 与truth set比较,评估一致性,有两个假设:truth set已经被验证过,可以看做是gold-standard; 你的样本和truth set来源的样本要有相似的遗传组成(比如都是东亚人群)

Sequencing Type # of Variants* TiTv Ratio
WGS ~4.4M 2.0-2.1
WES ~41k 3.0-3.3
*for a single sample

TiTv Ratio: ratio of transition (Ti) to transversion (Tv) SNPs。理论上,如果是随机突变的话,比例是0.5.但是,生物学上经常会发生甲基化,C变成T,因此Ti突变更多。而且,CpG island经常出现在primer取悦,C甲基化较多,因此WES数据更偏向Ti,比例一般在3.0-3.3。


你可能感兴趣的:(WES/WGS-QC-SNV(GATK) | 自动)