_fields_ = [
('nChannelID', c_int), # 通道号;ChannelId
('szName', c_char*128), # 事件名称;event name
('bReserved1', c_ubyte*3), # 保留字节,留待扩展.;Reserved bytes, leave extended_
('PTS', c_double), # 时间戳(单位是毫秒);PTS(ms)
('UTC', NET_TIME_EX), # 事件发生的时间;the event happen time
('nEventID', c_int), # 事件ID;event ID
('nLane', c_int), # 对应车道号;road number
('stuObject', SDK_MSG_OBJECT), # 车牌信息
('stuVehicle', SDK_MSG_OBJECT), # 车身信息;vehicle info
('stuFileInfo', SDK_EVENT_FILE_INFO), # 事件对应文件信息;event file info
('nSequence', c_int), # 表示抓拍序号,如3,2,1,1表示抓拍结束,0表示异常结束;snap index,such as 3,2,1,1 means the last one,0 means there has some exception and snap stop
('nSpeed', c_int), # 车辆实际速度Km/h;car's speed (km/h)
('bEventAction', c_ubyte), # 事件动作,0表示脉冲事件,1表示持续性事件开始,2表示持续性事件结束;Event action,0 means pulse event,1 means continuous event's begin,2means continuous event's end;
('byReserved', c_ubyte), # 保留字节;reserved
('byImageIndex', c_ubyte), # 图片的序号, 同一时间内(精确到秒)可能有多张图片, 从0开始;Serial number of the picture, in the same time (accurate to seconds) may have multiple images, starting from 0
('dwSnapFlagMask', C_DWORD), # 抓图标志(按位),0位:"*",1位:"Timing",2位:"Manual",3位:"Marked",4位:"Event",5位:"Mosaic",6位:"Cutout"
('stuResolution', SDK_RESOLUTION_INFO), # 对应图片的分辨率;picture resolution
('bIsExistAlarmRecord', c_int), # rue:有对应的报警录像; false:无对应的报警录像
('dwAlarmRecordSize', C_DWORD), # 录像大小
('szAlarmRecordPath', c_char*256),
('stuIntelliCommInfo', EVENT_INTELLI_COMM_INFO), # 智能事件公共信息;intelli comm info
('stuGPSInfo', NET_GPS_INFO), # GPS信息 车载定制;GPS info ,use in mobile DVR/NVR
('bReserved', c_ubyte*8), # 保留字节,留待扩展.;Reserved bytes, leave extended_
('stTrafficCar', DEV_EVENT_TRAFFIC_TRAFFICCAR_INFO), # 交通车辆信息;Traffic vehicle info
('nDetectNum', c_int), # 规则检测区域顶点数
('DetectRegion', SDK_POINT*20),
('stCommInfo', EVENT_COMM_INFO), # 公共信息;public info
('bHasNonMotor', c_int), # 是否有非机动车信息;Non-motor info enable
('stuNonMotor', VA_OBJECT_NONMOTOR), # 非机动车信息;Non-motor information