github上Fuchsia项目相关文章翻译 - Kernel Objects(fuchsia-mirror/magenta/


Magenta Kernel objects – Magenta的内核对象

Magenta is a object-based kernel. User mode code almost exclusively interacts with OS resources via object handles which map kernel objects to processes.

Kernel objects in progress – 已有内核对象
• Process – 进程
• Thread – 线程
• Event – 事件
• Message pipe – 消息管道
• Interrupt request – 终端请求
• VMObject – VM对象

Kernel objects planned – 未来要增加的内核对象
• Data pipe – 数据管道
• Job – 任务
• IOPort – IO端口

Kernel Object and LK – 内核对象与LK
Some kernel objects wrap one or more LK-level constructs. For example the Thread object wraps one thread_t. However the Message Pipe does not wrap any LK-level objects.

Kernel object lifetime – 内核对象生命周期
Kernel objects are ref-counted. Most kernel objects are born during a syscall and are held alive at refcount = 1 by the handle which binds the handle value given as the output of the syscall. The handle object is held alive as long it is attached to a handle table. Handles are detached from the handle table closing them (for example via sys_close()) which decrements the refcount of the kernel object. Usually, when the last handle is closed the kernel object refcount will reach 0 which causes the destructor to be run.



A kernel object is implemented as a C++ class that derives from Dispatcher and that overrides the methods it implements. Thus, for example, the code of the Thread object is found in ThreadDispatcher. There is plenty of code that only cares about kernel objects in the generic sense, in that case the name you’ll see is utils::RefPtr.

Kernel Object security – 内核对象的安全机制

