

   ActivityInfo resolveActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType, boolean debug,
           String profileFile, ParcelFileDescriptor profileFd, boolean autoStopProfiler) {
       // Collect information about the target of the Intent.
       ActivityInfo aInfo;
       try {
           ResolveInfo rInfo =
                       intent, resolvedType,
                       | ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS);
           aInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.activityInfo : null;
       } catch (RemoteException e) {
           aInfo = null;

   if (aInfo != null) {
       // Store the found target back into the intent, because now that
       // we have it we never want to do this again.  For example, if the
       // user navigates back to this point in the history, we should
       // always restart the exact same activity.
       intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(

       // Don't debug things in the system process
       if (debug) {
           if (!aInfo.processName.equals("system")) {
               mService.setDebugApp(aInfo.processName, true, false);

       if (profileFile != null) {
           if (!aInfo.processName.equals("system")) {
               mService.setProfileApp(aInfo.applicationInfo, aInfo.processName,
                       profileFile, profileFd, autoStopProfiler);
   return aInfo;

函数的关键在AppGlobals.getPackageManager().resolveIntent(intent, resolvedType, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY | ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS)。AppGlobals这个变量提供了一个静态方法,方便应用可以获取系统的函数调用接口。最重要的部分应该就是getPackageManager().resolveInten了,ok,到PackageManagerService看下resolveIntent这个方法。

   public ResolveInfo resolveIntent(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
           int flags) {
       List query = queryIntentActivities(intent, resolvedType, flags);
       return chooseBestActivity(intent, resolvedType, flags, query);

resolveIntent经过了两个步骤,首先根据传递的信息选出符合条件的集合,然后从集合中找出最合适的信息。第一步queryIntentActivities根据intent, resolveType,flag信息选出可能存在的Activity的信息;chooseBestActivity会从第一步的信息的集合中选择最符合条件的Activity,如果chooseBestActivity选出的符合条件的Activity不止一个,则会让用户选择具体需要启动哪个Activity。可以看下chooseBestActivity的实现:

   private ResolveInfo chooseBestActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
                                          int flags, List query) {
       if (query != null) {
           final int N = query.size();
           if (N == 1) {
               return query.get(0);
           } else if (N > 1) {
               // If there is more than one activity with the same priority,
               // then let the user decide between them.
               ResolveInfo r0 = query.get(0);
               ResolveInfo r1 = query.get(1);
               if (DEBUG_INTENT_MATCHING) {
                   Log.d(TAG, + "=" + r0.priority + " vs "
                           + + "=" + r1.priority);
               // If the first activity has a higher priority, or a different
               // default, then it is always desireable to pick it.
               if (r0.priority != r1.priority
                       || r0.preferredOrder != r1.preferredOrder
                       || r0.isDefault != r1.isDefault) {
                   return query.get(0);
               // If we have saved a preference for a preferred activity for
               // this Intent, use that.
               ResolveInfo ri = findPreferredActivity(intent, resolvedType,
                       flags, query, r0.priority);
               if (ri != null) {
                   return ri;
               return mResolveInfo;
       return null;

多有多个Activity符合查询条件时,最终会进入findPreferredActivity找到最合适的Activity。findPreferredActivity最终会调用findPersistentPreferredActivityLP这个函数。 由于正在分析Activity的启动流程,这个函数我还没有去分析,个人猜想可能是这样一个流程,类似于我们在android上打开一个网页,如果你有多个浏览器可以去打开网页,那么android弹出对话框,让用户选择使用哪个浏览器去打开网页;如果用户选择了一个浏览器并且勾选了总是,那么下次再打开网页的时候就会启动已经默认的浏览器,如果用户没有勾选总是,则每次打开网页的时候就会弹出对话框让用户选择。
