

Ubuntu 默认情况下只安装tiny-vim , 只要运行 sudo apt-get install vim 安装完整的vim就好了

.vimrc 下载

" Author: sunboy_2050
" Version: 1.0
" Last Change: 2011-11-11 11:11:11

" General
"Get out of VI's compatible mode..
set nocompatible

" Platform
function! MySys()
  return "linux"

"Sets how many lines of history VIM har to remember
set history=400

" Chinese
if MySys() == "windows"
   "set encoding=utf-8
   "set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8
   "language message zh_CN.UTF-8
   "set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,gb18030,cp936,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1

"Enable filetype plugin
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

"Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside
set autoread

"Have the mouse enabled all the time:
set mouse=a

"Set mapleader
let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","

"Fast saving
nmap  ww :w
nmap  wf :w!

"Fast quiting
nmap  qw :wq
nmap  qf :q!
nmap  qq :q
nmap  qa :qa

"Fast remove highlight search
nmap   :noh

"Fast redraw
nmap  rr :redraw!

" Switch to buffer according to file name
function! SwitchToBuf(filename)
    "let fullfn = substitute(a:filename, "^\\~/", $HOME . "/", "")
    " find in current tab
    let bufwinnr = bufwinnr(a:filename)
    if bufwinnr != -1
        exec bufwinnr . "wincmd w"
        " find in each tab
        let tab = 1
        while tab <= tabpagenr("{1}quot;)
            let bufwinnr = bufwinnr(a:filename)
            if bufwinnr != -1
                exec "normal " . tab . "gt"
                exec bufwinnr . "wincmd w"
            let tab = tab + 1
        " not exist, new tab
        exec "tabnew " . a:filename

"Fast edit vimrc
if MySys() == 'linux'
    "Fast reloading of the .vimrc
    map  ss :source ~/.vimrc
    "Fast editing of .vimrc
    map  ee :call SwitchToBuf("~/.vimrc")
    "When .vimrc is edited, reload it
    autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source ~/.vimrc
elseif MySys() == 'windows'
    " Set helplang
    set helplang=cn
    "Fast reloading of the _vimrc
    map  ss :source ~/_vimrc
    "Fast editing of _vimrc
    map  ee :call SwitchToBuf("~/_vimrc")
    "When _vimrc is edited, reload it
    autocmd! bufwritepost _vimrc source ~/_vimrc
    "Fast copying from linux
    func! CopyFromZ()
      autocmd! bufwritepost _vimrc
      exec 'split y:/.vimrc'
      exec 'normal 17G'
      exec 's/return "linux"/return "windows"/'
      exec 'w! ~/_vimrc'
      exec 'normal u'
      exec 'q'
    nnoremap  uu :call CopyFromZ():so ~/_vimrc

" For windows version
if MySys() == 'windows'
    source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
    behave mswin

    set diffexpr=MyDiff()
    function! MyDiff()
        let opt = '-a --binary '
        if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
        if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
        let arg1 = v:fname_in
        if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
        let arg2 = v:fname_new
        if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
        let arg3 = v:fname_out
        if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
        let eq = ''
        if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
            if &sh =~ '\ ' . arg3 . eq

" Colors and Fonts

"Set font
"if MySys() == "linux"
"  set gfn=Monospace\ 11

" Avoid clearing hilight definition in plugins
if !exists("g:vimrc_loaded")
    "Enable syntax hl
    syntax enable

    " color scheme
    if has("gui_running")
        set guioptions-=T
        set guioptions-=m
        set guioptions-=L
        set guioptions-=r
        colorscheme darkblue_my
        "hi normal guibg=#294d4a
        "colorscheme desert_my"
    endif " has
endif " exists(...)

"Some nice mapping to switch syntax (useful if one mixes different languages in one file)
map 1 :set syntax=c
map 2 :set syntax=xhtml
map 3 :set syntax=python
map 4 :set ft=javascript
map $ :syntax sync fromstart

autocmd BufEnter * :syntax sync fromstart

"Highlight current
"if has("gui_running")
"  set cursorline
"  hi cursorline guibg=#333333
"  hi CursorColumn guibg=#333333

" Fileformats
"Favorite filetypes
set ffs=unix,dos

nmap fd :se ff=dos
nmap fu :se ff=unix

" VIM userinterface
"Set 7 lines to the curors - when moving vertical..
"set so=7

" Maximum window when GUI running
if has("gui_running")
  set lines=9999
  set columns=9999

"Turn on WiLd menu
set wildmenu

"Always show current position
set ruler

"The commandbar is 2 high
set cmdheight=2

"Show line number
set nu

"Do not redraw, when running macros.. lazyredraw
set lz

"Change buffer - without saving
"set hid

"Set backspace
set backspace=eol,start,indent

"Bbackspace and cursor keys wrap to
"set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
set whichwrap+=<,>

"Ignore case when searching
"set ignorecase

"Include search
set incsearch

"Highlight search things
set hlsearch

"Set magic on
set magic

"No sound on errors.
set noerrorbells
set novisualbell
set t_vb=

"show matching bracets
"set showmatch

"How many tenths of a second to blink
"set mat=2

  " Statusline
  "Always hide the statusline
  set laststatus=2

  function! CurDir()
     let curdir = substitute(getcwd(), '/home/easwy/', "~/", "g")
     return curdir

  "Format the statusline
  "set statusline=\ %F%m%r%h\ %w\ \ CWD:\ %r%{CurDir()}%h\ \ \ Line:\ %l/%L:%c

" Visual
" From an idea by Michael Naumann
function! VisualSearch(direction) range
  let l:saved_reg = @"
  execute "normal! vgvy"
  let l:pattern = escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')
  let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n{1}quot;, "", "")
  if a:direction == 'b'
    execute "normal ?" . l:pattern . "^M"
    execute "normal /" . l:pattern . "^M"
  let @/ = l:pattern
  let @" = l:saved_reg

"Basically you press * or # to search for the current selection !! Really useful
vnoremap  * :call VisualSearch('f')
vnoremap  # :call VisualSearch('b')

" Moving around and tabs
"Map space to / and c-space to ?
"map  /
"map  ?

"Smart way to move btw. windows
nmap  j
nmap  k
nmap  h
nmap  l

"Actually, the tab does not switch buffers, but my arrows
"Bclose function can be found in "Buffer related" section
map bd :Bclose
"map  bd

"Use the arrows to something usefull
"map  :bn
"map  :bp

"Tab configuration
map tn :tabnew
map te :tabedit
map tc :tabclose
map tm :tabmove
  set switchbuf=useopen
  set stal=1

"Moving fast to front, back and 2 sides ;)
imap $a
imap  0i

"Switch to current dir
map  cd :cd %:p:h

" Parenthesis/bracket expanding
vnoremap @1 `>a)`
vnoremap @2 `>a]`
vnoremap @3 `>a}`
vnoremap @$ `>a"`
vnoremap @q `>a'`
vnoremap @w `>a"`

"Map auto complete of (, ", ', [
inoremap @1 ():let leavechar=")"i
inoremap @2 []:let leavechar="]"i
inoremap @3 {}:let leavechar="}"i
inoremap @4 {o}:let leavechar="}"O
inoremap @q '':let leavechar="'"i
inoremap @w "":let leavechar='"'i
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.\(vim\)\@! inoremap " "":let leavechar='"'i
"au BufNewFile,BufRead *.\(txt\)\@! inoremap ' '':let leavechar="'"i

"imap  :exec "normal f" . leavechara
"imap  :exec "normal f" . leavechara

" General Abbrevs
"My information
iab xdate =strftime("%c")
iab xname Easwy Yang

" Editing mappings etc.

func! DeleteTrailingWS()
  exe "normal mz"
  exe "normal `z"

" do not automaticlly remove trailing whitespace
"autocmd BufWrite *.[ch] :call DeleteTrailingWS()
"autocmd BufWrite *.cc :call DeleteTrailingWS()
"autocmd BufWrite *.txt :call DeleteTrailingWS()
nmap  ws :call DeleteTrailingWS():w
"nmap  ws! :call DeleteTrailingWS():w!

" Command-line config
"Bash like

" Buffer realted
"Open a dummy buffer for paste
map es :tabnew:setl buftype=nofile
if MySys() == "linux"
map ec :tabnew ~/tmp/scratch.txt
map ec :tabnew $TEMP/scratch.txt

"Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,n~/.viminfo
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("{1}quot;)|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm {1}quot;|endif|endif

" Don't close window, when deleting a buffer
command! Bclose call BufcloseCloseIt()

function! BufcloseCloseIt()
   let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%")
   let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#")

   if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum)
     buffer #

   if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum

   if buflisted(l:currentBufNum)
     execute("bdelete! ".l:currentBufNum)

" Session options
set sessionoptions-=curdir
set sessionoptions+=sesdir

" Files and backups
"Turn backup off
set nobackup
set nowb
"set noswapfile

" Folding
"Enable folding, I find it very useful
"set fen
"set fdl=0
nmap  zo zO
vmap  zo zO

" Text options
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=4

map t2 :set shiftwidth=2
map t4 :set shiftwidth=4
au FileType html,python,vim,javascript setl shiftwidth=2
"au FileType html,python,vim,javascript setl tabstop=2
au FileType java,c setl shiftwidth=4
"au FileType java setl tabstop=4
au FileType txt setl lbr
au FileType txt setl tw=78

set smarttab
"set lbr
"set tw=78

   " Indent
   "Auto indent
   set ai

   "Smart indet
   set si

   "C-style indeting
   set cindent

   "Wrap lines
   set wrap

" Spell checking
map sn ]s
map sp [s
map sa zg
map s? z=

" Complete
" options
set completeopt=menu
set complete-=u
set complete-=i

" mapping
inoremap         pumvisible()?"\":"\"
inoremap        pumvisible()?"\\\":"\"
inoremap        pumvisible()?"\\\":"\"
inoremap        pumvisible()?"\":"\"

" Enable syntax
if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc")
  autocmd Filetype *
        \if &omnifunc == "" |
        \  setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |

" cscope setting
if has("cscope")
  if MySys() == "linux"
    set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
    set csprg=cscope
  set csto=1
  set cst
  set nocsverb
  " add any database in current directory
  if filereadable("cscope.out")
      cs add cscope.out
  set csverb

nmap s :cs find s =expand("")
nmap g :cs find g =expand("")
nmap c :cs find c =expand("")
nmap t :cs find t =expand("")
nmap e :cs find e =expand("")
nmap f :cs find f =expand("")
nmap i :cs find i ^=expand(""){1}lt;CR>
nmap d :cs find d =expand("")

" Plugin configuration
   " Super Tab
   "let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = ""
   let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = ""

   " yank ring setting
   map yr :YRShow

   " file explorer setting
   "Split vertically
   let g:explVertical=1

   "Window size
   let g:explWinSize=35

   let g:explSplitLeft=1
   let g:explSplitBelow=1

   "Hide some files
   let g:explHideFiles='^\.,.*\.class$,.*\.swp$,.*\.pyc$,.*\.swo$,\.DS_Store
"Hide the help thing..
   let g:explDetailedHelp=0

   " minibuffer setting
   let loaded_minibufexplorer = 1         " *** Disable minibuffer plugin
   let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne = 2   " Display when more than 2 buffers
   let g:miniBufExplSplitToEdge = 1       " Always at top
   let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = 3           " The max height is 3 lines
   let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1   " map CTRL-[hjkl]
   let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1    " select by single click
   let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1      " Dont change to unmodified buffer
   let g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1 " force syntax on
   "let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 25
   "let g:miniBufExplSplitBelow = 0

   autocmd BufRead,BufNew :call UMiniBufExplorer

   " bufexplorer setting
   let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=1       " Do not show default help.
   let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1  " Show relative paths.
   let g:bufExplorerSortBy='mru'        " Sort by most recently used.
   let g:bufExplorerSplitRight=0        " Split left.
   let g:bufExplorerSplitVertical=1     " Split vertically.
   let g:bufExplorerSplitVertSize = 30  " Split width
   let g:bufExplorerUseCurrentWindow=1  " Open in new window.
   let g:bufExplorerMaxHeight=13        " Max height

   " taglist setting
   if MySys() == "windows"
     let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
   elseif MySys() == "linux"
     let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags'
   let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
   let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
   let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
   nmap  tl :Tlist

   " winmanager setting
   let g:winManagerWindowLayout = "BufExplorer,FileExplorer|TagList"
   let g:winManagerWidth = 30
   let g:defaultExplorer = 0
   nmap  :FirstExplorerWindow
   nmap  :BottomExplorerWindow
   nmap  wm :WMToggle
   autocmd BufWinEnter \[Buf\ List\] setl nonumber

   " netrw setting
   let g:netrw_winsize = 30
   nmap  fe :Sexplore!

   " LaTeX Suite things
   set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
   let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat="pdf"
   let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf='xpdf'

   autocmd FileType tex map  :w! :silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()

   "Auto complete some things ;)
   autocmd FileType tex inoremap $i \indent
   autocmd FileType tex inoremap $* \cdot
   autocmd FileType tex inoremap $i \item
   autocmd FileType tex inoremap $m \[\]O

   " lookupfile setting
   let g:LookupFile_MinPatLength = 2
   let g:LookupFile_PreserveLastPattern = 0
   let g:LookupFile_PreservePatternHistory = 0
   let g:LookupFile_AlwaysAcceptFirst = 1
   let g:LookupFile_AllowNewFiles = 0
   if filereadable("./filenametags")
       let g:LookupFile_TagExpr = '"./filenametags"'
   nmap  lk LookupFile
   nmap  ll :LUBufs
   nmap  lw :LUWalk

   " lookup file with ignore case
   function! LookupFile_IgnoreCaseFunc(pattern)
       let _tags = &tags
           let &tags = eval(g:LookupFile_TagExpr)
           let newpattern = '\c' . a:pattern
           let tags = taglist(newpattern)
           echohl ErrorMsg | echo "Exception: " . v:exception | echohl NONE
           return ""
           let &tags = _tags

       " Show the matches for what is typed so far.
       let files = map(tags, 'v:val["filename"]')
       return files
   let g:LookupFile_LookupFunc = 'LookupFile_IgnoreCaseFunc'

   " markbrowser setting
   nmap  mk :MarksBrowser

   " showmarks setting
   " Enable ShowMarks
   let showmarks_enable = 1
   " Show which marks
   let showmarks_include = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
   " Ignore help, quickfix, non-modifiable buffers
   let showmarks_ignore_type = "hqm"
   " Hilight lower & upper marks
   let showmarks_hlline_lower = 1
   let showmarks_hlline_upper = 1

   " mark setting
   nmap  hl MarkSet
   vmap  hl MarkSet
   nmap  hh MarkClear
   vmap  hh MarkClear
   nmap  hr MarkRegex
   vmap  hr MarkRegex

   " FeralToggleCommentify setting
   let loaded_feraltogglecommentify = 1
   "map  tc :call ToggleCommentify()j 
   "imap  :call ToggleCommentify()j 

   " vimgdb setting
   let g:vimgdb_debug_file = ""
   run macros/gdb_mappings.vim

" Filetype generic
   " Todo
   "au BufNewFile,BufRead *.todo so ~/vim_local/syntax/amido.vim

   " HTML related
   " HTML entities - used by xml edit plugin
   let xml_use_xhtml = 1
   "let xml_no_auto_nesting = 1

   "To HTML
   let html_use_css = 1
   let html_number_lines = 0
   let use_xhtml = 1

   " Vim section
   autocmd FileType vim set nofen
   autocmd FileType vim map   :w!:source %

   " HTML
   au FileType html set ft=xml
   au FileType html set syntax=html

   " C/C++
   autocmd FileType c,cpp  map   :make
   "autocmd FileType c,cpp  setl foldmethod=syntax | setl fen

   nmap cn :cn
   nmap cp :cp
   nmap cw :cw 10
   "nmap cc :botright lw 10
   "map  :q:botright cw 10

   function! s:GetVisualSelection()
       let save_a = @a
       silent normal! gv"ay
       let v = @a
       let @a = save_a
       let var = escape(v, '\\/.$*')
       return var

   " Fast grep
   nmap  lv :lv /=expand("")/ %:lw
   vmap  lv :lv /=GetVisualSelection()/ %:lw

   " Fast diff
   cmap @vd vertical diffsplit 
   set diffopt+=vertical

   "Remove the Windows ^M
   noremap dm mmHmn:%s///ge'nzt'm

   "Paste toggle - when pasting something in, don't indent.
   set pastetoggle=

   "Remove indenting on empty lines
   "map  :%s/\s*$//g:noh''

   "Super paste
   "inoremap  :set pastemui+mv'uV'v=:set nopaste

   "Fast Ex command
   nnoremap ; :

   "For mark move
   nnoremap ' '

   "Fast copy
   nnoremap ' "

   "A function that inserts links & anchors on a TOhtml export.
   " Notice:
   " Syntax used is:
   " Link
   " Anchor
   function! SmartTOHtml()
     %s/"\s\+\*> \(.\+\)\1<\/a>\2<\/a>\1<\/a>



"set encoding=chinese
"set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8"
if version >= 603
    set helplang=cn
set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8
"set imcmdline "这一句导致字体大小、颜色设置失效
"set guifont=Monospace/ 12
set guifont=DejaVu/ Sans/ Mono/ 12 
source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
syntax on

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set ai "开启自动缩进
"set expandtab "自动把tab转化为空格
"retab "将已存在的tab都转化为空格
set list   "显示tab和行尾空格
set lcs=tab:+-,trail:- "显示tab为+---和行尾空格(只在输入时才显示)
"set foldmethod=indent
"let Tlist_Auto_Open=1 "auto open taglist自动打开taglist
set autoindent "自动缩进?
"添加python字典,实现自动补全(字典目录为~/.vim/pydiction,里面有字典和一个脚本),快捷键:ctrl+n(20080320 ~/.vim/tools/也可以)
if has("autocmd")
autocmd FileType python set complete+=k~/.vim/tools/pydiction

map :!/usr/bin/python2.5 %

set nobackup    "不自动备份
set nu      "开启行号
set hlsearch
"取消 Vim 对 HTML 标记自动产生的缩进,但打开自动缩进选项
au FileType html setlocal autoindent indentexpr=

" multi-encoding setting
if has("multi_byte")
"set bomb
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1
" CJK environment detection and corresponding setting
if v:lang =~ "^zh_CN"
    " Use cp936 to support GBK, euc-cn == gb2312
    set encoding=cp936
    set termencoding=cp936
    set fileencoding=cp936
elseif v:lang =~ "^zh_TW"
    " cp950, big5 or euc-tw
    " Are they equal to each other?
    set encoding=big5
    set termencoding=big5
    set fileencoding=big5
elseif v:lang =~ "^ko"
    " Copied from someone's dotfile, untested
    set encoding=euc-kr
    set termencoding=euc-kr
    set fileencoding=euc-kr
elseif v:lang =~ "^ja_JP"
    " Copied from someone's dotfile, untested
    set encoding=euc-jp
    set termencoding=euc-jp
    set fileencoding=euc-jp
" Detect UTF-8 locale, and replace CJK setting if needed
if v:lang =~ "utf8$" || v:lang =~ "UTF-8$"
    set encoding=utf-8
    set termencoding=utf-8
    set fileencoding=utf-8
echoerr "Sorry, this version of (g)vim was not compiled with multi_byte"

1.tabstop (ts-数值型): 设定文件中制表位占的空格个数,默认是8
   :set ts=4     (表示一个插入一个占4个空格位)

2.expandtab (et-布尔型): 插入时使用相应数量的空格,而不用制表位,默认关闭
   :set ts=10 et     (此时插入一个tab时,真正插入的是10个空格)
   注: 当'et'打开,要插入实际的制表位,需用CTRL-V,win下加载了mswin.vim插件的用CTRL-Q

3.softtabstop (sts-数值型): 当插入一个时,若'ts'值大于'sts',则此时就插入'sts'值那么多空格;
   :set ts=8 sts=6   (此时插入一个,就会插入6个空格;若连续插入两个,则会插入一个制表位和4个空格)
                    在此设置下这样输入: 一个,3个空格,一个,大家想想实际会输入什么?
   :set ts=3 sts=8   (此时插入一个,就会插入2个制表位和2个空格)

4.retab (ret-ex下的命令,前面3个是选项): 把制表位和空格组成的连续序列替换成新的制表位或空格
   格式是   :[range]ret[!] [ts值]   (不是指定range,默认是全文;不指定'ts'值,就用原来的'ts'值)
   (1) 当'et'为关闭状态时,retab会尽量把由"制表位和空格组成的连续空白序列"替换成尽可能多的制表位,如:
   有一个连续"空白序列"是由: 3个空格,两个制表位,5个空格组成,这时设置如下命令
   :ret 6    (原来的"空白序列"变为由: 3个制表位,2个空格组成的新的"空白序列")
   (2) 当'et'为开启状态时,retab会把所有的制表位换成当前'ts
   (3) :ret! 命令则会把纯粹由空格组成的"空白序列"强制替换为尽可能多的制表位加空格

5.smarttab (sta-布尔型): 它确定行首插入时的情况,它跟选项'shiftwidth'(sw)相关联,默认关闭.
   :set sta   (则若行首插入一个,会根据'sw'的值来插入"空白序列",其余的地方还是插入一个制表位;

   注:选项'sw'只用于normal下的左右移动命令: > , >> , < , <<

************************ 说 明 *********************************
* (a) 文中的表示动作:敲击键盘上的Tab制表键(位于Q键左边), 
*     而文中的"制表位"表示前面那个动作后的输入;                
* (b) 为了便于制表位和空格的区分,也就是让它们成为"可见"模式:    
*     :set list                                              
*     :set lcs=eol:&,tab<+        
       set list   "显示tab和行尾空格
       set lcs=tab:>-,trail:- "显示tab为---和行尾空格(只在输入时才显示)                           
*     这样每行结尾有字符"&",制表位若是4,则为:<+++ ,             
*     而若制表位是8,则为:<+++++++                         
* (c) 在插入模式下可以删除整个'sts'和'sta'下的'sw' 
*     但象normal下"x"这样的命令就只能删除真正的制表位和空格       
" 自动补全命令时候使用菜单式匹配列表
set wildmenu
" 允许退格键删除
set backspace=2
" 启用鼠标
set mouse=a
" 文件类型
filetype on
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" 设置编码自动识别, 中文引号显示
"set fileencodings=utf-8,cp936,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1,ucs-bom
set fileencodings=utf-8,gbk,ucs-bom
set ambiwidth=double

" 移动长行
nnoremap gj
nnoremap gk

" 让编辑模式可以中文输入法下按:转到命令模式
nnoremap : :

" 高亮
syntax on
" 设置高亮搜索
set hlsearch
" 输入字符串就显示匹配点
set incsearch
" 输入的命令显示出来,看的清楚些。
set showcmd

" 打开当前目录文件列表
map :e .

" Taglist
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close=1
set updatetime=1000
map :Tlist

" 按 F8 智能补全

" vim 自动补全 Python 代码
" 来自
autocmd FileType python set complete+=k~/.vim/tools/pydiction
autocmd FileType python set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 "expandtab "把tab转化为空格
set list
set lcs=tab:+-,trail:-
" 自动使用新文件模板
autocmd BufNewFile *.py 0r ~/.vim/template/

autocmd FileType html set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab 
autocmd BufNewFile *.html 0r ~/.vim/template/simple.html

"要在命令行上实现 Emacs 风格的编辑操作: >
" 至行首
" 后退一个字符
" 删除光标所在的字符
" 至行尾
" 前进一个字符
" 取回较新的命令行
" 取回以前 (较旧的) 命令行
" 后退一个单词
" 前进一个单词

"Format the statusline
"Nice statusbar
set laststatus=2
set statusline=
set statusline+=%2*%-3.3n%0*/ " buffer number
set statusline+=%f/ " file name
set statusline+=%h%1*%m%r%w%0* " flag
set statusline+=[
if v:version >= 600
set statusline+=%{strlen(&ft)?&ft:'none'}, " filetype
set statusline+=%{&encoding}, " encoding
set statusline+=%{&fileformat}] " file format
if filereadable(expand("$VIM/vimfiles/plugin/vimbuddy.vim"))
set statusline+=/ %{VimBuddy()} " vim buddy
set statusline+=%= " right align
"set statusline+=%2*0x%-8B/ " current char
set statusline+=0x%-8B/ " current char
set statusline+=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)/ %<%P " offset







vim encoding and font






