Dynamics CRM SQL实体字段查询

select * from  Entity where name = 'new_priceevaluation'
--查询Attribute 信息
select top(100) a.name as 字段名,b.label as 显示名,c.description as 类型, b.ObjectColumnName as 方式, * from attribute a   join localizedlabel b
on a.Attributeid=b.objectid 
inner join  AttributeTypes c 
on a.AttributeTypeId=c.AttributeTypeId
where b.languageid='2052' and  a.name like '%new_%'
select b.name from entity a inner join attribute b
on a.entityid=b.entityid
where a.name='new_priceevaluation'
select distinct a.name as 字段名,b.label as 显示名,c.description as 类型, b.ObjectColumnName as 形式,A.IsNullable as code from attribute a   join localizedlabel b
on a.Attributeid=b.objectid 
inner join  AttributeTypes c 
on a.AttributeTypeId=c.AttributeTypeId
inner join entity d
on d.entityid=a.entityid
b.languageid='2052' and  --中文
d.name='new_priceevaluation' and   --实体名称
b.ObjectColumnName='DisplayName' and 
a.name like '%new_%' and 
a.name not like '%_base' --货币基础字段过滤

