Contact Author与Corresponding Author的区别

What is Contact Author and Corresponding Author

Contact Author
This is the person whose information will populate the PROLE_AUTHOR tags and will thus receive all correspondence directed to ##PROLE_AUTHOR_EMAIL##.

The contact author by default will be the first person added to the author list (but not necessarily the author ordered first in the list). Assuming that a site adds the submitting author by default, then that person will be the contact author UNLESS they removed themselves from the list and then readded themselves after adding someone else.

Aside from this, the submitter will not have the ability to specifically select the contact author.

Corresponding Author

This is an option flag collected at submission that does not do anything within ScholarOne Manuscripts except to flag the respective person in the XML during export.
If a site collects the corresponding author flag, then this will be whoever the submitter specified. Otherwise, this will be the submitting author.

The purpose of this is to specify who should be listed as the corresponding author when the paper is published in the journal. ScholarOne Manuscripts treats this person different from the contact author as it may not be the same person that handles both aspects..

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