Asking The Right Questions - Chapter 6


What Are the Value and Descriptive Assumptions?

A particular position is usually proved by consistent reasons. Therefore, most arguments“make sense”at first glance. But the truth is some hidden or unstated beliefs are neglected not necessarily by accident. The author of course has his reason and right not to clarify such beliefs, but we readers have to find them when reading between the lines.

These ideas are important invisible links in the reasoning structure, the glue that holds the entire argument together.

The necessity of such links should seem obvious. Without such links, how could one decide which of thousands of ideas qualify as reasons? Until you supply these links, you cannot truly understand the argument.

In general, we must discover the hidden maneuvers, which are unstated ideas or beliefs in arguments, refering to these unstated ideas as assumptions.

Assumptions are:

1. hidden or unstated (in most cases);

2. taken for granted;

3. influential in determining the conclusion; and

4. potentially deceptive.

Remember to look for both value and descriptive assumptions in the movement from reasons to the conclusions.

A value assumption is an implicit preference for one value over another in a particular context. We use value preferences and value priorities as synonyms.

There are some clues for discovering descriptive assumptions.

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If you miss the hidden links, you will often find yourself believing some-thing that, had you been more reflective, you would never have accepted. Remember: The visible surface of an argument will almost always be dressed in its best clothes because the person presenting the argument wishes to encourage you to make the argument your own. This chapter can be par-ticularly useful to you as a critical thinker because it prepares you to look at the full argument, not just its more attractive features. Your mind is taking its time, creating the components of the argument that the person offering it probably wishes to hide from you.















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