二、 接下来简单演示一下Quartz使用:
2.1 首先新建一个AspNet Core API 项目,通过nuget包管理器安装引用Quartz
2.2 新建一个模拟任务类UserInfoSyncjob 必须继承IJob接口
namespace QuartzDemo.Quarzs { public class UserInfoSyncjob : IJob { public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { return Task.Run(() => { //..... Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString()}:开始执行同步第三方数据"); //....同步操作 }); } } }
2.2 声明一个启动类QuartzStartup,来控制任务启动关闭等方法
public async Task<string> Start() { //1、声明一个调度工厂 _schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory(); //2、通过调度工厂获得调度器 _scheduler = await _schedulerFactory.GetScheduler(); //3、开启调度器 await _scheduler.Start(); //4、创建一个触发器 var trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create() .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(2).RepeatForever())//每两秒执行一次 .Build(); //5、创建任务 var jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create() .WithIdentity("job", "group") .Build(); //6、将触发器和任务器绑定到调度器中 await _scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger); return await Task.FromResult("将触发器和任务器绑定到调度器中完成"); }
2.3 在网站启动完成时调用QuartzStartup的Start方法开启任务
先注入 Quartz调度类
在AspNet Core自带IOC容器框架,很多配置类、日志类、缓存类等等,在全局很多地方都会使用,我们现在做法就是把这些类注入到IOC容器中,如果需要的只需要从构造方法中获取;
using System; using Quartz.Logging; using Quartz.Spi; using Quartz.Util; namespace Quartz.Simpl { ////// The default JobFactory used by Quartz - simply calls /// on the job class. /// /// /// /// James House /// Marko Lahma (.NET) public class SimpleJobFactory : IJobFactory { private static readonly ILog log = LogProvider.GetLogger(typeof (SimpleJobFactory)); /// /// Called by the scheduler at the time of the trigger firing, in order to /// produce a instance on which to call Execute. /// /// /// It should be extremely rare for this method to throw an exception - /// basically only the case where there is no way at all to instantiate /// and prepare the Job for execution. When the exception is thrown, the /// Scheduler will move all triggers associated with the Job into the /// state, which will require human /// intervention (e.g. an application restart after fixing whatever /// configuration problem led to the issue with instantiating the Job). /// /// The TriggerFiredBundle from which the /// and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained. /// /// the newly instantiated Job /// SchedulerException if there is a problem instantiating the Job. public virtual IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler) { IJobDetail jobDetail = bundle.JobDetail; Type jobType = jobDetail.JobType; try { if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) { log.Debug($"Producing instance of Job '{jobDetail.Key}', class={jobType.FullName}"); } return ObjectUtils.InstantiateType (jobType); } catch (Exception e) { SchedulerException se = new SchedulerException($"Problem instantiating class '{jobDetail.JobType.FullName}'", e); throw se; } } /// /// Allows the job factory to destroy/cleanup the job if needed. /// No-op when using SimpleJobFactory. /// public virtual void ReturnJob(IJob job) { var disposable = job as IDisposable; disposable?.Dispose(); } } }
SimpleJobFactory 实现了IJobFactory接口,通过源码发现我们如果要替换该工厂来控制job的生成,只需要创建一个IOCJobFactory来替换默认job工厂就行
public class IOCJobFactory : IJobFactory { private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; public IOCJobFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; } public IJob NewJob(TriggerFiredBundle bundle, IScheduler scheduler) { return _serviceProvider.GetService(bundle.JobDetail.JobType) as IJob; } public void ReturnJob(IJob job) { var disposable = job as IDisposable; disposable?.Dispose(); } }
在调度任务类里面重新设置job工厂 _scheduler.JobFactory = _iocJobfactory;
在IOC中注入 UserInfoSyncjob、StdSchedulerFactory、IOCJobFactory
services.AddTransient(); // 这里使用瞬时依赖注入 services.AddSingleton ();//注册ISchedulerFactory的实例。 services.AddSingleton (); services.AddSingleton ();
public class UserInfoSyncjob : IJob { private readonly ILogger_logger; // private readonly ICache _cache; public UserInfoSyncjob(ILogger logger) { //_cache = cache; _logger = logger;// EnginContext.Current.Resolve >(); } public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { return Task.Run(() => { //..... // Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString()}:开始执行同步第三方数据"); _logger.LogInformation ($"{DateTime.Now.ToString()}:开始执行同步第三方数据"); //....同步操作 // 我们都知道如果一个从构造方法中获取IOC容器里面的类型,必须该类型也要主要到IOC容器中; }); } }