Migrating from Microsoft Exchange to MDaemon
Purpose & Scope
MDaemon ships with MDMigrator, a tool that may be used to migrate your users, mailboxes, public folders and settings from Exchange into MDaemon.
The program copies public folder messages and imports them into MDaemon's public folder directory. It copies all messages from the selected server and creates MDaemon messages for each mailbox. It copies certain account data and imports it into MDaemon. Distribution lists are copied from address books and are imported into MDaemon as mailing lists.
The MDMigrator Program (MDMigrator.exe) allows an Administrator to extract data from mailboxes, public folders, and account management on a Microsoft Exchange Server and then migrate these data into MDaemon. The program copies public folder messages and imports them into MDaemon's public folder directory. It copies all the mailboxes from the selected server and creates MDaemon messages for each mailboxes. It copies certain account data and imports them into MDaemon. Distribution lists are copied from address books and imported as mailing lists.
These are the setup requirements:
o MDMigrator.exe (located in \MDaemon\app)
o MDaemon is already installed on the computer.
o MDaemon is shut down for migration.
o Microsoft Outlook is installed on the computer.
o User must have Service Account Admin privilege at the Organization, Site, and Configuration levels of the Microsoft Exchange Directory.
o The computer must be a member of the Exchange server's domain - it must not be on the same machine as Exchange.
o MDaemon is already installed on the computer.
o MDaemon is shut down for migration.
o Microsoft Outlook is installed on the computer.
o User must have Service Account Admin privilege at the Organization, Site, and Configuration levels of the Microsoft Exchange Directory.
o The computer must be a member of the Exchange server's domain - it must not be on the same machine as Exchange.
o Enter the Exchange server computer name in Source Computer
Mail Server Type
o Select Microsoft Exchange Server
o Select Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Exchange Server
o The combo box will present existing MAPI profiles. Ensure that the selected profile is configured for the appropriate Microsoft Exchange Server and the user name should be that of the administator. Click on Create MDMigrator Profile if no profiles are list.
o The combo box will present existing MAPI profiles. Ensure that the selected profile is configured for the appropriate Microsoft Exchange Server and the user name should be that of the administator. Click on Create MDMigrator Profile if no profiles are list.
o Select one of the listed Exchange Organizatinos for which you wish to perform the migration process.
o Select one of the listed Exchange Sites for which you wish to perform the migration process.
o Verify the name of the primary domain you are migrating.
o Check migrate secondary domains to create domains other than the primary domain in MDaemon.
Ready to Migrate data
o Review your selections
o Review your selections
Migrating Data
o Shows the results of the migration process.
o Shows the results of the migration process.
Log File
For debugging purposes a log file for MDMigrator was created. It's listed under MDaemon\Logs\migration.log. If no error is listed, the migration process was successful.
Log File
For debugging purposes a log file for MDMigrator was created. It's listed under MDaemon\Logs\migration.log. If no error is listed, the migration process was successful.
To be able to connect to the Exchange server, the computer must be a member of the Exchange server domain and using a Exchange domain controller for DNS. The Exchange server must be running and on the same network as the computer.
The Exchange server name must be entered as the Source computer on the welcome page of the migration wizard.
To be able to connect to the Exchange server, the computer must be a member of the Exchange server domain and using a Exchange domain controller for DNS. The Exchange server must be running and on the same network as the computer.
The Exchange server name must be entered as the Source computer on the welcome page of the migration wizard.
Verify Outlook is installed on the computer. Create an Outlook profile that contains the Exchange server and verify that emails can be accessed with Outlook.
Verify that the user associated with the Exchange mailbox in the outlook profile has sufficient rights.
MDMigrator is designed to work with the same version of MDaemon that it is distributed with, do not attempt to use it with a different version of MDaemon.
You may need to specify the fully qualified domain name rather than just the server name in both the first dialog of the migrator and also with the Outlook Profile.
The latest update to mdmigrator.txt will be located in \MDaemon\app.
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