Detected problems with API compatibility(visit for more info)

最近手机升级了Android 9,在写应用程序的时候进场会弹出一个弹框,如下在这里插入图片描述



7238         // This property is set for all non-user builds except final release
7239         boolean isApiWarningEnabled = SystemProperties.getInt("", 0) == 1;
7241         if (isAppDebuggable || isApiWarningEnabled) {
7242             if (!mMainThread.mHiddenApiWarningShown && VMRuntime.getRuntime().hasUsedHiddenApi()) {
7243                 // Only show the warning once per process.
7244                 mMainThread.mHiddenApiWarningShown = true;
7246                 String appName = getApplicationInfo().loadLabel(getPackageManager())
7247                         .toString();
7248                 String warning = "Detected problems with API compatibility\n"
7249                                  + "(visit for more info)";
7250                 if (isAppDebuggable) {
7251                     new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
7252                         .setTitle(appName)
7253                         .setMessage(warning)
7254                         .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null)
7255                         .setCancelable(false)
7256                         .show();
7257                 } else {
7258                     Toast.makeText(this, appName + "\n" + warning, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
7259                 }
7260             }
7261         }
  1. 7241行检查是否需要检查用户调用了隐藏api(@hide注解的api),条件是应用开启了调试模式,或者 属性为1
  2. 经过上面一个步骤检查还要经过7241的检查,条件就是该应用启动后还没有弹出过调用隐藏api的警告,并且这期间调用了隐藏api,那么就弹出警告。
  3. 警告有两种方式,第一种是可调式的应用使用一个dialog弹出警告,否则使用toast弹出警告

VMRuntime.getRuntime().hasUsedHiddenApi() 就是判断应用有没有调用过隐藏函数判断的依据。


static jboolean VMRuntime_hasUsedHiddenApi(JNIEnv*, jobject) {
  return Runtime::Current()->HasPendingHiddenApiWarning() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;

art Runtime是单例的,我们分析下HasPendingHiddenApiWarning函数

  bool HasPendingHiddenApiWarning() const {
    return pending_hidden_api_warning_;



void SetPendingHiddenApiWarning(bool value) {
    pending_hidden_api_warning_ = value;

有三个地方调用该函数,其中两个是设置值为false,说明用于清除该变量,我们不需要关心,那么只有一个位置,在art/runtime/ 文件中,

209 Action GetMemberActionImpl(T* member,
210                            HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list,
211                            Action action,
212                            AccessMethod access_method)


// Need to instantiate this.
template Action GetMemberActionImpl(ArtField* member,
                                              HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list,
                                              Action action,
                                              AccessMethod access_method);
template Action GetMemberActionImpl(ArtMethod* member,
                                               HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list,
                                               Action action,
                                               AccessMethod access_method);


inline Action GetMemberAction(T* member,
                              Thread* self,
                              std::function fn_caller_is_trusted,
                              AccessMethod access_method)
    REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
  DCHECK(member != nullptr);

  // Decode hidden API access flags.
  // NB Multiple threads might try to access (and overwrite) these simultaneously,
  // causing a race. We only do that if access has not been denied, so the race
  // cannot change Java semantics. We should, however, decode the access flags
  // once and use it throughout this function, otherwise we may get inconsistent
  // results, e.g. print whitelist warnings (b/78327881).
  HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list = member->GetHiddenApiAccessFlags();

  Action action = GetActionFromAccessFlags(member->GetHiddenApiAccessFlags());
  if (action == kAllow) {
    // Nothing to do.
    return action;

  // Member is hidden. Invoke `fn_caller_in_platform` and find the origin of the access.
  // This can be *very* expensive. Save it for last.
  if (fn_caller_is_trusted(self)) {
    // Caller is trusted. Exit.
    return kAllow;

  // Member is hidden and caller is not in the platform.
  return detail::GetMemberActionImpl(member, api_list, action, access_method);

函数里面确认了两个参数api_list 和action,api_list参数使用 member->GetHiddenApiAccessFlags() 函数获取,其实该类型是一个枚举类型,代码使用该函数或者变量的类型,其中包括如下几种
enum ApiList {
kWhitelist = 0, 白名单函数
kLightGreylist, 白灰名单
kDarkGreylist, 灰名单
kBlacklist, 黑名单
kNoList, 不在列表中
GetActionFromAccessFlags(member->GetHiddenApiAccessFlags()) 函数获取

enum Action {
  kAllow,  //通过
  kAllowButWarn,  //通过但是警告
  kAllowButWarnAndToast,  //通过警告弹出toast
  kDeny  //拒绝
inline Action GetActionFromAccessFlags(HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list) {
  if (api_list == HiddenApiAccessFlags::kWhitelist) {
    return kAllow;  //白名单标志默认动作是通过

//下面要根据EnforcementPolicy 决定如何执行默认动作,我们先不关系它
  EnforcementPolicy policy = Runtime::Current()->GetHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy();
  if (policy == EnforcementPolicy::kNoChecks) {
    // Exit early. Nothing to enforce.
    return kAllow;

  // if policy is "just warn", always warn. We returned above for whitelist APIs.
  if (policy == EnforcementPolicy::kJustWarn) {
    return kAllowButWarn;
  DCHECK(policy >= EnforcementPolicy::kDarkGreyAndBlackList);
  // The logic below relies on equality of values in the enums EnforcementPolicy and
  // HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList, and their ordering. Assertions are in
  if (static_cast(policy) > static_cast(api_list)) {
    return api_list == HiddenApiAccessFlags::kDarkGreylist
        ? kAllowButWarnAndToast
        : kAllowButWarn;
  } else {
    return kDeny;


208 template
209 Action GetMemberActionImpl(T* member,
210                            HiddenApiAccessFlags::ApiList api_list,
211                            Action action,
212                            AccessMethod access_method) {
213   DCHECK_NE(action, kAllow);
215   // Get the signature, we need it later.
216   MemberSignature member_signature(member);
218   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
220   // Check for an exemption first. Exempted APIs are treated as white list.
221   // We only do this if we're about to deny, or if the app is debuggable. This is because:
222   // - we only print a warning for light greylist violations for debuggable apps
223   // - for non-debuggable apps, there is no distinction between light grey & whitelisted APIs.
224   // - we want to avoid the overhead of checking for exemptions for light greylisted APIs whenever
225   //   possible.
226   const bool shouldWarn = kLogAllAccesses || runtime->IsJavaDebuggable();
227   if (shouldWarn || action == kDeny) {  
228     if (member_signature.IsExempted(runtime->GetHiddenApiExemptions())) {
              //1 对于在豁免列表中的函数,直接放行
229       action = kAllow;
230       // Avoid re-examining the exemption list next time.
231       // Note this results in no warning for the member, which seems like what one would expect.
232       // Exemptions effectively adds new members to the whitelist.
233       MaybeWhitelistMember(runtime, member);    //加入到白名单
234       return kAllow;
235     }
237     if (access_method != kNone) {
238       // Print a log message with information about this class member access.
239       // We do this if we're about to block access, or the app is debuggable.
240       member_signature.WarnAboutAccess(access_method, api_list); //2不能直接放行的打印log
241     }
242   }
244   if (kIsTargetBuild && !kIsTargetLinux) {
245     uint32_t eventLogSampleRate = runtime->GetHiddenApiEventLogSampleRate();
246     // Assert that RAND_MAX is big enough, to ensure sampling below works as expected.
247     static_assert(RAND_MAX >= 0xffff, "RAND_MAX too small");
248     if (eventLogSampleRate != 0 &&  //3 一些情况打印event log。还要控制速率
249         (static_cast(std::rand()) & 0xffff) < eventLogSampleRate) {
250       member_signature.LogAccessToEventLog(access_method, action);
251     }
252   }
254   if (action == kDeny) {  //  action是拒绝的直接返回
255     // Block access
256     return action;
257   }
259   // Allow access to this member but print a warning.
260   DCHECK(action == kAllowButWarn || action == kAllowButWarnAndToast);
262   if (access_method != kNone) {  //打印警告
263     // Depending on a runtime flag, we might move the member into whitelist and
264     // skip the warning the next time the member is accessed.
265     MaybeWhitelistMember(runtime, member);
267     // If this action requires a UI warning, set the appropriate flag.
268     if (shouldWarn &&
269         (action == kAllowButWarnAndToast || runtime->ShouldAlwaysSetHiddenApiWarningFlag())) {
270       runtime->SetPendingHiddenApiWarning(true);
271     }
272   }
274   return action;
275 }


由此可见,最终要的函数还是GetActionFromAccessFlags 函数。


