mkdir -p /export/temp/
cd /export/temp/
vim student.csv
01 赵雷 1990-01-01 男
02 钱电 1990-12-21 男
03 孙风 1990-05-20 男
04 李云 1990-08-06 男
05 周梅 1991-12-01 女
06 吴兰 1992-03-01 女
07 郑竹 1989-07-01 女
08 王菊 1990-01-20 女
vim teacher.csv
01 张三
02 李四
03 王五
vim score.csv
01 01 80
01 02 90
01 03 99
02 01 70
02 02 60
02 03 80
03 01 80
03 02 80
03 03 80
04 01 50
04 02 30
04 03 20
05 01 76
05 02 87
06 01 31
06 03 34
07 02 89
07 03 98
vim course.csv
01 语文 02
02 数学 01
03 英语 03
hdfs dfs -put /export/temp /
注意: hive的表存放位置模式是由hive-site.xml当中的一个属性指定的
create database if not exists myhive;
use myhive;
#创建数据库, 并指定在hdfs上的存储位置
create database myhive2 location '/myhive2';
drop database myhive2 cascade;
desc database myhive;
desc database extended myhive;
#可以使用alter database 命令来修改数据库的一些属性。
alter database myhive set
create table stu(id int,name string);
insert into stu values(1,"zhangsan");
select * from stu;
操作案例: 分别创建老师与学生表外部表,并向表中加载数据
create external table teacher
(t_id string, t_name string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
create external table student
(s_id string, s_name string, s_birth string, s_sex string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/export/temp/student.csv'
into table student;
load data local inpath '/export/temp/student.csv'
overwrite into table student;
load data inpath '/temp/teacher.csv' into table teacher;
将表数据分成了多个文件夹, 一个分区对应一个文件夹
create table score
(s_id string, c_id string, s_score int)
partitioned by (month string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/export/temp/score.csv'
into table score partition (month='201806');
create table score2
(s_id string,c_id string,s_score int)
partitioned by (year string,month string,day string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data inpath '/temp/score.csv'
overwrite into table score2
partition (year='2018',month='06',day='01');
#在hdfs中, 在score表下创建一个分区文件夹
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /temp/score3_data/month=201805
hdfs dfs -put /export/temp/score.csv /temp/score3_data/month=201805
#创建外部表score3, 并指定在hdfs上的存储位置
create external table score3
(s_id string, t_id string, s_score string)
partitioned by (month string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
location '/temp/score3_data/';
#修复表score, 即建立表与数据之间的映射关系
msck repair table score3;
alter table score3 add partition (month='201805');
show partitions score2;
alter table score add partition(month='201807') partition(month='201808');
alter table score drop partition (month='201807');
set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
set mapreduce.job.reduces=3;
#创建桶course(课程)表, 3 buckets 决定了文件会分为3个
create table course
(c_id string, c_name string, t_id string)
clustered by (c_id) into 3 buckets
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
注意: 只能用insert overwrite 方式给桶表添加数据
create table course_temp
(c_id string,c_name string, t_id string)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data inpath '/temp/course.csv'
overwrite into table course_temp;
#通过insert overwrite 给桶表添加数据(最后的cluster by (c_id) 可不写)
insert overwrite table course
select * from course_temp
cluster by (c_id);
alter table score3 rename to score4;
alter table score4 add columns (mycol_1 string, mycol_2 int);
alter table score4 change column s_score s_score string;
create table score5 like score;
create table score6 like score;
#插入数据 ==> 强烈不推荐使用
insert into score5
partition (month='201807')
values ('001','002','003');
#通过load方式从Linux文件系统加载数据 ==>必须掌握
load data local inpath '/export/temp/score.csv'
into table score5
partition (month='201806');
hdfs dfs -put /export/temp/score.csv /temp/
#通过load方式从hdfs文件系统加载数据, overwrite表示覆盖之前数据
load data inpath '/temp/score.csv'
overwrite into table score5
partition (month='201805');
#通过查询方式加载数据: 将查询score的结果作为输入添加到score6表中 ==> 必须掌握
insert overwrite table score6
partition (month='201804')
select s_id,c_id,s_score from score;
#清空管理表数据 ==>清空外部表会报错
truncate table score6;
create table score7 as select * from score;
insert overwrite local directory '/export/export_hive/'
select * from score;
#hive中可执行dfs命令, 比如
dfs -mkdir -p /temp/export/;
export table teacher to '/temp/export/';
create table teacher2 like teacher;
import table teacher2 from '/temp/export/';
# 了解: 将查询的结果导出到HDFS上(这种方式不能往Linux上导出)
insert overwrite directory '/temp/exporthive/'
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
collection items terminated by '#'
select * from score;
#查询会返回多行数据, LIMIT子句用于限制返回的行数
select * from score limit 3;
select * from score where s_score between 80 and 100;
insert into score partition(month='201807') values ('003','004',null);
select * from score where s_score is null;
select * from score where s_score in (80,90);
select * from score where s_score like '8%';
select * from score where s_score like '_9%';
#查询成绩中包含数字9的成绩数据(rlike 是Hive中一个扩展功能,
select * from score where s_score rlike '[9]';
#查询s_id 不是 01和02的学生 ==> not in 必须搭配使用
select * from score where s_id not in ('01','02');
1.having只能用于 group by 分组统计语句中;
2.where针对查询前的表进行条件筛选, having是对分组查询后的结果在进行条件筛选;
select s_id, avg(s_score) as avg_score from score group by s_id;
# 求每个学生平均分数大于50的且学号不为01,001的人
select s_id , avg(s_score) avg_score
from score
where s_id not in('01','001')
group by s_id having avg_score > 50;
案例: 查询老师对应的课程
#准备 (向两表中各添加一条数据, 这样可以看出来三种join之间的区别)
insert into course values ('04','大数据','04');
insert into teacher values ('07','田七');
#内连接: Inner join ... on ==> 取两表之间的交集
select * from teacher t inner join course c on t.t_id = c.t_id;
#左外连接: left [outer] join ... on ==> 以左边的表为主表
select * from teacher t
left join course c
on t.t_id = c.c_id;
#右外连接: right [outer] join ... on ==> 以右边的表为主表
select * from teacher t
right outer join course c
on t.t_id = c.t_id;
#满外连接: full [outer] join ... on ==> 去两表之间的并集
select * from teacher t
full join course c
on t.t_id = c.c_id;
多表连接: 连接n个表, 至少需要n-1个条件
select * from teacher t
left join course c
on t.t_id = c.t_id
left join score s
on c.c_id = s.c_id
left join student stu
on s.s_id = stu.s_id;
#DESC降序: 查询学生的成绩,并按照分数降序排列
select * from student stu
left join score s
on stu.s_id = s.s_id
order by s.s_score DESC;
#ASC升序: 查询平均分小于80且姓名不为李云的学生, 升序排列
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, avg(s.s_score) avg_score
from student stu
left join score s
on stu.s_id = s.s_id and stu.s_name not in ('李云')
group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name
having avg_score <80
order by avg_score ASC;
#把平均成绩大于30的学生, 按平均分降序排序 ==> 聚合函数后排序
select stu.s_id, stu.s_name, avg(s.s_score) avg_score
from student stu
left join score s
on stu.s_id = s.s_id
group by stu.s_id, stu.s_name
having avg_score >30
order by avg_score DESC;
#先按照学生id排序, 再按照成绩排序
select s.s_id, s.s_score
from score s
order by s.s_id, s.s_score;
局部排序, 由多个reduce的内部进行排序,对全局结果集来说不是排序。
set mapreduce.job.reduces=3; #设置reduce个数
select * from score sort by s_score desc;
#将上面的结果导出, 会发现输出了3个文件
insert overwrite local directory '/export/hivedatas/'
select * from score
sort by s_score desc;
分区排序, 类似MapReduce中的partition步骤,必须结合sort by使用。
#案例: 先按照学生id进行分区,再按照学生成绩进行排序。
set mapreduce.job.reduces=7; #一共七个id
#查询结果保存到本地 发现输出了7个文件
insert overwrite local directory '/export/hive_date2/'
select * from score
distribute by s_id sort by s_id;
当distribute by和sort by字段相同时,可用cluster by替代, 只能是默认的倒序。
select * from score cluster by s_id;
select * from score distribute by s_id sort by s_id;
Hive SQL的一些基础语法就先总结到这里, 下篇将对Hive当中常用的函数进行总结