brew install cloc
npm install -g cloc # https://www.npmjs.com/package/cloc
sudo apt install cloc # Debian, Ubuntu
sudo yum install cloc # Red Hat, Fedora
sudo dnf install cloc # Fedora 22 or later
sudo pacman -S cloc # Arch
sudo emerge -av dev-util/cloc # Gentoo https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-util/cloc
sudo apk add cloc # Alpine Linux
sudo pkg install cloc # FreeBSD
sudo port install cloc # Mac OS X with MacPorts
brew install cloc # Mac OS X with Homebrew
choco install cloc # Windows with Chocolatey
scoop install cloc # Windows with Scoop
cloc EtCampusService # 文件夹名
50342 text files.
39823 unique files.
15726 files ignored.
10 errors:
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/@angular/common/esm5/http/src/xhr.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/@schematics/angular/application/index.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/@schematics/angular/e2e/index.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn_loose.es.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/acorn/dist/acorn_loose.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/fsevents/node_modules/needle/lib/needle.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/ng-alain/application/index.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/ng-alain/application/index.ts
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.js
Line count, exceeded timeout: EtCampusService/web/node_modules/tslint/lib/test.js
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.80 T=105.09 s (333.3 files/s, 54599.6 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
JavaScript 20953 306670 964646 3191942
JSON 2799 577 0 249942
Markdown 2236 97753 2 233491
TypeScript 6266 14436 103777 161641
CSS 169 658 2593 67402
XML 320 3254 1309 60789
HTML 728 49832 502 53745
LESS 715 6627 2371 49276
C++ 75 3782 3505 22383
Python 52 4222 7606 18725
C/C++ Header 101 2760 1857 15099
Java 185 1819 2078 8060
YAML 220 173 188 5260
Scala 29 918 627 3779
Bourne Shell 25 469 463 2406
SQL 3 243 0 1345
make 37 273 61 849
Bourne Again Shell 18 151 63 636
Windows Module Definition 6 111 0 608
DTD 1 179 177 514
XSLT 2 35 16 500
Sass 44 56 61 277
Lisp 3 42 38 264
m4 2 39 2 260
C# 3 58 8 238
CoffeeScript 14 68 53 190
Stylus 1 91 39 167
XHTML 4 3 5 161
JSON5 2 0 0 123
C 2 24 25 113
DOS Batch 6 38 7 107
Handlebars 4 18 0 96
Perl 1 16 30 57
Windows Resource File 1 1 1 33
ASP.NET 2 5 0 23
Ruby 1 0 2 4
SUM: 35030 495401 1092112 4150505
[1].代码统计工具COLC. https://fyting.iteye.com/blog/226339
[2].cloc. http://cloc.sourceforge.net/