(方式1) 口令验证协议(PAP)
PAP 是一种简单的明文验证方式。NAS(网络接入服务器,Network Access Server)要求用户提供用户名和口令,PAP以明文方式返回用户信息。
(方式2) 挑战-握手验证协议(CHAP)
CHAP是一种加密的验证方式,能够避免建立连接时传送用户的真实密码。NAS向远程用户发送一个挑战口令(challenge),其中包括会话ID和 一个任意生成的挑战字串(arbitrary challenge string)。远程客户必须使用MD5单向哈希算法(one-way hashing algorithm)返回用户名和加密的挑战口令,会话ID以及用户口令,称为Secret Password,其中用户名以非哈希方式发送。
NAS根据用户名查找自己本地的数据库,得到和用户端进行加密所用的一样的密码,然后根据原来的挑战字串进行加密,将其结果与Secret Password作比较,如果相同表明验证通过,如果不相同表明验证失败。
在整个连接过程中,CHAP将不定时的向客户端重复发送挑战口令,从而避免第3方冒充远程客户(remote client impersonation)进行攻击。
用户主机与接入集中器根据在发现阶段所协商的PPP会话连接参数进行PPP会话。一旦PPPoE会话开始,PPP数据就可以以任何其他的PPP封装形式发送。所有的以太网帧都是单播的。PPPoE会话的SESSION-ID一定不能改变,并且必须是发现阶段分配的值。 PPPoE还有一个PADT分组,它可以在会话建立后的任何时候发送,来终止PPPoE会话,也就是会话释放。它可以由主机或者接入集中器发送。当对方接收到一个PADT分组,就不再允许使用这个会话来发送PPP业务。PADT分组不需要任何标签,其CODE字段值为0xa7,SESSION-ID字段值为需要终止的PPP会话的会话标识号码。在发送或接收PADT后,即使正常的PPP终止分组也不必发送。PPP对端应该使用PPP协议自身来终止PPPoE会话,但是当PPP不能使用时,可以使用PADT。
pppd的配置文件在 /etc/ppp 目录下
chap-secrets 存放CHAP验证方式使用的用户名和密码
pap-secrets 存放PAP验证方式使用的用户名和密码
peers/dsl-provider 配置文件
lcp-echo-interval 20
lcp-echo-failure 3
connect /bin/true
mtu 1492
plugin rp-pppoe.so eth0
user "12345"
12345 * 12345 *
pppd call dsl-provider
* The following struct gives the addresses of procedures to call
* for a particular protocol.
struct protent {
u_short protocol; /* PPP protocol number */
/* Initialization procedure */
void (*init) __P((int unit));
/* Process a received packet */
void (*input) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));
/* Process a received protocol-reject */
void (*protrej) __P((int unit));
/* Lower layer has come up */
void (*lowerup) __P((int unit));
/* Lower layer has gone down */
void (*lowerdown) __P((int unit));
/* Open the protocol */
void (*open) __P((int unit));
/* Close the protocol */
void (*close) __P((int unit, char *reason));
/* Print a packet in readable form */
int (*printpkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len,
void (*printer) __P((void *, char *, ...)),
void *arg));
/* Process a received data packet */
void (*datainput) __P((int unit, u_char *pkt, int len));
bool enabled_flag; /* 0 iff protocol is disabled */
char *name; /* Text name of protocol */
char *data_name; /* Text name of corresponding data protocol */
option_t *options; /* List of command-line options */
/* Check requested options, assign defaults */
void (*check_options) __P((void));
/* Configure interface for demand-dial */
int (*demand_conf) __P((int unit));
/* Say whether to bring up link for this pkt */
int (*active_pkt) __P((u_char *pkt, int len));
* PPP Data Link Layer "protocol" table.
* One entry per supported protocol.
* The last entry must be NULL.
struct protent *protocols[] = {
#ifdef INET6
#ifdef AT_CHANGE
* This struct contains pointers to a set of procedures for
* doing operations on a "channel". A channel provides a way
* to send and receive PPP packets - the canonical example is
* a serial port device in PPP line discipline (or equivalently
* with PPP STREAMS modules pushed onto it).
struct channel {
/* set of options for this channel */
option_t *options;
/* find and process a per-channel options file */
void (*process_extra_options) __P((void));
/* check all the options that have been given */
void (*check_options) __P((void));
/* get the channel ready to do PPP, return a file descriptor */
int (*connect) __P((void));
/* we're finished with the channel */
void (*disconnect) __P((void));
/* put the channel into PPP `mode' */
int (*establish_ppp) __P((int));
/* take the channel out of PPP `mode', restore loopback if demand */
void (*disestablish_ppp) __P((int));
/* set the transmit-side PPP parameters of the channel */
void (*send_config) __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
/* set the receive-side PPP parameters of the channel */
void (*recv_config) __P((int, u_int32_t, int, int));
/* cleanup on error or normal exit */
void (*cleanup) __P((void));
/* close the device, called in children after fork */
void (*close) __P((void));
* Each FSM is described by an fsm structure and fsm callbacks.
typedef struct fsm {
int unit; /* Interface unit number */
int protocol; /* Data Link Layer Protocol field value */
int state; /* State */
int flags; /* Contains option bits */
u_char id; /* Current id */
u_char reqid; /* Current request id */
u_char seen_ack; /* Have received valid Ack/Nak/Rej to Req */
int timeouttime; /* Timeout time in milliseconds */
int maxconfreqtransmits; /* Maximum Configure-Request transmissions */
int retransmits; /* Number of retransmissions left */
int maxtermtransmits; /* Maximum Terminate-Request transmissions */
int nakloops; /* Number of nak loops since last ack */
int rnakloops; /* Number of naks received */
int maxnakloops; /* Maximum number of nak loops tolerated */
struct fsm_callbacks *callbacks; /* Callback routines */
char *term_reason; /* Reason for closing protocol */
int term_reason_len; /* Length of term_reason */
} fsm;
typedef struct fsm_callbacks {
void (*resetci) /* Reset our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *));
int (*cilen) /* Length of our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *));
void (*addci) /* Add our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *, u_char *, int *));
int (*ackci) /* ACK our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *, u_char *, int));
int (*nakci) /* NAK our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *, u_char *, int, int));
int (*rejci) /* Reject our Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *, u_char *, int));
int (*reqci) /* Request peer's Configuration Information */
__P((fsm *, u_char *, int *, int));
void (*up) /* Called when fsm reaches OPENED state */
__P((fsm *));
void (*down) /* Called when fsm leaves OPENED state */
__P((fsm *));
void (*starting) /* Called when we want the lower layer */
__P((fsm *));
void (*finished) /* Called when we don't want the lower layer */
__P((fsm *));
void (*protreject) /* Called when Protocol-Reject received */
void (*retransmit) /* Retransmission is necessary */
__P((fsm *));
int (*extcode) /* Called when unknown code received */
__P((fsm *, int, int, u_char *, int));
char *proto_name; /* String name for protocol (for messages) */
} fsm_callbacks;
void fsm_init __P((fsm *));
void fsm_lowerup __P((fsm *));
void fsm_lowerdown __P((fsm *));
void fsm_open __P((fsm *));
void fsm_close __P((fsm *, char *));
void fsm_input __P((fsm *, u_char *, int));
void fsm_protreject __P((fsm *));
void fsm_sdata __P((fsm *, int, int, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_timeout __P((void *));
static void fsm_rconfreq __P((fsm *, int, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_rconfack __P((fsm *, int, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_rconfnakrej __P((fsm *, int, int, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_rtermreq __P((fsm *, int, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_rtermack __P((fsm *));
static void fsm_rcoderej __P((fsm *, u_char *, int));
static void fsm_sconfreq __P((fsm *, int));
void lcp_open __P((int));
void lcp_close __P((int, char *));
void lcp_lowerup __P((int));
void lcp_lowerdown __P((int));
void lcp_sprotrej __P((int, u_char *, int)); /* send protocol reject */
lcp_open(0); /* Start protocol */
while (phase != PHASE_DEAD) {
if (kill_link)
lcp_close(0, "User request");
if (asked_to_quit) {
bundle_terminating = 1;
if (phase == PHASE_MASTER)
if (open_ccp_flag) {
if (phase == PHASE_NETWORK || phase == PHASE_RUNNING) {
ccp_fsm[0].flags = OPT_RESTART; /* clears OPT_SILENT */
还有一个是calltimeout()他主要是做超时的处理。当等待并未超时而且有数据包过来,则调用整个PPPD中最重要的函数get_input()函数。他主要接收过来的数据包并做出相应的动作。接下来就get_input()函数进行详细的说明,首先对包进行判断,丢弃所有不在LCP阶段和没有OPENED状态的包,然后protop指针指向当前协议的input函数。于是就进入了LCP_INPUT(),同理LCP_INPUT()调用了FSM_INPUT()对收到的包进行代码域的判断,判断收到的是什么包。假设比较顺利,我们收到的是CONFACK的包,于是调用fsm_rconack()函数,在此函数中根据当前自身的状态来决定下一步的状态如何改变,这里我们假设也很顺利,已经发送完了configure-ack,因此我们把FSM当前状态变成了OPENED状态,并把callback指针指向UP.所以我们马上就调用LCP_UP()在那里我们又调用了link_established()函数来进入认证的协商,或者如果没有认证则直接进入网络层协议。当然这里我们还是要认证的所有在LINK_ESTABLISHED()里我们选择是利用何种认证方式是PAP,还是EAP,还是CHAP.假设我们这里采用CHAP而且是选择CHAP WITH PEER,意思是等待对端先发送CHALLENGE挑战报文。于是我们又调用了chap_auth_peer()函数,并等待接收挑战报文。于是从新又来到handle_events()等待接收。再利用get_input()来接收包,在get_input()里这次调用chap_input(),再调用FSM_INPUT(),在那里我们再对包的代码域进行判断,这次判断出是CHAP_CHALLENGE包,则我们要调用chap_respond()函数来回应对端,继续等待对方的报文,再次利用CHAP_INPUT(),FSM_INPUT()来判断,如果是SUCCESS,则调用chap_handle_status(),在这个函数里调用auth_withpeer_success函数,从而进入网络层阶段,调用network_phase()函数。网络层的互动是从start_networks()开始的,如果在网络层阶段同时有CCP协议(压缩控制协议)则进行压缩控制协议的协商,然后再进入正式的IPCP的协商,而IPCP的协商主要也是通过protop指针指向IPCP_OPEN()开始的。而IPCP_OPEN()则是调用了FSM_OPEN(),在这里,首先发送一个configure-request包,然后和之前一样等待接收。经过几个交互后最后调用NP_UP()完成网络层的协商,至此PPP链路可以承载网络层的数据包了。