
Command Description
esxcli vsan network list 验证哪些VMkernel适配器用于Virtual SAN通信。
esxcli vsan storage list 列出Virtual SAN要求的存储磁盘。
esxcli vsan cluster get 获取Virtual SAN群集信息。
esxcli vsan health 获取Virtual SAN群集的运行状况
esxcli vsan debug 获取Virtual SAN群集调试信息。

 esxcli vsan debug commands 命令可以帮助您调试和解决虚拟SAN集群,尤其是在vCenter Server中不可用。

Usage: esxcli vsan debug {cmd} [cmd options]

Debug commands:

Command Description
esxcli vsan debug disk 调试Virtual SAN物理磁盘。
esxcli vsan debug object 调试Virtual SAN对象。
esxcli vsan debug resync 调试Virtual SAN重新同步对象
esxcli vsan debug controller 调试Virtual SAN磁盘控制器
esxcli vsan debug limit 调试Virtual SAN限制。
esxcli vsan debug vmdk 调试Virtual SAN VMDK。


Example esxcli vsan debug commands:

esxcli vsan debug disk summary get

   Overall Health: green

   Component Metadata Health: green

   Memory Pools (heaps): green

   Memory Pools (slabs): green
esxcli vsan debug disk list
UUID: 52e1d1fa-af0e-0c6c-f219-e5e1d224b469
   Name: mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0
   SSD: False
   Overall Health: green
   Congestion Health:
         State: green
         Congestion Value: 0
         Congestion Area: none
   In Cmmds: true
   In Vsi: true
   Metadata Health: green
   Operational Health: green
   Space Health:
         State: green
         Capacity: 107365793792 bytes
         Used: 1434451968 bytes
         Reserved: 150994944 bytes
esxcli vsan debug object health summary get
    Health Status                                     Number Of Objects
    ------------------------------------------------  -----------------
    reduced-availability-with-no-rebuild-delay-timer                  0
    reduced-availability-with-active-rebuild                          0
    inaccessible                                                      0
    data-move                                                         0
    healthy                                                           1
    nonavailability-related-incompliance                              0
    nonavailability-related-reconfig                                  0
    reduced-availability-with-no-rebuild                              0
esxcli vsan debug object list
    Object UUID: 47cbdc58-e01c-9e33-dada-020010d5dfa3
       Version: 5
       Health: healthy
          stripeWidth: 1
          CSN: 1
          spbmProfileName: Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy
          spbmProfileId: aa6d5a82-1c88-45da-85d3-3d74b91a5bad
          forceProvisioning: 0
          cacheReservation: 0
          proportionalCapacity: [0, 100]
          spbmProfileGenerationNumber: 0
          hostFailuresToTolerate: 1

             Component: 47cbdc58-6928-333f-0c51-020010d5dfa3
               Component State: ACTIVE,  Address Space(B): 273804165120 (255.00GB),  
               Disk UUID: 52e95956-42cf-4d30-9cbe-763c616614d5, Disk Name: mpx.vmhba1..
               Votes: 1,  Capacity Used(B): 373293056 (0.35GB), 
               Physical Capacity Used(B): 369098752 (0.34GB),  Host Name: sc-rdops...
             Component: 47cbdc58-eebf-363f-cf2b-020010d5dfa3
               Component State: ACTIVE,  Address Space(B): 273804165120 (255.00GB),  
               Disk UUID: 52d11301-1720-9901-eb0a-157d68b3e4fc,  Disk Name: mpx.vmh...
               Votes: 1,  Capacity Used(B): 373293056 (0.35GB),  
               Physical Capacity Used(B): 369098752 (0.34GB),  Host Name: sc-rdops-vm..
          Witness: 47cbdc58-21d2-383f-e45a-020010d5dfa3
            Component State: ACTIVE,  Address Space(B): 0 (0.00GB),  
            Disk UUID: 52bfd405-160b-96ba-cf42-09da8c2d7023,  Disk Name: mpx.vmh...
            Votes: 1,  Capacity Used(B): 12582912 (0.01GB),  
            Physical Capacity Used(B): 4194304 (0.00GB),  Host Name: sc-rdops-vm...
       Type: vmnamespace
       Path: /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52134fafd48ad6d6-bf03cb6af0f21b8d/New Virtual Machine
       Group UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
       Directory Name: New Virtual Machine
esxcli vsan debug controller list
    Device Name: vmhba1
       Device Display Name: LSI Logic/Symbios Logic 53c1030 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ult..
       Used By VSAN: true
       PCI ID: 1000/0030/15ad/1976
       Driver Name: mptspi
       Driver Version:
       Max Supported Queue Depth: 127
esxcli vsan debug limit get
       Component Limit Health: green
       Max Components: 750
       Free Components: 748
       Disk Free Space Health: green
       Lowest Free Disk Space: 99 %
       Used Disk Space: 1807745024 bytes
       Used Disk Space (GB): 1.68 GB
       Total Disk Space: 107365793792 bytes
       Total Disk Space (GB): 99.99 GB
       Read Cache Free Reservation Health: green
       Reserved Read Cache Size: 0 bytes
       Reserved Read Cache Size (GB): 0.00 GB
       Total Read Cache Size: 0 bytes
       Total Read Cache Size (GB): 0.00 GB
esxcli vsan debug vmdk list
    Object: 50cbdc58-506f-c4c2-0bde-020010d5dfa3
       Health: healthy
       Type: vdisk
       Path: /vmfs/volumes/vsan:52134fafd48ad6d6-bf03cb6af0f21b8d/47cbdc58-e01c-9e33-
             dada-020010d5dfa3/New Virtual Machine.vmdk
       Directory Name: N/A
esxcli vsan debug resync list
   Object            Component              Bytes Left To Resync  GB Left To Resync
   ----------------  ---------------------  --------------------  -----------------
   31cfdc58-e68d...  Component:23d1dc58...             536870912  0.50
   31cfdc58-e68d...  Component:23d1dc58...            1073741824  1.00
   31cfdc58-e68d...  Component:23d1dc58...            1073741824  1.00

