SonDialog dlg(this);
int res = dlg.exec();
if (res == QDialog::Accepted)
QMessageBox::information(this, "INFORMATION", "You clicked OK button!");
if (res == QDialog::Rejected)
QMessageBox::information(this, "INFORMATION", "You clicked CANCEL button!");
SonDialog *dlg;
dlg = new SonDialog(this);
setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
PS: setAttribute()使用时存在一个问题,当要获取对话框数据时,这时对话框其实已经关闭销毁。而没有加这句时,其实只是隐藏了,可以获取数据。
最好 使用delete(dlg);
void QDialog::done ( int r ) [virtual slot]
Closes the dialog and sets its result code to r. If this dialog is shown with exec(), done() causes the local event loop to finish, and exec() to return r.
As with QWidget::close(), done() deletes the dialog if the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose flag is set. If the dialog is the application's main widget, the application terminates. If the dialog is the last window closed, the QApplication::lastWindowClosed() signal is emitted.
bool QWidget::close () [slot]
Closes this widget. Returns true if the widget was closed; otherwise returns false.
First it sends the widget a QCloseEvent. The widget is hidden if it accepts the close event. If it ignores the event, nothing happens. The default implementation of QWidget::closeEvent() accepts the close event.
If the widget has the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose flag, the widget is also deleted. A close events is delivered to the widget no matter if the widget is visible or not.
The QApplication::lastWindowClosed() signal is emitted when the last visible primary window (i.e. window with no parent) with the Qt::WA_QuitOnClose attribute set is closed. By default this attribute is set for all widgets except transient windows such as splash screens, tool windows, and popup menus.