* demo.php文件内容开始
* auth:www.yoozhan.com
* date:2012-12-06
* rss操作类
* FeedCreator class v1.7.2
* originally (c) Kai Blankenhorn
* www.bitfolge.de
* [email protected] *
// your local timezone, set to "" to disable or for GMT
* Version string.
define("FEEDCREATOR_VERSION", "www.yoozhan.com");
* A FeedItem is a part of a FeedCreator feed.
* @author Kai Blankenhorn * @since 1.3
class FeedItem extends HtmlDescribable {
* Mandatory attributes of an item.
var $title, $description, $link;
* Optional attributes of an item.
var $author, $authorEmail, $image, $category, $comments, $guid, $source, $creator;
* Publishing date of an item. May be in one of the following formats:
* RFC 822:
* "Mon, 20 Jan 03 18:05:41 +0400"
* "20 Jan 03 18:05:41 +0000"
* ISO 8601:
* "2003-01-20T18:05:41+04:00"
* Unix:
* 1043082341
var $date;
* Any additional elements to include as an assiciated array. All $key => $value pairs
* will be included unencoded in the feed item in the form
* <$key>$value$key>
* Again: No encoding will be used! This means you can invalidate or enhance the feed
* if $value contains markup. This may be abused to embed tags not implemented by
* the FeedCreator class used.
var $additionalElements = Array();
// on hold
// var $source;
* An FeedImage may be added to a FeedCreator feed.
* @author Kai Blankenhorn * @since 1.3
class FeedImage extends HtmlDescribable {
* Mandatory attributes of an image.
var $title, $url, $link;
* Optional attributes of an image.
var $width, $height, $description;
* An HtmlDescribable is an item within a feed that can have a description that may
* include HTML markup.
class HtmlDescribable {
* Indicates whether the description field should be rendered in HTML.
var $descriptionHtmlSyndicated;
* Indicates whether and to how many characters a description should be truncated.
var $descriptionTruncSize;
* Returns a formatted description field, depending on descriptionHtmlSyndicated and
* $descriptionTruncSize properties
* @return string the formatted description
function getDescription() {
$descriptionField = new FeedHtmlField($this->description);
$descriptionField->syndicateHtml = $this->descriptionHtmlSyndicated;
$descriptionField->truncSize = $this->descriptionTruncSize;
return $descriptionField->output();
* An FeedHtmlField describes and generates
* a feed, item or image html field (probably a description). Output is
* generated based on $truncSize, $syndicateHtml properties.
* @author Pascal Van Hecke * @version 1.6
class FeedHtmlField {
* Mandatory attributes of a FeedHtmlField.
var $rawFieldContent;
* Optional attributes of a FeedHtmlField.
var $truncSize, $syndicateHtml;
* Creates a new instance of FeedHtmlField.
* @param $string: if given, sets the rawFieldContent property
function FeedHtmlField($parFieldContent) {
if ($parFieldContent) {
$this->rawFieldContent = $parFieldContent;
* Creates the right output, depending on $truncSize, $syndicateHtml properties.
* @return string the formatted field
function output() {
// when field available and syndicated in html we assume
// - valid html in $rawFieldContent and we enclose in CDATA tags
// - no truncation (truncating risks producing invalid html)
if (!$this->rawFieldContent) {
$result = "";
} elseif ($this->syndicateHtml) {
$result = "rawFieldContent."]]>";
} else {
if ($this->truncSize and is_int($this->truncSize)) {
$result = FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->rawFieldContent),$this->truncSize);
} else {
$result = htmlspecialchars($this->rawFieldContent);
return $result;
* UniversalFeedCreator lets you choose during runtime which
* format to build.
* For general usage of a feed class, see the FeedCreator class
* below or the example above.
* @since 1.3
* @author Kai Blankenhorn */
class UniversalFeedCreator extends FeedCreator {
var $_feed;
function _setFormat($format) {
switch (strtoupper($format)) {
case "2.0":
// fall through
case "RSS2.0":
$this->_feed = new RSSCreator20();
case "0.91":
// fall through
case "RSS0.91":
$this->_feed = new RSSCreator091();
$this->_feed = new RSSCreator091();
$vars = get_object_vars($this);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
// prevent overwriting of properties "contentType", "encoding"; do not copy "_feed" itself
if (!in_array($key, array("_feed", "contentType", "encoding"))) {
$this->_feed->{$key} = $this->{$key};
* Creates a syndication feed based on the items previously added.
* @see FeedCreator::addItem()
* @param string format format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
* "PIE0.1", "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3", "HTML", "JS"
* @return string the contents of the feed.
function createFeed($format = "RSS0.91") {
return $this->_feed->createFeed();
* Saves this feed as a file on the local disk. After the file is saved, an HTTP redirect
* header may be sent to redirect the use to the newly created file.
* @since 1.4
* @param string format format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
* "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM", "ATOM0.3", "HTML", "JS"
* @param string filename optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
* @param boolean displayContents optional send the content of the file or not. If true, the file will be sent in the body of the response.
function saveFeed($format="RSS0.91", $filename="", $displayContents=true) {
$this->_feed->saveFeed($filename, $displayContents);
* Turns on caching and checks if there is a recent version of this feed in the cache.
* If there is, an HTTP redirect header is sent.
* To effectively use caching, you should create the FeedCreator object and call this method
* before anything else, especially before you do the time consuming task to build the feed
* (web fetching, for example).
* @param string format format the feed should comply to. Valid values are:
* "PIE0.1" (deprecated), "mbox", "RSS0.91", "RSS1.0", "RSS2.0", "OPML", "ATOM0.3".
* @param filename string optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
* @param timeout int optional the timeout in seconds before a cached version is refreshed (defaults to 3600 = 1 hour)
function useCached($format="RSS0.91", $filename="", $timeout=3600) {
$this->_feed->useCached($filename, $timeout);
* FeedCreator is the abstract base implementation for concrete
* implementations that implement a specific format of syndication.
* @abstract
* @author Kai Blankenhorn * @since 1.4
class FeedCreator extends HtmlDescribable {
* Mandatory attributes of a feed.
var $title, $description, $link;
* Optional attributes of a feed.
var $syndicationURL, $image, $language, $copyright, $pubDate, $lastBuildDate, $editor, $editorEmail, $webmaster, $category, $docs, $ttl, $rating, $skipHours, $skipDays;
* The url of the external xsl stylesheet used to format the naked rss feed.
* Ignored in the output when empty.
var $xslStyleSheet = "";
* @access private
var $items = Array();
* This feed's MIME content type.
* @since 1.4
* @access private
var $contentType = "application/xml";
* This feed's character encoding.
* @since 1.6.1
* 编码需要在这里修改,否则生成的是乱码
* auth:liukangyong
var $encoding = "gb-2312";
* Any additional elements to include as an assiciated array. All $key => $value pairs
* will be included unencoded in the feed in the form
* <$key>$value$key>
* Again: No encoding will be used! This means you can invalidate or enhance the feed
* if $value contains markup. This may be abused to embed tags not implemented by
* the FeedCreator class used.
var $additionalElements = Array();
* Adds an FeedItem to the feed.
* @param object FeedItem $item The FeedItem to add to the feed.
* @access public
function addItem($item) {
$this->items[] = $item;
* 清空当前数组值
* @param object FeedItem $item The FeedItem to add to the feed.
* @access public
function clearItem2Null() {
$this->items = array();
* Truncates a string to a certain length at the most sensible point.
* First, if there's a '.' character near the end of the string, the string is truncated after this character.
* If there is no '.', the string is truncated after the last ' ' character.
* If the string is truncated, " ..." is appended.
* If the string is already shorter than $length, it is returned unchanged.
* @static
* @param string string A string to be truncated.
* @param int length the maximum length the string should be truncated to
* @return string the truncated string
function iTrunc($string, $length) {
if (strlen($string)<=$length) {
return $string;
$pos = strrpos($string,".");
if ($pos>=$length-4) {
$string = substr($string,0,$length-4);
$pos = strrpos($string,".");
if ($pos>=$length*0.4) {
return substr($string,0,$pos+1)." ...";
* Creates a comment indicating the generator of this feed.
* The format of this comment seems to be recognized by
* Syndic8.com.
function _createGeneratorComment() {
return "\n";
* Creates a string containing all additional elements specified in
* $additionalElements.
* @param elements array an associative array containing key => value pairs
* @param indentString string a string that will be inserted before every generated line
* @return string the XML tags corresponding to $additionalElements
function _createAdditionalElements($elements, $indentString="") {
$ae = "";
if (is_array($elements)) {
foreach($elements AS $key => $value) {
$ae.= $indentString."<$key>$value$key>\n";
return $ae;
function _createStylesheetReferences() {
$xml = "";
if ($this->cssStyleSheet) {
$xml .= "cssStyleSheet."'_fcksavedurl='".$this->cssStyleSheet."'type=\"text/css\"?>\n";
if ($this->xslStyleSheet)
$xml .= "xslStyleSheet."\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>\n";
return $xml;
* Builds the feed's text.
* @abstract
* @return string the feed's complete text
function createFeed() {
* Generate a filename for the feed cache file. The result will be $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml.
* For example:
* echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."\n";
* echo FeedCreator::_generateFilename();
* would produce:
* /rss/latestnews.php
* latestnews.xml
* @return string the feed cache filename
* @since 1.4
* @access private
function _generateFilename() {
$fileInfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
return substr($fileInfo["basename"],0,-(strlen($fileInfo["extension"])+1)).".xml";
* @since 1.4
* @access private
function _redirect($filename) {
// attention, heavily-commented-out-area
// maybe use this in addition to file time checking
//Header("Expires: ".date("r",time()+$this->_timeout));
/* no caching at all, doesn't seem to work as good:
Header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
Header("Pragma: no-cache");
* Turns on caching and checks if there is a recent version of this feed in the cache.
* If there is, an HTTP redirect header is sent.
* To effectively use caching, you should create the FeedCreator object and call this method
* before anything else, especially before you do the time consuming task to build the feed
* (web fetching, for example).
* @since 1.4
* @param filename string optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
* @param timeout int optional the timeout in seconds before a cached version is refreshed (defaults to 3600 = 1 hour)
function useCached($filename="", $timeout=3600) {
$this->_timeout = $timeout;
if ($filename=="") {
$filename = $this->_generateFilename();
if (file_exists($filename) AND (time()-filemtime($filename) < $timeout)) {
* Saves this feed as a file on the local disk. After the file is saved, a redirect
* header may be sent to redirect the user to the newly created file.
* @since 1.4
* @param filename string optional the filename where a recent version of the feed is saved. If not specified, the filename is $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] with the extension changed to .xml (see _generateFilename()).
* @param redirect boolean optional send an HTTP redirect header or not. If true, the user will be automatically redirected to the created file.
function saveFeed($filename="", $displayContents=true) {
if ($filename=="") {
$filename = $this->_generateFilename();
$feedFile = fopen($filename, "w+");
if ($feedFile) {
if ($displayContents) {
} else {
echo " Error creating feed file, please check write permissions. ";
* FeedDate is an internal class that stores a date for a feed or feed item.
* Usually, you won't need to use this.
class FeedDate {
var $unix;
* Creates a new instance of FeedDate representing a given date.
* Accepts RFC 822, ISO 8601 date formats as well as unix time stamps.
* @param mixed $dateString optional the date this FeedDate will represent. If not specified, the current date and time is used.
function FeedDate($dateString="") {
if ($dateString=="") $dateString = date("r");
if (is_integer($dateString)) {
$this->unix = $dateString;
if (preg_match("~(?:(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),\\s+)?(\\d{1,2})\\s+([a-zA-Z]{3})\\s+(\\d{4})\\s+(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\\s+(.*)~",$dateString,$matches)) {
$months = Array("Jan"=>1,"Feb"=>2,"Mar"=>3,"Apr"=>4,"May"=>5,"Jun"=>6,"Jul"=>7,"Aug"=>8,"Sep"=>9,"Oct"=>10,"Nov"=>11,"Dec"=>12);
$this->unix = mktime($matches[4],$matches[5],$matches[6],$months[$matches[2]],$matches[1],$matches[3]);
if (substr($matches[7],0,1)=='+' or substr($matches[7],0,1)=='-') {
$tzOffset = (substr($matches[7],0,3) * 60 + substr($matches[7],-2)) * 60;
} else {
if (strlen($matches[7])==1) {
$oneHour = 3600;
$ord = ord($matches[7]);
if ($ord < ord("M")) {
$tzOffset = (ord("A") - $ord - 1) * $oneHour;
} elseif ($ord >= ord("M") AND $matches[7]!="Z") {
$tzOffset = ($ord - ord("M")) * $oneHour;
} elseif ($matches[7]=="Z") {
$tzOffset = 0;
switch ($matches[7]) {
case "UT":
case "GMT": $tzOffset = 0;
$this->unix += $tzOffset;
if (preg_match("~(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})T(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})(.*)~",$dateString,$matches)) {
$this->unix = mktime($matches[4],$matches[5],$matches[6],$matches[2],$matches[3],$matches[1]);
if (substr($matches[7],0,1)=='+' or substr($matches[7],0,1)=='-') {
$tzOffset = (substr($matches[7],0,3) * 60 + substr($matches[7],-2)) * 60;
} else {
if ($matches[7]=="Z") {
$tzOffset = 0;
$this->unix += $tzOffset;
$this->unix = 0;
* Gets the date stored in this FeedDate as an RFC 822 date.
* @return a date in RFC 822 format
function rfc822() {
//return gmdate("r",$this->unix);
* Gets the date stored in this FeedDate as an ISO 8601 date.
* @return a date in ISO 8601 format
function iso8601() {
$date = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s",$this->unix);
$date = substr($date,0,22) . ':' . substr($date,-2);
if (TIME_ZONE!="") $date = str_replace("+00:00",TIME_ZONE,$date);
return $date;
* Gets the date stored in this FeedDate as unix time stamp.
* @return a date as a unix time stamp
function unix() {
return $this->unix;
* RSSCreator10 is a FeedCreator that implements RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0.
* @see http://www.purl.org/rss/1.0/
* @since 1.3
* @author Kai Blankenhorn */
class RSSCreator10 extends FeedCreator {
* Builds the RSS feed's text. The feed will be compliant to RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0.
* The feed will contain all items previously added in the same order.
* @return string the feed's complete text
function createFeed() {
$feed = "encoding."\"?>\n";
$feed.= $this->_createGeneratorComment();
if ($this->cssStyleSheet=="") {
$cssStyleSheet = "http://www.w3.org/2000/08/w3c-synd/style.css";
$feed.= $this->_createStylesheetReferences();
$feed.= " $feed.= " xmlns=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/\"\n";
$feed.= " xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n";
$feed.= " xmlns:slash=\"http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/\"\n";
$feed.= " xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n";
$feed.= " syndicationURL."\">\n";
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->title)."\n";
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->description)."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->link."\n";
if ($this->image!=null) {
$feed.= " image->url."\" />\n";
$now = new FeedDate();
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($now->iso8601())."\n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " \n";
for ($i=0;$iitems);$i++) {
$feed.= " items[$i]->link)."\"/>\n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " \n";
if ($this->image!=null) {
$feed.= " image->url."\">\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->image->title."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->image->link."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->image->url."\n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, " ");
* RSSCreator091 is a FeedCreator that implements RSS 0.91 Spec, revision 3.
* @see http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-spec-0.91.html
* @since 1.3
* @author Kai Blankenhorn */
class RSSCreator091 extends FeedCreator {
* Stores this RSS feed's version number.
* @access private
var $RSSVersion;
function RSSCreator091() {
$this->contentType = "application/rss+xml";
* Sets this RSS feed's version number.
* @access private
function _setRSSVersion($version) {
$this->RSSVersion = $version;
* Builds the RSS feed's text. The feed will be compliant to RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0.
* The feed will contain all items previously added in the same order.
* @return string the feed's complete text
function createFeed() {
$feed = "encoding."\"?>\n";
$feed.= $this->_createGeneratorComment();
$feed.= $this->_createStylesheetReferences();
$feed.= "RSSVersion."\">\n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->title),100)."\n";
$this->descriptionTruncSize = 500;
$feed.= " ".$this->getDescription()."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->link."\n";
$now = new FeedDate();
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($now->rfc822())."\n";
$feed.= " ".FEEDCREATOR_VERSION."\n";
if ($this->image!=null) {
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " ".$this->image->url."\n";
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->image->title),100)."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->image->link."\n";
if ($this->image->width!="") {
$feed.= " ".$this->image->width."\n";
if ($this->image->height!="") {
$feed.= " ".$this->image->height."\n";
if ($this->image->description!="") {
$feed.= " ".$this->image->getDescription()."\n";
$feed.= " \n";
if ($this->language!="") {
$feed.= " ".$this->language."\n";
if ($this->copyright!="") {
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->copyright),100)."\n";
if ($this->editor!="") {
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->editor),100)."\n";
if ($this->webmaster!="") {
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->webmaster),100)."\n";
if ($this->pubDate!="") {
$pubDate = new FeedDate($this->pubDate);
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($pubDate->rfc822())."\n";
if ($this->category!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->category)."\n";
if ($this->docs!="") {
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->docs),500)."\n";
if ($this->ttl!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->ttl)."\n";
if ($this->rating!="") {
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars($this->rating),500)."\n";
if ($this->skipHours!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->skipHours)."\n";
if ($this->skipDays!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->skipDays)."\n";
$feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->additionalElements, " ");
for ($i=0;$iitems);$i++) {
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " ".FeedCreator::iTrunc(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->items[$i]->title)),100)."\n";
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->link)."\n";
$feed.= " ".$this->items[$i]->getDescription()."\n";
if ($this->items[$i]->author!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->author)."\n";
// on hold
if ($this->items[$i]->source!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->source)."\n";
if ($this->items[$i]->category!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->category)."\n";
if ($this->items[$i]->comments!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->comments)."\n";
if ($this->items[$i]->date!="") {
$itemDate = new FeedDate($this->items[$i]->date);
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($itemDate->rfc822())."\n";
if ($this->items[$i]->guid!="") {
$feed.= " ".htmlspecialchars($this->items[$i]->guid)."\n";
$feed.= $this->_createAdditionalElements($this->items[$i]->additionalElements, " ");
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= " \n";
$feed.= "\n";
return $feed;
* RSSCreator20 is a FeedCreator that implements RDF Site Summary (RSS) 2.0.
* @see http://backend.userland.com/rss
* @since 1.3
* @author Kai Blankenhorn */
class RSSCreator20 extends RSSCreator091 {
function RSSCreator20() {
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