以下是自己以前写的vb 读写操作xml 完正的类模块,
Option Explicit
Public name As String '目录名称
Public val As String '只有在是叶子的时候才有用
Private Ctree() As cls_Tree '本目录的下级目录
Private Cyezi() As cls_Tree '本目录的叶子
Public filename As String
'Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Erase Ctree
Erase Cyezi
End Sub
Public Function Delyezi(ByVal path As String, ByVal name As String) As Boolean
''on error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
Dim cnt1 As Integer
Dim node As cls_Tree
Dim t1() As String
Dim child() As cls_Tree
Dim count As Integer
path = Replace(Trim(Replace(path, "/", " ")), " ", "/") '把两边的/全去掉
t1 = Split(path, "/")
If Len(path) = 0 Then
If ZBound(Cyezi) = -1 Then Exit Function '没有就不用删除了
For count = 0 To ZBound(Cyezi)
'If Cyezi(count).name = t1(0) Then
If Cyezi(count).name = name Then
Set Cyezi(count) = Nothing
Exit For
End If
If count > UBound(Cyezi) Then '没有找到则退出
Exit Function
End If
If UBound(Cyezi) = 0 Then '最后一个了,因为不能删除,所以把它转成别的类型
Erase Cyezi
Exit Function
End If
ReDim child(UBound(Cyezi)) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
Set child(cnt1) = Cyezi(cnt1)
ReDim Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi) - 1) As cls_Tree
If UBound(Cyezi) <> -1 Then
For cnt1 = 0 To count - 1
Set Cyezi(cnt1) = child(cnt1)
For cnt1 = count + 1 To UBound(child)
Set Cyezi(cnt1 - 1) = child(cnt1)
Exit Function
End If
End If
path = Mid(path, Len(t1(0)) + 1, Len(path))
If ZBound(Ctree) = -1 Then
Exit Function '没有就不用删除了
For count = 0 To UBound(Ctree)
If Ctree(count).name = t1(0) Then
If Len(name) <> 0 Then '让它删记录去
Call Ctree(count).Delyezi(path, name)
Exit Function
If Len(path) = 0 Then '当前目录,则删除
Exit For
Call Ctree(count).Delyezi(path, name)
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If count > ZBound(Ctree) Then '没有找到则退出
Exit Function
End If
If ZBound(Ctree) < 0 Then
Erase Ctree
Exit Function
End If
ReDim child(ZBound(Ctree)) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To ZBound(Ctree)
Set child(cnt1) = Ctree(cnt1)
If ZBound(Ctree) = 0 Then
Erase Ctree
ReDim Ctree(UBound(Ctree) - 1) As cls_Tree
If UBound(Ctree) <> -1 Then
For cnt1 = 0 To count - 1
Set Ctree(cnt1) = child(cnt1)
For cnt1 = count + 1 To UBound(child)
Set Ctree(cnt1 - 1) = child(cnt1)
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function AddYezi(ByVal path As String, ByVal name As String, ByVal val As String) As cls_Tree
''on error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
Dim node
Dim childnode As cls_Tree
Dim t1 As String
Dim t2() As String
Dim child() As cls_Tree
Dim cnt1 As Integer
Dim count As Integer
path = Replace(Trim(Replace(path, "/", " ")), " ", "/") '把两边的/全去掉
If Len(path) = 0 Then
If Len(name) = 0 Then
Set AddYezi = Me
Exit Function
End If
If isnothing(Cyezi) = True Then
ReDim Cyezi(0) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
If Cyezi(cnt1).name = name And Len(name) <> 0 Then
'AddYezi = Cyezi(cnt1).AddYezi(path, name, val)
Cyezi(cnt1).val = val
Exit Function
End If
ReDim child(UBound(Cyezi)) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
Set child(cnt1) = Cyezi(cnt1)
ReDim Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi) + 1) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(child)
Set Cyezi(cnt1) = child(cnt1)
End If
Set Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi)) = New cls_Tree
Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi)).name = name
Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi)).val = val
Set AddYezi = Cyezi(UBound(Cyezi))
Exit Function '总返回
End If
t2 = Split(path, "/")
t1 = t2(0)
path = Mid(path, Len(t1) + 2, Len(path))
If isnothing(Ctree) = True Then
ReDim Ctree(0) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Ctree)
If Ctree(cnt1).name = t1 Then
Set AddYezi = Ctree(cnt1).AddYezi(path, name, val)
Exit Function
End If
ReDim child(UBound(Ctree)) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Ctree)
Set child(cnt1) = Ctree(cnt1)
ReDim Ctree(UBound(Ctree) + 1) As cls_Tree
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(child)
Set Ctree(cnt1) = child(cnt1)
End If
Set Ctree(UBound(Ctree)) = New cls_Tree
Ctree(UBound(Ctree)).name = t1
Set AddYezi = Ctree(UBound(Ctree)).AddYezi(path, name, val)
End Function
'查找一个记录,如果name为空认为是要反回这个目录' mo 为没有找到时返回的默认值(只对查找名称时有效)
Public Function FindYezi(ByVal path As String, ByVal name As String, ByVal mo As String) As Variant
' ''on error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer
Dim cnt1 As Integer
Dim node As cls_Tree
Dim t1() As String
Dim child() As cls_Tree
Dim count As Integer
path = Replace(Trim(Replace(path, "/", " ")), " ", "/") '把两边的/全去掉
t1 = Split(path, "/")
If Len(path) = 0 Then
If Len(name) = 0 Then '要这个目录的全部
Dim ret() As String
If isnothing(Cyezi) <> True Then
ReDim ret(UBound(Cyezi), 1) As String
For cnt1 = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
ret(cnt1, 0) = Cyezi(cnt1).name
ret(cnt1, 1) = Cyezi(cnt1).val
End If
FindYezi = ret
Exit Function
End If
If isnothing(Cyezi) = False Then
For count = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
If Cyezi(count).name = name Then
FindYezi = Cyezi(count).val
Exit Function
End If
End If
FindYezi = mo
Exit Function
End If
path = Mid(path, Len(t1(0)) + 1, Len(path))
If isnothing(Ctree) = True Then
' Me.AddYezi t1(0) & "/" & path, "", ""
FindYezi = mo
Exit Function
End If
For count = 0 To UBound(Ctree)
If Ctree(count).name = t1(0) Then
FindYezi = Ctree(count).FindYezi(path, name, mo)
Exit Function
End If
FindYezi = mo
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function ReadFile(name As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim flbuff As String '保存文件内容
Dim fp As Integer
ReadFile = False
If Len(name) = 0 Then name = filename
If Len(name) = 0 Then Exit Function
If Len(filename) = 0 Then filename = name
fp = FreeFile
Dim fpbuff As String
flbuff = ""
If FindFile(name) = "" Then Exit Function
Open name For Input As fp
Dim lbyte As String
While EOF(fp) = False
lbyte = Input(1, fp)
If lbyte = """" Then
flbuff = flbuff & lbyte
Do While (1 Or EOF(fp) = False)
lbyte = Input(1, fp)
If lbyte = """" Then Exit Do
flbuff = flbuff & lbyte
End If
If lbyte <> vbTab And lbyte <> vbCr And lbyte <> Chr(10) And lbyte <> " " Then
flbuff = flbuff & lbyte
End If
Close fp
' 把没用的字符去掉
' flbuff = Replace(flbuff, vbTab, "")' flbuff = Replace(flbuff, vbCr, "")' flbuff = Replace(flbuff, vbCrLf, "")' flbuff = Replace(flbuff, Chr(10), "")
flbuff = Mid(flbuff, InStr(1, flbuff, ">") + 1, Len(flbuff)) '去掉第一行的XML注释
read flbuff
End Function
Public Function SaveFile(name As String) As Boolean
Dim fp As Integer
If Len(name) = 0 Then name = filename
If Len(name) = 0 Then Exit Function
fp = FreeFile
Open name For Output As fp
Print #fp, ""
mywrite 0, fp
Close fp
End Function
' 一个递归函数,用来添加字符
Public Function read(ByRef buff As String) As cls_Tree
On Error Resume Next
Dim c1 As String
Dim ntree As cls_Tree
buff = Trim(buff)
If Len(buff) = 0 Then Exit Function
If Mid(buff, 1, 1) <> "<" Then
Exit Function '违犯规则
End If
'While Mid(buff, 1, 2) <> ""
If Mid(buff, 1, 2) = "" Then Exit Function
c1 = Mid(buff, 2, InStr(1, buff, ">") - 2)
buff = Mid(buff, Len(c1) + 3, Len(buff))
If c1 = "" Then Exit Function
If Mid(c1, 1, 1) = "/" Then Exit Function
If InStr(1, c1, "=") = 0 Then '是目录
Set ntree = AddYezi(XmlToStr(c1), "", "")
While StrComp(Mid(buff, 1, 2), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 And Len(buff) <> 0 '0是完全相同,1是部分相同,-1是不相同
ntree.read buff
If Len(buff) = 0 Then Exit Function
buff = Mid(buff, InStr(1, buff, ">") + 1, Len(buff))
Dim str1() As String
str1 = Split(c1, """")
Call AddYezi("", XmlToStr(str1(1)), XmlToStr(str1(3)))
End If
End Function
Public Function mywrite(ceng As Integer, fp As Integer)
''on error Resume Next
If fp = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim cnt1 As Integer
Dim cnt2 As Integer
If isnothing(Ctree) = False Then
For cnt2 = 0 To UBound(Ctree)
Print #fp, Space(ceng * 4) & "<" & StrToXml(Ctree(cnt2).name) & ">"
Ctree(cnt2).mywrite ceng + 1, fp
Print #fp, Space(ceng * 4) & "" & StrToXml(Ctree(cnt2).name) & ">"
End If
If isnothing(Cyezi) = False Then
For cnt2 = 0 To UBound(Cyezi)
Print #fp, Space(ceng * 4) & "<" & StrToXml(Cyezi(cnt2).name) & ">" & StrToXml(Cyezi(cnt2).val) & "" & StrToXml(Cyezi(cnt2).name) & ">"
End If
End Function
Public Function StrToXml(ByVal str As String) As String
str = Replace(str, "&", "&")
str = Replace(str, ">", ">")
str = Replace(str, """", """)
str = Replace(str, "<", "<")
StrToXml = str
End Function
Public Function XmlToStr(ByVal xml As String) As String
xml = Replace(xml, ">", ">", 1)
xml = Replace(xml, """, """", 1)
xml = Replace(xml, "<", "<", 1)
xml = Replace(xml, "&", "&", 1)
XmlToStr = xml
End Function