Careercup - Microsoft面试题 - 4639756264669184

2014-05-12 06:42



Write your own regular expression parser for following condition: 

az*b can match any string that starts with and ends with b and 0 or more Z's between. for e.g. azb, azzzb etc. 

a.b can match anything between a and b e.g. ajsdskjb etc. 

Your function will have to parameters: Input String and Regex. Return true/false if the input string satisfies the regex condition. Note: The input string can contain multiple regex. For e.g. az*bc.g


解法:Leetcode上有这题,所以我估计是这题的出题者自己记错了,所以说错了“.”的意义。我的Leetcode题解在此:LeetCode - Regular Expression Matching


 1 //

 2 #include <cstring>

 3 #include <vector>

 4 using namespace std;


 6 class Solution {

 7 public:

 8     bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {

 9         int i, j;

10         int ls, lp;

11         vector<int> last_i_arr;

12         vector<int> last_j_arr;


14         if (s == nullptr || p == nullptr) {

15             return false;

16         }


18         ls = strlen(s);

19         lp = strlen(p);

20         if (lp == 0) {

21             // empty patterns are regarded as match.

22             return ls == 0;

23         }


25         // validate the pattern string.

26         for (j = 0; j < lp; ++j) {

27             if (p[j] == '*' && (j == 0 || p[j - 1] == '*')) {

28                 // invalid pattern string, can't match.

29                 return false;

30             }

31         }


33         int last_i, last_j;


35         i = j = 0;

36         last_i = -1;

37         last_j = -1;

38         while (i < ls) {

39             if (j + 1 < lp && p[j + 1] == '*') {

40                 last_i_arr.push_back(i);

41                 last_j_arr.push_back(j);

42                 ++last_i;

43                 ++last_j;

44                 j += 2;

45             } else if (p[j] == '.' || s[i] == p[j]) {

46                 ++i;

47                 ++j;

48             } else if (last_j != -1) {

49                 if (p[last_j_arr[last_j]] == '.' || s[last_i_arr[last_i]] == p[last_j_arr[last_j]]) {

50                     // current backtracking position is still available.

51                     i = (++last_i_arr[last_i]);

52                     j = last_j_arr[last_j] + 2;

53                 } else if (last_j > 0) {

54                     while (last_j  >= 0) {

55                         // backtrack to the last backtracking point.

56                         --last_i;

57                         --last_j;

58                         last_i_arr.pop_back();

59                         last_j_arr.pop_back();

60                         if (last_j >= 0 && (p[last_j_arr[last_j]] == '.' || s[last_i_arr[last_i]] == p[last_j_arr[last_j]])) {

61                             i = (++last_i_arr[last_i]);

62                             j = last_j_arr[last_j] + 2;

63                             break;

64                         }

65                     }

66                     if (last_j == -1) {

67                         return false;

68                     }

69                 } else {

70                     // no more backtracking is possible.

71                     return false;

72                 }

73             } else {

74                 return false;

75             }

76         }


78         while (j < lp) {

79             if (j + 1 < lp && p[j + 1] == '*') {

80                 j += 2;

81             } else {

82                 break;

83             }

84         }


86         last_i_arr.clear();

87         last_j_arr.clear();

88         return j == lp;

89     }

90 };

