声明:此随笔为在youtube上学习‘ IBM DB2 LUW/UDB DBA Tutorial for Beginners' 课程笔记.
Types of database:
1: Transaction: Day to day transactions (ebay, amazon, etc)
Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Mysql
2: Analytical: Data warehousing (or) Decision Support systems
IBM Netezza, Oracle Exadata, Greenplum, etc
Customize DB2 and then use for warehousing
3: Bigdata: Process huge amount of data
Hadoop, Mongodb, cassandra, etc
What is a DB2?
DB2 is an object Relational Database, primarily designed for Transactional processing.
I am DB2 DBA?
There three e different product streams in DB2 from IBM.
1: Mainframe (z os)
2: i series
3: UDB ==> LUW
UDB: Universal Database
LUW: Linux, Unix & Windows
db2 LUW product editions:
1: Express-c is free for developer community
2: Small Scale business: Express
3: Medium scale business: workgroup
4: Medium to large: Enterprise/Advanced Enterprise
Version: 9.1, 9.5, 9.6, 10.1, 10.5, 11
DB2 Architecture to a developer:
Simple architecture
Operating system (Server)
DB2 Instance
Database 1
Database 2
Operating system (Server)
DB2 Instance:1 (9.5) DB2 instance: 2(10.1) DB2 instance: 3(10.5/11)
DB4 DB5 DB5...
Basic 5 parameters:
Server name/IP Address
Port number
Database name
Storage model:
Database: Repository
This data gets stored in tablespaces
Oracle 11g on Unix/Linux: It's a process based architecture
Oracle 12c on Unix/Linux: can be a thread based architecture if we enable THREADED_EXECUTION
Process (vs) Thread: Thread is super fast than process
DB2 is thread based architecture from long long time
EDU = Thread/Process
Engine Dispatchable Unit
DB2 LUW: It's a single process at high level, with all threads within it
process: db2sysc (DB2 System controller)
IBM Data studio (Control center replacement)
Toad for DB2
Majorly, we work in CLP(Command Line Processor)